
卢浮宫的历史可以追溯到13世纪,当时它是建在一个古老的堡垒上的。后来,在弗朗西斯一世(Francis I)的统治时期,卢浮宫开始修建,并在随后的法国君主统治期间不断扩建。直到今天,卢浮宫仍然是一个充满魅力的地方,吸引了无数游客前来参观。

卢浮宫内收藏了大量的艺术品,其中最著名的就是两件与罗马神话有关的雕像:米罗的维纳斯(Venus de Milo)和萨莫色雷斯的胜利女神(Nike of Samothrace),以及达芬奇的肖像画《蒙娜丽莎》(Mona Lisa)。这些珍宝在二战期间幸免于难,因为它们被转移到了安全的地方。


The Louvre is the world's largest art museum and one of the most famous in the world. It houses many masterpieces that attract millions of visitors every year. Among its greatest treasures are two of the most famous sculptures of the ancient world: Leonardo da Vinci's Mona Lisa, which is considered one of the world's greatest paintings, and the Victory of Samothrace and Venus de Milo. The Louvre also houses works by other Italian masters, such as Raphael and Titian, as well as paintings by northern European artists such as Peter Paul Rubens and Rembrandt. During the two world wars, all of the Louvre's priceless masterpieces were removed to secret depositories outside Paris to protect them from destruction. The collections of the museum are administered by seven curatorial departments, including the Department of Egyptian Antiquities, which was established in 1826 to study and display objects brought back to France during Napoleon's campaign in Egypt. The Department of Oriental Antiquities is renowned for its collections of Mesopotamian and Islamic art. Other departments include Greek, Roman, and Etruscan antiquities.

The Louvre Museum is a public museum located in the heart of Paris, France. It houses a vast collection of artworks from various periods and cultures, including the famous Venus de Milo and the Victory of Samothrace. The museum publishes catalogs and brochures to provide information on its collections, as well as the Revue de Louvre, which contains articles on new acquisitions and provides information on museum projects and on other French museums。 The curatorial information on museum projects can be found on the website of the Louvre Museum。