Stereo speakers handle the sound, and HD projection keeps everything crisp. 投影仪还配有立体声音箱,高清投影让一切影像极度清晰逼真。

Though you can rent HD content on it, the Fire only supports standard definition video. 虽然能在Fire上租借高清视频,但它本身只支持标清视频播放。

The first to arrive, the 7-inch Kindle Fire HD, is entirely new. 现在,Kindle家族的首位新成员——7英寸版Kindle Fire HD终于登台亮相。

I worked alongside her for many years as EVP of operations at Home Depot (HD). 当初我在家得宝(Home Depot)公司担任运营副总裁,曾与她共事多年。

Streaming HD video for all? 在线播放高清视频呢?