1E01 Open Government

Polling booths are a common sight during elections, providing a space for citizens to vote and express their opinions. However, for some individuals, their career may be going down the drain due to various reasons. One such individual is Jim Hacker, who serves as the top tip for the Department of Administrative Affairs. Despite his position, he faced criticism from the public accounts committee over the estimates presented during a grilling session. The department's leadership has expressed a desire to cut through the bureaucratic red tape and streamline the old system, in order to bring in new fresh air and allow for more transparency. While this move is met with opposition laughter, it highlights the need for change and accountability within government. Even Her Majesty, who enjoys the business of government despite the presence of politicians, recognizes the importance of transparency and efficiency in governing.

believe he did his boxes last weekend like a lamb. He seemed quite obedient. However, we must take action to prevent Open Government nonsense. If they continue with their rigid and impenetrable secrecy about what they are up to, every one of them would have been a laughing stock in three months. Political dynamite could be dangerous, and the invoice for their activities may contain sensitive information. It's about time they were jolted out of their commericial complacency, as his sharp words appeared to do when he tried to stop them from doing something that could cause harm. We should not be being fobbed off with second-rate American junk either. All hell has just broken loose at Number Ten. It's possible that we could try to cover up this situation, but it's risky if we don't handle it correctly. I unaccountably omitted to rescind an important document, which could have serious consequences. In the first episode of the series, "The Official Visit: Everyone Has His Price", we learn about Tin Pot Little African Country (TPLAC), an Under Developed Country (UDC) that is trying to become a developed country. There is also a discussion about Developing Countries (DC), Less Developed Countries (LDC), and Human Resources Rich Countries (HRRC). The margins of these countries are often determined by their constitutions.

Humpy,一个普通的孟加拉人,却有着敏锐的洞察力。他曾参与过一场肮脏的投票拉票活动,与外国大使馆举行过宴会,并被授予英国帝国勋章——KBE - Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire,第二等高级英帝国勋爵士。但这并非他所喜欢的政治典型。



The following content has been restructured while maintaining the original meaning and style:

Implicitly agree the speech, look foolish, be ignored, which we don't give them any weight. We can't negotiate the oil-rig contracts overreacting to a demeaning title (Permanent UnderSecretary). This is profoundly embarrassing, as he is asking us for 50 million pounds to buy our oil rigs with our own money. He's using blackmail to get out of political involvement. It's like a tide that will soon sweep us all away if we don't restore confidence in ourselves.

In this context, it seems like the Standing Committee needs to find a way to handle this situation. They may need to come up with a strategy that can restore trust in the government while also protecting the country's interests. One possible solution could be to launch a节约运动, where citizens are encouraged to save resources and reduce waste in order to support economic recovery.

This would not only help to improve the economy but also show that the government is taking action to address the current situation. By doing so, they can regain public trust and prevent further damage to their reputation. Overall, it's important for the Standing Committee to find a way to navigate this challenging time and emerge stronger on the other side.

The government has pledged to slim down the civil services and eliminate interference from White

Hall and Townhall busybodies, which will result in significant cuts in bureaucracy. This

will be achieved by conducting a time and motion study of the work processes, using a

business efficiency technique that involves monitoring each step of a task to determine a

reasonable average time to complete it. This method is designed to help identify

inefficient areas of the civil service, allowing for targeted cuts where necessary.

Unfortunately, the public remains largely unaware of the extent of government waste and

inefficiency. As experts in this area, we are well placed to help the country achieve its

goals. I am fully seized of your requirements, minister, and I will do everything in

my power to ensure that the wheels of change begin to turn as soon as possible.

I was shocked when news of the proposed cuts first emerged. It seemed impossible that such

a large amount of money could have been wasted by the civil service without anyone noticing.

However, upon further investigation, it became clear that there had indeed been significant

mismanagement and corruption throughout the system. We now need to focus our efforts on

identifying those responsible for these failures and taking action against them.

One key area for investigation will be the Inland Revenue department, which has long been

criticized for its lack of efficiency and transparency. We will need to have a bit of ferret

around to uncover any evidence of wrongdoing or mismanagement within this department.

