
终于,地球上交战的各国捐弃成见,携手合作拯救我们的星球。全球联合太空军在银河中寻找充满饮用水和可呼吸空气的新世界,这是人类存活的最大希望。超星门是我们殖民太空的最佳希望。但当人类准备探索无垠的宇宙时,自称为世界暴hearts;乱hearts;分hearts;子hearts;大军的恐怖hearts;恐hearts;怖hearts;分心hearts;子的大军也准备发动攻击。(超星门建筑工地 地球 2058年9月30日)葛里森基地,这是七号运输船请求批准降落的声音。

“Grissom base, this is Cargo 7 requesting landing clearance.”收到,运输船。这里是葛里森星门控制站。

Roger: transport. This is Grissom Gate Control.一请下载安全密hearts;码。一下载中- Please download security codes. - Downloading.我在你的雷达讯号中发现两个光点。I've got two blips inside your radar signature.一检查中。一他们躲在死角袒- Checking. - They're in your shadow.我什么都看不到。Dont see anything。这是星门控制站,就战斗位置。This is Gate Control. Battle stations.就战斗位置。两架暴hearts;动hearts;军战斗机正在攻击超星门。Battle stations. Two Sedition fighters are attacking the hypergate.就战斗位置。Battle stations.星门控制站,这是老鹰一号。hearts;我已经准备好起飞了。Gate Control, this is Eagle 1. Im locked and loaded, ready to fly.收到,老鹰一号。hearts;你可以起飞了。Roger: Eagle 1. You're clear to launch.杰伯,你在哪?兄弟Jeb, where are you, buddy?这场冷战正变得越来越热闹。This cold war just got hot.他们是暴hearts;动hearts;军突击小组。They're Sedition Raiders.又是变hearts;态hearts;自杀攻击小组。Its another mutant suicide squad.来吧,一对一决战,将他们诱闻来。Here we go. Man to man. Split them up.好吧,最后杀掉坏蛋的人得请喝啤酒。Okay, last one to kill a bad guy buys the beer.我要穿越星门。I'm gonna go through the gate.一试着烧到他前面一那不是标准程序,唐- Try and get out in front of him. - That's not standard procedure, Don.我得渗透到它的防护罩袒Gotta get inside its shields.一该死,这些基因科技人丑死了一目标锁定- Damn, you gen-techs are ugly up close. - Target lock.好戏上场Showtime.柏忌一号hearts;发射Yee-haw! Bogey 1 dispatched