
"Very" 是一个副词和形容词,表示程度很高。在英语中,它可以用来加强形容词或副词的程度,或者用来表示肯定的语气。下面是关于 "very" 的一些基本解释:

1. 形容词很,非常; 恰好是,正是; 十足的; 特有的

例如:It's very cold today.(今天很冷。) He was very kind to me.(他对我非常好。) She was a very talented artist.(她是一位很有才华的艺术家。)

2. 副词很,非常; 充分,完全

例如:I will do the very best I can.(我一定会尽最大的努力去做。) She was very hurt by his unkind words.(他出言不逊,使她十分伤心。) It's very important to study hard.(学习非常重要。)

"Very" 相关例句

1. 副词用法

1. It's very cold today.(今天很冷。)

2. I will do the very best I can.(我一定会尽最大的努力去做。)

3. She was very hurt by his unkind words.(他出言不逊,使她十分伤心。)

2. 形容词用法

1. He was caught in the very act of stealing.(他正在偷东西时当场被捕。)

2. The very idea of cheating people again is distasteful to him.(他一想到还要欺骗人就感到很不是滋味。)

3. She died in the very room.(她就是在这个房间里逝世的。)

"Very" 情景对话

A: You've been very helpful/ kind/ considerate.(你帮了我的忙/真好/ 想得真周到)。

B: My pleasure.(非常乐意。)


A: I think I could make you very happy.(我想我能让你非常快乐。)

B: Why? Are you leaving?(是吗?你是说你要离开?)


A: I advise you to take a bus.(我建议你乘公交车。)

B: I think your suggestion is very acceptable.(我认为您的建议是非常可取的。)

Love Should循环轻快的钢琴loop、深沉的人声,配以严谨的合成器弦乐,仿佛一首生命召唤之歌。无论是Slipping Away的空灵辽远、Lift Me Up的欣快积极,还是Very的激烈昂扬,都能令人强烈地感受到爱的热情与力量。相较于专辑Please的叛逆懵懂、Actually的世故不拘、Behaviour里的内敛含蓄、Very的明亮奔放、Bilingual的活泼热情,这一晚纸醉金迷的Nightlife好像是一个在灯红酒绿的夜里踉跄的身影。

I'm a sunny boy, and I like sports very much.我是一个阳光明媚的男孩,我非常喜欢体育运动。

I realize that a lot of man wholly adjust China very curiously, Reason that probably is for Chinese history age-old, I to Canada also very curiously, For what I can tell, There are a lot of China returneds students in Canada.我知道很多人都对中国很好奇,可能是因为中国历史悠久的原因吧,我对加拿大也很好奇,据我所知,加拿大有很多中国留学生。

Willfulness is a very intense character, but common sense should be a character, I hope I know a friend is a reasonable person, a good heart and a sincere heart!任性是非常尖锐的性格,但是要通情达理才会有个性,希望我认识的朋友是个通情达理的人,有一颗善良的心,有一颗真挚的心!

The scientific and reasonable design is very important.科学合理的出水量设计和避免过量抽水,是确保管井良好运行、延长管井使用寿命的关键。

. Using today's software, with perhaps new versions at very low incremental costs, is possible because the PC and network are already in place. This allows for efficient and cost-effective software maintenance and updates.

6. The Black-chinned Fruit Dove was one of the few resident/regular birds that I had yet to see in Taiwan, and it was a new experience for me to be able to observe this species. Although I had to wait for seven hours, I was absolutely delighted to have been able to see this unique bird, especially since I had no specific site in mind for observing it.

7. In a general sense, biologists can study the relationship between the height of trees in a particular forest and the wingspan of the resident birds. This knowledge can help us better understand the environment that these birds inhabit and how it affects their physical characteristics and behavior. By studying this relationship, scientists can also make informed decisions about conservation efforts that aim to protect the habitat and biodiversity of these forest ecosystems.

