

n. 边境;边界;边缘;国界

adj. 边疆的;边地的




1. But for now, avidly embracing the digital frontier is the best prospect the U. S. has for generating the kind of growth that creates jobs.(但目前,对于产生能创造就业的增长来说,去热情拥抱数字前沿是美国最好的前途。)

2. If he had tried to leave the country he would have been stopped at the frontier.(要是他当时试图离开这个国家,他就会在边界被阻拦。(但他并未这样做。))

3. During the last twenty years, environmental assessment(EA)has developed into a comprehensive and multi discipline frontier science.(环境评价经过二十年的发展已成为一门综合的、多学科天又的边缘科学。)

4. From the early days of popular use of the Internet, the rallying cry was that cyberspace was the new frontier, subject to no law.(互联网自普及之初便喊出了一个响亮的口号:网络空间是不受任何法律制约的新疆域。)

5. To disobey the mind is to sojourn in the frontier, assembling a new reality that awakens you to what you are, outside of the mind.(To disobey the mind is to sojourn in the frontier, assembling a new reality that awakens you to what you are, outside of the mind.)


It is through living beyond our minds and inhabiting the border that we gather a new reality, awakening us to who we truly are beyond our mental constructs. Therefore, it is crucial to define this frontier precisely by always identifying the precise location and point in question. This ensures a clear understanding of what lies beyond our current understanding and opens up new possibilities for exploration.

For those already wealthy and recognized in their fields, fashion often represents the next frontier for conquest. With the constant evolution of style and trends, there is always something new to be discovered and achieved. By venturing into this realm, these individuals seek to expand their horizons and push the boundaries of what is possible.

In an era where advertisements seem to ubiquitously surround us, body billboards could serve as the ultimate frontier. By harnessing technology to project images onto human bodies, advertisers aim to reach a wider audience and create a more memorable experience for consumers. While this may raise ethical concerns about the use of human bodies for commercial purposes, it also presents an opportunity for innovation and creativity in advertising.

Ultimately, whether exploring the frontiers of wealth, fashion, or technology, the key lies in being open-minded and willing to embrace change. By stepping beyond our comfort zones and venturing into uncharted territories, we can unlock new levels of potential and achieve greatness beyond our wildest dreams.