Very是一个常用词汇,它被广泛使用以强调形容词或副词。Not very则通常与形容词或副词搭配使用,表示某事并非全然属实,或者只是在一个小的程度上属实。





The phrase "very much so" is an emphatic way of responding to the question "yes" or affirming that something is true or correct. This expression conveys a sense of strong agreement or conviction. On the other hand, "very well" expresses satisfaction with a decision or action taken. Even when you may not fully agree with a particular course of action, using this expression shows that you have accepted it as the best option.

If someone says they cannot do something very well, it implies that it would not be appropriate or feasible for them to complete the task successfully. In such cases, the use of "very well" would suggest a willingness to accept and work within the boundaries of limitations imposed by one's abilities or circumstances.

In summary, both "very much so" and "very well" are used to express agreement, acceptance, or approval in different contexts. While "very much so" emphasizes strong agreement or affirmation, "very well" conveys satisfaction with a decision or action taken. Additionally, if someone says they cannot do something very well, it means that it is impossible or inappropriate for them to achieve success at that specific task.