In addition, we may need to conduct a similar analysis of other departments in order to

identify any areas where changes can be made to improve efficiency and reduce waste.

Overall, I believe that the time and motion study represents an important step forward

for the country. By identifying areas where improvements can be made and eliminating

inefficiency and waste, we can create a more productive and effective civil service that

is better equipped to serve the needs of the public. However, this will require a commitment

from all members of the civil service to work together towards this common goal.

British Leyland measures their success by the size of their profits, or more accurately, they measure their failure by the size of their losses. However, in our organization, we don't have that luxury. We have to find a different way to measure our success, and that is by the size of our staff and our budget.

This is not to say that we don't value profits or losses. It simply means that we look at other factors that contribute to our success as an organization. For example, having a strong team of employees who are committed to delivering high-quality work is important for us to achieve our goals. Similarly, having a well-managed budget ensures that we can allocate resources effectively and make informed decisions.

Suppose everyone went around saving money irresponsibly all over the place. This would be disastrous for our organization, as it would mean we would not have the necessary funds to support our operations. Therefore, it is important for us to take a responsible approach to managing our finances and ensuring that we are operating within our means.

Politicians need panic, and they need it because it is their substitute for achievement. This is why they often engage in Operation Hair Shirt - a self-imposed punishment for failure. This is not a healthy approach, and it is one that we should strive to avoid in our own organization.

These facts are a frightening indictment of bureaucratic sloppiness and self-indulgence. When the chips are down, the balloons are up, and the lights go out - this is when the situation gets difficult and trouble begins. It does cause profound resentment if those at the top continue to enjoy comforts and convience that they withdraw from those below them. Not to mention the deeply damaging publicity that can result from such behavior.

In conclusion, we must remember that the economy begins at home. It is up to each of us to do our part in ensuring that our organization is running smoothly and effectively. Let us all strive to be responsible members of our team and work together towards achieving our common goals.


在当今社会,专职司机被称为chauffeur,他们是专门为他人驾驶汽车的人。而搭便车的行为则被称为hitch hike或thumb,这是一种互相帮助的行为。然而,有些人过于关注挖掘他人的资源,以至于无法保守自己的秘密。这种行为被称为热衷于互相挖墙脚。这些人个个好逸恶劳,喜欢在背后捣鬼。

过度兴奋的状态有时会被形容为如同一只笨蛋(overwrought as a newt),即非常担忧、紧张和不安的状况。在某个情景剧中,有一句台词:“我们正在迈向一个极权国家吗?”这句话引发了人们对强大甚至极权主义武器的担忧。计算机革命已经将这种强大的武器交给了政府(totalitarian极权主义即完全受政府控制)。

让我们明确地谈论这个问题,而不是绕弯子。某人(Bob)在追问某事,而被追问者却在逃避问题(on the run 逃走、奔波)。



* Minister,你非常巧妙地回避了问题。(waffle:空话连篇,跟beat about the bush意思接近,也指unable to decide。例如:“别再绕弯子了,说重点吧。”/“在这个问题上含糊其辞。”;stonewall:通过大量谈话和拒绝回答问题来拖延讨论或做出决定。例如:“尼克松对水门事件的调查进行了阻挠。”)

* 市财政会议(Conference of Municipal Treasurers)是用来处理城市财政问题的会议。

* 你要尽力而为。(You just have to cope as best as you can.)

* 要么你先发制人,要么他们先发制人。(Either you get them by the throat or they get you by the throat. If you don't strike first, they will strike you.)

* 我的嘴严严实实的封着呢。(My lips are sealed. I must keep my mouth shut.)

* 你了解汉弗莱的战术了吗?(Humphrey got you under control?)

* 我意识到他的技巧的时候,选举已经开始了。(When I did cotton on to his technique, there was the election. Sarah soon cottoned on to what he was trying to do.)