. 当硬盘硬件出现故障时,我们可能会遇到以下问题:硬盘在CMOS中无法被识别,虽然盘面识别过程很顺利,但仍无法进入系统;分区和格式化操作也无法正常进行。

9. 然而,一旦我有了空闲时间,我却感到非常无聊。

10. 亲爱的朋友们,如果这种情况发生在你们身上,你们的生活可能会变得非常单调乏味。

11. 非线性双曲型守恒律是非线性偏微分方程中的一个核心问题,具有重要的物理背景。

12. 在飞行训练中,你可以先踩刹车,然后用力拉杆使飞机几乎停滞不前,接下来随着飞机开始旋转,加速并完成一个非常陡峭的翻滚动作——即所谓的loop-the-loop。这个术语通常包括向上翻跟斗和向下翻跟斗两种情况。

3. 随着现代高科技战争的发展,传统的短波通信面临着现代电子对抗技术的威胁。为了应对这一挑战,研究和发展高效抗干扰、抗窃听和抗截获的短波通信系统变得至关重要。

14. 另外,骑士在心灵之火和神圣之光的保护下,难以被击败。他们还具有一定的抵抗力,如使用微小的+神圣之光和内火,这使得他们在战斗中更加强大。

15. 为了帮助士兵摆脱困境,女孩匆忙跑回祖母的房间,翻找衣柜里的衣物。经过一番寻找,她找到了一顶非常漂亮的帽子,于是将其交给了士兵。士兵戴上帽子后,似乎感到温暖和安慰,心情也变得更好。

16. 类似地,女孩又回到祖母的房间,找到了一件非常漂亮的外套。她将外套递给士兵,士兵穿上外套后,立刻感到了一丝暖意。这件外套不仅外观精美,而且还能提供一定程度的防护作用。

17. 最后,女孩又一次跑回祖母的房间,找到了一条非常漂亮的裤子。她将裤子递给士兵,士兵穿上裤子后,立刻感到了舒适。这条裤子不仅外观漂亮,而且还能为士兵提供良好的保暖和舒适度。





Not very is often used in combination with an adjective or adverb to convey the idea that something is not true, or only partially true. For example, you might say "Janet looked very pregnant" to indicate that she was visibly carrying a child but not necessarily all the way through. Similarly, you might say "I'm not very good at explaining myself" to suggest that while you have some knowledge on the topic, you don't feel confident in your ability to articulate it.

In some cases, very can be used to emphasize a certain quality that is typically overlooked. For instance, you might say "His taste strikes the English as very French" to indicate that his preferences deviate significantly from what is considered common or mainstream. This usage of very emphasizes the extent to which someone stands out from a group or culture.

Another way in which very can be used is to provide emphasis on a superlative adjective or adverb. When something is described as being the "very best", for example, it implies that there is no better option available. Similarly, when someone says "I am feeling in the very best of spirits", they are emphasizing that they are feeling extremely positive and upbeat.

Finally, very can be used in conjunction with certain nouns to specify an extreme position or point in time. For instance, you might say "the very end" to refer to the final stage of a process or event. By using this phrase, you are indicating that this point represents the most distant possible endpoint. In summary, not very is a versatile word with various meanings and uses depending on the context in which it is applied.


1. "very" + 名词(强调事物的确切性质)

e.g. 在院子的最后面离伦尼几英尺远的地方有一个小木屋。

2. "very" + 名词(强调同一事物的确切性质)

e.g. 我翻到书的最后一页去读最后的文字。

3. "very" + 名词(强调事物的重要性或严重性)

e.g. 每个人都说他是接手这个案子的最佳人选。

4. "very" + 名词(强调事物的重要性或严重性)

e.g. 她正是在这间屋子里死去的。

5. "very" + 名词(强调事物的重要性或严重性)

e.g. 在一段时期内,他的生命都曾一度处于危险之中。

6. "very" + 名词(强调事物的重要性或严重性)

e.g. 甚至于印度的政治基础都被改变了。

There are several words in English, such as Very, so, and too, that can intensify the meaning of an adjective, an adverb, or a word like much or many. However, they are not used in the same way.

Very is the simplest intensifier and has no other meaning beyond intensifying. For example, "The movie was very good" means that the movie was really good. So can suggest an emotional reaction on the part of the speaker, such as pleasure, surprise, or disappointment. In this case, "John makes me so angry!" means that John's behavior makes the speaker extremely angry.

