猫:在接下来的冒险中,我发现自己站在了一个十字路口。我要成为一名强盗还是一个英雄?我不知道。唯一确定的是,我是Puss In Boots!

侍卫:你是Puss In Boots吗?






侍卫:她是Alessandra Bellagamba公主,也是我们的国王陛下。












、by the notorious French thief, Le Chuchoteur.

"Le what?" asked the princess.

"Le Chuchoteur," replied the cat. "The Whisperer."

"Why are we whispering?" inquired the princess.

"That is his name! You must find him. I'll pay you anything," said the cat.

"Yeah, your tears are payment enough," agreed the princess. "Grazie! Grazie! Signore Boots, during the robbery we captured three of TheWhisperers henchmen. They are the only ones who know the location of his secret hideout, but they will not talk."

"I will make them talk," declared the cat. "I must warn you, these are the most vile and ferocious mercenaries we have ever encountered."

"I am Puss In Boots. I fear nothing! Open up! Is this a joke?" exclaimed the prince.

"It's not a joke! These guys are devils," replied the guard.

"These guys?" questioned the princess. "Signore, if these devils help you find The Whisperer's secret hideout, I will grant them their freedom. So, kitties, will you help Puss? Princess, your ruby is as good as found. You show Uncle Puss where The Whisperer lives tonight. Late," said the cat as he left to find The Whisperer.

R, we will all go out for fish sticks!" I know you want to play, but Hey, what are you? "No! Wait! Those are mine! No! Stop it, Gatos! This is very bad for my reputation. Pray for mercy, Diablos! What? Why did you do that? No fish sticks for you! In the morning, you are going back to jail forever. Think of your mama. She's going to be very disappointed. You have no mama. I should have known. You are orphans. Well, little ones, so am I. I know it's hard to grow up when you don't know who to trust. Believe me, I was betrayed by my very best friend. He was an egg. He led me down the wrong path just as this Whisperer has done to you. What you need, pequenos, is for someone to point you in the right direction. Someone like me. And I shall call you Perla, because you are one of a kind, and you, Gonzalo, for your scrappy temper. And you will be. Sir Timoteo Montenegro."

Pelita looked up from her book at her father with wide eyes. Gonzalo had always been her hero, but she could never understand why he had chosen to live such a dangerous life. Now she saw that he was not invincible, and that even the strongest man could make mistakes.

"But Dad, can't you fix things now? Can you turn back time and change the past?" she asked, tears streaming down her face.

Gonzalo sighed heavily and took his daughter in his arms. "I wish I could, dear. But the past is set in stone. All we can do is learn from our mistakes and try to make things right in the present. And the future? It's up to us to shape it, not some mysterious force or voice in the darkness."

He looked into his daughter's eyes and said firmly, "And remember, Perla, there is always hope for redemption. Even in the darkest of places, there is always a glimmer of light waiting to be found. So keep your head up and never give up on yourself or others. We may not have control over everything, but we can control how we react to the challenges that come our way. That's what truly defines us as human beings."

0、The Third. Sometimes, a title is all you need. So gather around, my dears, for there is much to learn from Puss In Boots. And after that, the vine grew and grew straight up into the clouds, leading to the Land of Giants. That's all for tonight, my little ones. The secret hideout.


* * *












猫: Good morning, kittens! Run and don't look back!耳语大盗: Bad kittens. 猫: No! Hang on! Oh well. That's that. We did it. Now, it is time for fish sticks!公主: Signore Boots, the kingdom thanks you. Reward him.猫: Oh no no, this is too much. Hey, you dropped one! Ldiota. And I have a gift for you. Your new personal guard. It's OK. They are much better now.公主: Thank you.猫: Now, I have to go. Gracias, my little friends, for you have shown me there is glory, and sometimes gold, in doing the right thing.A