* 汉弗莱的拖延战术(Sir Humphrey's stalling technique):用以推迟决策的方法或策略,使决策者无法立即做出决定。

* 大臣们就停在这里了吗?(Ministers settle for that? Do ministers stop at this point?)

* 创造的惰性(creative inertia):指在没有明确的目标或方向时,人们往往会因为害怕改变而停止创造或创新的行为或想法。

* 政治惰性(political inertia):指在政治决策过程中,由于各种原因而导致的决策迟滞不前的现象。

The relationship between the Civil Service and the Opposition is often a delicate one. While the former are in residence, the latter are often in exile. This dynamic can lead to tensions and clashes, as both sides strive for power and influence.

In some cases, the Civil Service may feel that their work is being frustrated by the opposition. However, it is important to note that the Civil Service is itself an incredibly efficient and professional organization, capable of tremendous energy and speed. It is staffed by many talented, dedicated individuals who do everything possible to help the government and make its policies into law.

Despite these differences, there are times when the Civil Service and the opposition find common ground. For example, during times of public outcry, both parties may come together to address issues and work towards solutions. In these situations, it is important to remember that the Civil Service is actually a marvellous organization, capable of enormous energy and speed.

In conclusion, the relationship between the Civil Service and the opposition is complex and multifaceted. While there may be disagreements and tensions at times, it is important to recognize the incredible work that the Civil Service does and the valuable contributions it makes to society. By working together and finding common ground, we can build a stronger and more resilient democracy for all.


- 我曾经不相信公务员制度能够按时完成任务。但是他们让我相信了这一点。事实上,我的常务秘书为此赌上了自己的名誉。否则,会有人因此丢掉饭碗。无论如何,各位助理主管们(heads will roll 指将受到严厉惩罚)。

- S1E05《写在墙上的大白天下》

- Bernard,不要纠结于细节。(quibble: to argue about small unimportant details 斤斤计较、吹毛求疵 eg: Let's not quibble over minor details./ I've just got a few minor quibbles.)

- 如果你认为这句话完全无法理解,那么你怎么知道它的意思是相反的呢?(不知所云的)

- Humphrey的拖词:As far as we can see, looking at it by and large, taking one time with another, in terms of the average of the departments, then in the final analysis it is probably true to say that, at the end of the day, in general terms, you will probably find that, not put a too fine a point on it, there probably wasn't very much in it one way or the other. (纵观全局,也许不中听)


你好!很高兴你能来。在英式口语中,“pop in”常用于表示“去”,例如:“下次你来镇上的时候,为什么不顺便来看看呢?”(Why don't you pop by the next time your're in town?)

你看起来好像没有回复我的信息。Bernard,你是在故意搪塞我吗?(Pertinent 指的是相关的,Impertinent 也可以指无礼且不尊重的、调皮的。)

除非我不生气。想玩转就难了。(Huff and puff 指的是气喘吁吁、强烈反对,in a huff 指的是气恼。例如:“在经历了很多次的争吵之后,他最终还是同意了我们的请求。”(After a lot of huffing and puffing, he eventually gave in to our request.)或者“她气呼呼地走了。”(She stormed out in a huff.))

Jim 告诉你如何避免拖延时间的方法:In due course, at the appropriate juncture, when the moment is ripe, when the necessary procedures have been completed, nothing precipitates delaying tactics.这会把消极当作积极(Lethargy 指的是懒惰、迟钝、缺乏能量)。



This could be the PM's master stroke in one fell swoop. Approbation, elevation, and castration. 招安、封爵、架空(castrate: to remove the testicles of a male,也可以指丧失力量)在失败中代表恶意。在胜利中代表报复。




The PM's approach is not to rock the boat until it's in the bag. This means that they don't want to cause any unnecessary trouble or disruption until the situation is already resolved. They understand that sometimes it's better to avoid conflict and wait for the right moment to act. This is similar to the saying "shutting stable doors after horses have bolted," which means taking action after the damage has been done. The PM smiles at this approach, not smiling on it. When they get the situation under control, they will show their true smile.

