
1. 导演:安德鲁·斯坦顿(Andrew Stanton)是这部电影的导演,他还执导了2008年的另一部著名动画电影《飞屋环游记》。

2. 编剧:安德鲁·斯坦顿、吉姆·里尔顿(Jim Ralston)和彼特·道格特(Peter Docter)共同为这部电影创作了剧本。

3. 主演:本·贝尔特(Ben Burtt)、艾丽莎·奈特(Ellie Sattler)、杰夫·格尔林(Jeff Garlin)、佛莱德·威拉特(Fred Willard)等为这部电影配音。

4. 类型:这部电影涵盖了喜剧、爱情、科幻、动画和冒险等多种类型。

5. 制片国家/地区:美国是这部电影的制作国家,上映于2008年6月27日。

6. 语言:英语是这部电影的主要语言,但它在全球范围内都获得了广泛的成功。

7. 上映时间:影片于2008年6月27日在美国上映,成为当年最受欢迎的动画电影之一。

8. 片长:这部电影的片长为98分钟,适合全家观看。

9. 其他名称:《瓦力》是这部电影在台湾地区的译名;《太空奇兵·威E》是在香港地区的译名;《星际总动员》、《地球废品分装员》、《机器人瓦力》和《walle》都是这部电影的其他名称。

10. IMDb链接:IMDb是一个广泛使用的电影数据库网站,其链接为tt0910970。

In a distant, but not so unrealistic future, mankind has abandoned Earth due to its increasing trash and pollution. The powerful multinational corporation Buy N Large was responsible for the destruction of the planet as they sold products that were detrimental to the environment. In this new world, WALL-E, a garbage collecting robot, is left to clean up the mess.

Despite being alone on a desolate planet, WALL-E is fascinated by the remnants of Earth's history and show tunes. He lives a simple life, working hard every day to keep the planet clean and tidy. However, his life takes an unexpected turn when he falls in love with EVE, a sleek (and dangerous) reconnaissance robot sent to Earth by his creator.

EVE is sent to Earth to find proof that life can once again thrive on the planet, despite its condition. As she explores the ruins of Earth, EVE discovers a small living plant among the rubble. She takes the plant with her, which triggers a series of events that lead to WALL-E falling in love with her as well.

WALL-E saves EVE from a dust storm and shows her where he found the plant. Despite EVE being unresponsive at first, he continues to protect her from wind, rain, and lightning. One day, a massive ship arrives to claim EVE back for the corporation. Wall-e tries to convince the ship's captain to let EVE stay on Earth, but it's too late. With no other option, Wall-e decides to sacrifice himself to save EVE.

As the ship takes off, Wall-e's memories are uploaded into a computer program that is installed on one of their robotic assistants. This program allows Wall-e to continue his work of cleaning up Earth and protecting its inhabitants from harm. His legacy lives on through his love for EVE and his dedication to preserving the planet for future generations.