can't quite breathe alone

The patience pressing harder still

Have I lost my call

My fantasies all unfulfilled?

What can I liken to these seas?

A kiss before may bury me

To drown within a day is closer than you think

I find less time for those that can't forgive me

I find it hard to keep my hands from shaking

Just one more kiss before the dying

I won't get out

I won't get out alive

It's all uphill from here

I've walked 1,000 miles have you

The final cut to slip, but never had the follow through

A vagrant of song melodies

A kiss before my tendencies

I carry a blade to keep the scars that never wash away

I find less time for those that can't forgive me

I find it hard to keep my hands from shaking

Just one more kiss before the dying

I won't get out

can't quite breathe alone,

The patience pressing harder still.

Have I lost my call,

My fantasies all unfulfilled?

What can I liken to these seas?

A kiss before may bury me.

To drown within a day is closer than you think.

I find less time for those that can't forgive me.

I find it hard to keep my hands from shaking.

Just one more kiss before the dying.

I won't get out alive.

It's all uphill from here.

I've walked 1,000 miles have you?

The final cut to slip, but never had the follow through.

A vagrant of song melodies.

A kiss before my tendencies.

I carry a blade to keep the scars that never wash away.


《美国派6:Won More Time》歌词由susanguitar用户搜集整理,包括歌词、钢琴谱、简谱等内容。该电影当时并未在电影院上映,只是于2007年12月10日发行了DVD版。《美国派6:Won More Time》的图片谱来自互联网以及用户自主上传、投稿、分享提供的免费下载,欢迎浏览。

简介:美国派兄弟会是美国派系列电影的衍生系列,由Andrew Waller执导,杰克·怀特斯蒂夫·泰利等主演。




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