Adverbs and Adjectives
"precisely as stated" - This means that exactly what was said is true.
"the very center of town" - It refers to a specific location, not any other location.
"this is the identical room we stayed in before" - It means that the room is exactly the same one that was previously occupied.
"the themes of his stories are one and the same" - The main idea of his stories remains consistent.
"saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers" - This implies that the same quotation appeared in two different newspapers.
"on this very spot" - It refers to a specific place where an event occurred.
"the very thing he said yesterday" - It refers to something that was mentioned or discussed earlier.
"the very man I want to see" - It means that the person is exactly who is wanted.
"she was very gifted" - This means that she has a natural talent or ability.
"he played very well" - It means that he performed excellently.
"a really enjoyable evening" - This implies that the evening was extremely pleasant.
"I'm real sorry about it" - It means that the speaker truly apologizes for something.
"a rattling good yarn" - This informal term means a captivating story with interesting details.
"precisely so" - It means that what has been said is completely true and accurate.
"on the very next page" - It means right after the current page.
"he expected the very opposite" - This means that he anticipated something different than what happened.