
《波普先生的企鹅》是一部家庭题材的电影,于2011年在美国上映。该片由金·凯瑞(Jim Carrey)、卡拉·古奇诺(Carla Gugino)和玛德琳·卡罗尔(Madeline Carroll)主演,导演为马克·S·沃特斯(Mark S. Wahlberg),改编自1938年的同名儿童小说。影片讲述了油漆匠波普先生和他的家人住在一个安定的小镇,但他并不满足于现在平静的生活,而是总想去极地进行探险。这时,一只来自南极的企鹅出现在了他的生命中。有一天,企鹅病了,波普先生向水族馆求救,但奇怪的是,回复他的居然是水族馆的一只企鹅。随后,波普一家便和企鹅们成了好朋友。为了照顾这些可爱的小生命,波普带着企鹅踏上了巡回表演的征途。


I'm a dream weaver pippy,make them believe in the dream and the'll buy anything.

You really topped yourself ,Poper.


Who's ready for a big weekend at Dad's?

I don't wanna go.

It's gonna be fun.

When did I ever disappoint anyboy?On my birthday.

Thomas,your father left you something.

So,where was he?


I'll call you back.

Yeah,Pippy,I'm not coming into work today,I got a pest problem.

For an art bark, press one.

You need marine and waterfront.

Try and we will see sanitation.

OK,too cosy in there penguin.

Since I get home,you're going back where you came from.

Hello,I have to send the penguins back。

St.Penguins?Yes, St.penguins.I don't like you, I don't need you.I don't want you in my life.Hey, Mr. Popper, I got your penguin for you.Does it label one?Oh, really?I could be anybody.Not quite irradiated.Oh, yes.Not fair.Mr. Popper, give me the birds.Can I take the pay right now?Like he's crazy about them.Could you pass the salt?No, OK.Who is responsible for this?That's you're gonna stand the car./formation. Hi.Reformation.Why are you hitting yourself? Why are you hitting yourself? That's not attractive for a zoo official.Jim Carrey.That's bright.Pull yourself together, your house is full of penguins.I know.Mr. Popper's penguins.Hey kids, check this out, imp.Shuffle ball step, shuffle ball lunge, step ball change, step ball change,stepball change, word.