So can also refer forward to a result clause introduced by "so". The procession was forced to move so slowly that he arrived three hours late. In this sentence, "so" introduces the result clause "that he arrived three hours late". This means that due to the slow pace of the procession, he arrived three hours after the expected time.

Too suggests an excessive or undesirable amount, often so much that a particular result does not or cannot happen. For example, "She does wear too much make-up at times" means that she wears too much make-up to a point where it is noticeable or inappropriate. Similarly, "He was too late to save her" means that it was impossible for him to do anything to help her as she had already passed away.


1. 强调词的用法

2. Very

3. So

4. Too

5. Very good用于表示对上级的指示或命令遵照执行

6. The expression very much so的用法和例句

7. 那好吧,行(用于表示同意或接受,即使不是完全满意)


Very well 是一个表示同意或接受某事或某人回答的短语,即使您可能并不完全满意。例如:“我们需要证据,先生。”又是一个短暂停顿。然后,“那好吧。”或者“好的,你自己随意。”等等。



- Britney Spears 是 “非常微妙的” X Factor 评委。

- 公司在上海做得很好,对在北京的业务也非常有信心,正如公司领导人所说,Zara 在市场上获得了强大的品牌认可。

. The professionalism and dedication of the Chinese language teachers and supporting staff at the University of International Business and Economics was very impressive. These teachers and staff members were not only highly knowledgeable in their field, but they also exhibited a strong commitment to providing an engaging and effective learning experience for their students.

4. Your article makes good sense and is very indicative of the business of economics. It highlights the importance of understanding economic principles and how they can be applied to real-world situations. This is particularly relevant in today's global economy, where businesses must be able to navigate complex economic landscapes and make informed decisions based on data and analysis.

5. She expects the domestic business will grow further next year because it is still a very small part of the firm's total trade. This shows that the company recognizes the potential of the domestic market and is willing to invest in expanding its presence there. By doing so, it can increase its revenue and profitability, while also contributing to the growth of the local economy.

6. "The luxury business is very attractive and so is the local potential market," Sun said. Her comments demonstrate the potential for businesses to tap into the growing demand for luxury goods in emerging markets such as China. With its large and growing middle class, China has become an increasingly attractive destination for luxury brands looking to expand their reach.

7. He said the visit was cut short after officials realized the man was trying to pursue "very personal" business with Fritzl. This incident highlights the importance of vigilance when it comes to protecting individuals from exploitation, especially when they are traveling abroad alone. It also underscores the need for increased awareness and education about issues related to human trafficking and other forms of exploitation.

8. One reason is that India's domestic IT services market is very small, providing limited business opportunity locally. As a result, many Indian companies have turned to foreign markets, such as China, in order to tap into new customers and grow their businesses. While this trend presents some challenges for Indian companies, it also represents an opportunity for them to learn from successful international models and adapt them to meet the unique needs of their local markets.

9. China as a super large market is very attractive and provides an enormous business opportunity for East Asian economic development. With its massive population and rapidly growing economy, China represents a key market for businesses in Asia and beyond. By investing in China, businesses can access a large and diverse customer base, as well as a wealth of resources and knowledge that can help them succeed in this competitive market.

Chery, a Chinese automotive manufacturer, is expanding its business scope by making a strategic investment in the shipbuilding industry. According to company officials, this move marks an important step towards Chery's long-term growth strategy and demonstrates its commitment to exploring new avenues for development.

The official noted that Chery's decision to enter the shipbuilding industry is driven by several factors, including the growing demand for marine transportation, the increasing importance of sustainable and green technologies, and the potential for synergies between the two sectors. In addition, the official pointed out that Chery's expertise in advanced manufacturing and supply chain management will be crucial in ensuring the success of the project.

Despite the challenges posed by the shipbuilding industry – which operates under highly regulated and competitive conditions – Chery is optimistic about its prospects. The official expressed confidence in Chery's ability to navigate these complexities and achieve sustainable growth in the long term.

Overall, Chery's foray into shipbuilding represents a bold move by the company as it seeks to diversify its offerings and tap into new markets. Whether this strategy pays off remains to be seen, but one thing is clear: Chery is committed to pursuing innovation and growth in all its endeavors.