Are we on?


When? Thank you.

Yes. Ill tell him.

Sir, this is Theophilus Hamilton calling. Are you the person that Howard Stevens asked me to contact? Yes, sir. This is he.

Names Howard Stevens. You can call me Red. I need a lawyer for a few business ideas I have...a few still in the dream stage.

Though the skies may weep...the Bible assures us that precious in the sight of the the death of his saints. I wonder who the old man negotiated with for the rain. Well, its a sure bet hes laughin...watchin us get soaked. Yeah, well, now its his turn.

Theres not a person here whose life, in some way, has not been touched by Howard Red Stevens. Red often quoted Malcolm Muggeridge, saying that every happening, great or a parable by which God speaks to us and the art of life is to get the message. May the message of Red Stevens live on forever.

What are you doing? You're gonna get all wet.


Even though Dad moved his corporate offices from Texas many years ago, for tax reasons, he always said he wanted to be buried under Texas soil. Is that him? That's him. Mom. You're late. For what? Give me some of that! Settle down over there. Good morning. Before we start, I'd like to say how much Red... mean to me personally. As you know, we started out as business partners and we ended up as friends. I am deeply grieved by his passing. Yes, well, that's very nice. Now, may we proceed? "Red's will" will be in his own words... still, every bit as legal and binding- Blah, blah, blah. And so my eldest son, Bill... I leave my company, Panhandle Oil and Gas. Currently worth 600 million. However, Bill, since you had zero interest in my company while I was alive, I don't imagine that will change much after my death. Therefore, the board will maintain control.

Excuse me, but my client would like to explore all options for this project. We are looking to expand our business and want to find the best solution possible. Could you please provide more information on what services you offer? We are interested in finding a partner who has experience in this area and can help us achieve our goals. Thank you for your time and consideration.