When you get others by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow. This means that if you can catch people off-guard and attack them where they are vulnerable, they will become more willing to cooperate with you. It's important to be strategic and take advantage of opportunities when they arise. For example, in S1E06 of the TV series, Bernard tries to steer the conversation away from himself by asking other underlings for their opinions. This shows that he knows how to read people and use them to his advantage.

It's also worth noting that increasing your knowledge at the expense of your authority can be foolish. While it's important to be informed and aware of what's going on, you don't want to sacrifice your authority or credibility in the process. In this context, "breadwinner" refers to someone who earns the money for their family or organization. They are responsible for making sure that everyone has what they need to survive and thrive.

Finally, we must remember that we are all part of nature and should not be above it. We need to work together and respect each other in order to achieve our goals. In conclusion, I would like to thank you for putting your case so persuasively. Your words were very effective in getting me to see things from a different perspective.

The following essay discusses a particular topic related to the administration of rural areas. The author presents some concerns about the process and argues that it may not be suitable for managing these areas effectively.

One of the main issues with the traditional allocation of executive responsibilities is that it has tended to create a division between those who are responsible for administrative tasks and those who are in charge of more important matters. This division can lead to a loss of amenity, as well as a failure to address more significant problems that arise in rural areas.

For example, one might argue that it is inappropriate to assign the task of managing the countryside to someone who is primarily interested in maintaining the peace and tranquility of the area, while leaving other important duties such as ensuring adequate housing and access to education to others. This approach may seem like a logical separation of responsibilities, but in reality, it can create significant challenges when it comes to addressing complex issues such as poverty and inequality.

Another issue that arises from this traditional allocation of responsibilities is that it can create a sense of alienation among those who are responsible for carrying out these tasks. For example, someone who is tasked with managing the countryside may feel disconnected from their political overlords, who are often engaged in more pressing matters such as foreign policy or economic planning. This can lead to feelings of disillusionment and frustration, which can ultimately undermine the effectiveness of the administration.

Finally, there is the matter of demarcation disputes. In many cases, different groups have been assigned different areas of responsibility within the rural areas, which can lead to conflicts over territory and resources. This can be particularly difficult when it comes to managing natural resources such as land or water, which may be shared by multiple groups.

Overall, the article presents a strong argument for rethinking the traditional allocation of executive responsibilities in rural areas. By taking into account the unique challenges faced by these areas, we can create a more effective and equitable system that better serves the needs of all stakeholders involved.

有四个词能让大臣采纳提案,快捷,简单,时兴,便宜。 还有四个词能让提案被大臣否决,复杂,耗时,昂贵,争议。


- 选择一个简单的方案。

- 选择一个流行的方案。

- 选择一个便宜的方案。

- 避免使用复杂的语言和术语。

- 避免使用耗时的方案。

- 避免使用昂贵的方案。

- 避免使用争议性大的方案。

Make a Clean Breast of It: An Analysis of Corruption and Nepotism in the Public Sector

It is common practice for officials in charge of public projects to engage in nepotism, or the selection of family members or friends for positions of power, regardless of their qualifications. This phenomenon has been well-documented in various countries, including the United States. In this essay, we will explore the causes and consequences of nepotism in the public sector, as well as some potential solutions to this problem.

S1E07 The Jobs for the Boys

The issue of nepotism in government projects is not limited to any one country or region. It is a global problem that can be found in many different contexts. In some cases, officials may be more concerned with rewarding their loyal supporters than with hiring the best candidates for the job. This can lead to a situation where unqualified individuals are given high-level positions simply because they are related to those in power.

A shining example of successful collaboration between government and private industry is the construction of large infrastructure projects such as bridges or airports. These projects require significant investment and expertise, and it is essential that they be managed by qualified professionals who are able to deliver them on time and within budget. However, even in these cases, corruption can still occur. For example, officials may be bribed to award contracts to certain companies, even if other firms have better proposals.

Another form of corruption that can affect public projects is sweeping important information under the carpet. When a large-scale project is being planned, there are often numerous details that need to be considered and communicated to relevant stakeholders. If these details are not properly disclosed, however, it can lead to confusion and mistrust among those involved. For instance, if a major road project is being planned but crucial safety measures are not adequately explained to the public, then people may become concerned about their safety when using the road.

