
1. Abundantly(丰富的)

例句:We had abundantly packed for the 3 week trip around Asia, leaving almost nothing behind.

2. Acutely(尖锐的,剧烈的)

例句:The artificially intelligent cyborg has an acutely sarcastic sense of humor.

3. Deeply(深深地)

例句:I deeply regret not apologizing sooner to my father after years of silence.

4. Extremely(极其地)

例句:He was extremely passionate about his work and spent long hours every day at the office.

5. Exceedingly(异常地,极其地)

例句:The new car model is exceedingly expensive compared to the previous generation.

6. Incredibly(难以置信地)

例句:The athlete achieved an incredible record time in the race.

7. Intensely(强烈地)

例句:She felt intensely sad after hearing the news of her friend's death.

8. Overwhelmingly(压倒性地)

例句:The majority of the voters overwhelmingly supported the new policy proposal.

9. Profoundly(深刻地)

例句:He felt profoundly grateful for the help he received during his difficult times.

10. Remarkably(显著地)

例句:The artist's paintings were remarkably original and unique.

11. Surpassingly(出乎意料地)

例句:The new restaurant's food was surpassingly delicious, even better than their competitors'.

12. Totally(完全地)

例句:The student totally forgot about the upcoming exam due to his lack of preparation.

13. Unbelievably(难以置信地)

例句:She heard unbelievably good news that she had won a scholarship to study abroad.

14. Uncommonly(非同寻常地)

例句:The musician's talent was uncommonly impressive among her peers.

15. Unimaginably(难以想象地)

例句:The view from the top of the mountain was unimaginably beautiful and breathtaking.


1. Extremely

例:The students’ performance was extremely impressive at the national youth competition. 学生们在全国青年竞赛中的表现令人印象深刻。

2. Exceptionally

例:The mathematician is an exceptionally gifted thinker. 这位数学家是一位天赋异禀的思想家。

3. Extraordinarily

例:You look exceptionally beautiful this evening. 你今晚看起来特别漂亮。

4. Greatly

例:I was greatly appreciative to all the people who came out to support my family during my grandmother’s death. 我非常感激在我祖母去世时出来支持我家人的所有人。

5. Very Unique

例:The salesman can be extremely persuasive when wanting to make a profit. 当销售员想要赚钱时,他会变得非常有说服力。 You have to be an extraordinarily fast runner to participate in the Olympics’ track divisions. 你必须是一个跑得非常快的运动员才能参加奥运会的田径比赛。 The company offered a pay-raise to their esteemed worker, for being an extraordinarily gifted software programmer. 这家公司为他受人尊敬的员工提供加薪服务,因为他是一名非常有天赋的软件程序员。

6. A GreatAmount or Degree of Something

例:I was greatly appreciative to all the people who came out to support my family during my grandmother’s death. 我非常感激在我祖母去世时出来支持我家人的所有人。 The government had a greatly ambitious plan to help boost the economy. 政府有一个雄心勃勃的计划来促进经济发展。



To a higher degree; something very favorable or well done


例句:He is a highly esteemed worker, always giving his best.(他是一个很受人尊敬的工人,遇事总是尽力而为。)

The mother was highly grateful to her children for the birthday party organized by them.(母亲非常感谢她的孩子们为他们举办的生日聚会。)



To a great extent


例句:I want my students to be hugely motivated to come to my class each and every day.(我希望我的学生每天都能积极地来上课。)

We shared a hugely decadent meal amongst friends over our vacation.(假期里我们和朋友们一起吃了一顿极为颓废的饭。)



To a very great extent


例句:She is an immensely gracious person, always a role model to those around her.(她是一个非常和蔼可亲的人,她总是周围人的榜样。)

I am immensely excited for our trip through South Asia.(我为我们的南亚之行感到非常兴奋。)

Intensely 急剧地

To an extreme degree


例句:He loved her intensely, but she did not feel the same way about him.(他深爱着她,但她对他的感觉不同。)

I’ve become intensely paranoid about my security since the robbery in our neighborhood last week.(自从我们社区上周发生抢劫案后,我变得极度担心自己的安全。








当我们想要表达某事物非常好、非常出色,或者达到最高等级时,可以使用"Supremely"这个词。例如:The university has a supremely renowned faculty of professors.(这所大学的学院里拥有非常著名的教授。)For being a used and restored laptop, it’s working supremely well and efficiently.(作为一台使用和修复过的笔记本电脑,它工作得非常好且高效。)
