

n. 宇宙;天地万物;万象;(已知宇宙以外的)宇宙。网络。世界;总体;领域。


1. 宇宙,万有,天地万物,森罗万象;全世界,全人类。2. 宇宙,世界,天下,茫茫大千。3. 总域。4. 空间。5. 环境。6. 总体。7. 全领域;【统计学】全域;【逻辑学】整体。8. 【天文学】银河系;恒星与星辰系。


I do not pretend to understand the universe. It is a great deal bigger than I am. ---Tom Stoppard, British screenwriter and playwright.


The universe may be trying to nudge you into a whole new profession, and this could be just the beginning.


In terms of the information from the Universe he is apathetic and sometimes irritable, he is like an ostrich with his head in sand.


As any steampunk world is part of a fictional universe, some artists tend to take the aesthetic into a more abstract direction.【出处】由于蒸汽朋克世界都存在于想象中的宇宙里,有的艺术家把这种美学引向了更抽象的方向。

I realize that this universe is a peaceful paradise. I am totally secure. There is nothing to be anxious about. Absolutely nothing.[翻译】我知道宇宙是个平安的乐园,自己十分安全,绝对无须担挂,没有甚麽值得去烦恼。

The sheer number of planets in the universe is so vast that it's almost guaranteed that intelligent life must exist as a natural part of our cosmic environment. From the smallest subatomic particles to the most complex ecosystems, the universe is home to an incredible diversity of life forms. It's a testament to the remarkable resilience and adaptability of life itself that we have been able to discover even the slightest traces of extraterrestrial intelligence.

One of the most fascinating aspects of this search for alien life is the way in which we are exploring not only the physical properties of planets and moons, but also their internal workings through advanced telescopes and other scientific instruments. We are constantly discovering new phenomena and patterns that help us piece together the puzzle of how life might have originated and evolved over billions of years.

At the same time, we are also learning more about the structure and distribution of all matter in the universe. Everything from atoms and molecules to galaxies and stars is connected by a complex network of relationships and interactions. The web-like structure of this cosmic web is both awe-inspiring and humbling, reminding us of just how small and interconnected our place in the universe truly is.

While some people may find it hard to grasp the idea of virtual reality or artificial intelligence, many gamers find great satisfaction in exploring virtual universes and interacting with intelligent machines. For them, these experiences are a form of entertainment and escapism, allowing them to explore new worlds and encounter strange creatures without ever having to leave their homes. However, non-initiates can often only look on with curiosity, wondering what kind of mysteries and wonders lie hidden within these digital realms waiting to be discovered.