When faced with this kind of situation, it is easy to criticize from the outside with the benefit of hindsight. However, it is important to remember that officials often make decisions based on what they believe to be in the best interests of the community, rather than just what seems like the most obvious choice. Therefore, before making any accusations or assumptions based on incomplete information, it is important to take a step back and try to understand the situation from all angles.

In addition to corruption, another factor that can contribute to nepotism in public projects is the tendency for officials to avoid disclosing important information in order to protect their own reputations. This can be especially true when dealing with sensitive topics such as environmental protection or public health. By keeping such information secret, officials may be able to maintain their political power and prevent unnecessary scrutiny from outsiders.

However, this approach is ultimately self-defeating. When important issues go unaddressed or unnoticed, they can escalate into larger problems that threaten public health and safety. Moreover, by avoiding disclosure altogether, officials are not doing themselves any favors in terms of building trust with the public. Instead, they risk alienating people who are already skeptical of government policies and institutions.

Private projects are often seen as more socially responsible because they are subject to greater scrutiny by private investors who are motivated by profit rather than political gain. However, this does not mean that government projects cannot also be socially responsible. In fact, many successful government projects have received significant funding from private sources without compromising their social responsibility goals.

One way to ensure that public projects are socially responsible is to establish clear guidelines and standards for project management and oversight. This could include requirements for regular reporting on project progress and outcomes, as well as mechanisms for identifying and addressing any ethical concerns that arise during the course of the project. In addition, it is important to involve a diverse range of stakeholders in decision-making processes related to public projects, including members of civil society who have unique insights into local communities and cultures.

Finally, it is worth noting that government officials are not alone in this struggle against corruption and nepotism. Civil society organizations and media outlets play an important role in exposing corruption and holding officials accountable for their actions. By working together with government officials and engaging in constructive dialogue, these groups can help promote transparency and accountability in government projects.

In conclusion, corruption and nepotism in public projects are complex issues that require a multifaceted approach to address. While it is tempting to point fingers at individual officials or groups of officials as responsible parties, it is ultimately up to all of us – citizens, civil society organizations, media outlets, and government officials alike – to work together to promote transparency and accountability in our public institutions. By doing so, we can ensure that our public projects are delivered safely, efficiently, and in the best interest of our communities.

It is undeniable that obsuring your main point and underlining my own can be effective in conveying your intended message. However, there are some instances where such tactics may be perceived as negative or even counterproductive. One example is using language that seeks to diminish or demotivate others, such as calling someone a "wet blanket" or a "blathering bore." Such language is likely to alienate the other person and make it more difficult to achieve your desired outcome.

On the other hand, it may also be appropriate to emphasize your own perspective in order to bring attention to important issues. For example, if you were discussing a topic related to government accountability and transparency, it could be valuable to highlight the importance of protecting ministers from irrelevant information and ending the scandal of ministerial patronage. This would not only help to convey your own views but would also serve to inspire others to take action.

In addition, it is worth noting that certain phrases and expressions may have different meanings depending on the context in which they are used. For instance, the phrase "quango" is often used in British media to refer to a semi-public sector organization, while in American English it may simply mean "government agency." Similarly, the term "clapcrap" is commonly used in British slang to describe a cliché or overused phrase, while in American English it may have no meaning at all. Understanding these subtle differences can help you communicate more effectively with people from different cultures and backgrounds.

Overall, whether you choose to underline your own points or obscure them through rhetorical devices, it is important to approach communication with empathy and respect for others' perspectives. By doing so, you can create a more constructive and productive dialogue that leads to positive outcomes for everyone involved.

He is a blithering idiot, spewing nonsense with abandon. In the face of such a person, a lesser man might try to wriggle out of the situation. However, there is only one honorable and dignified way to proceed. The quango takes two people to dance, and in this case, it will take two to tango. It's a simple truth that no amount of clever words can change.