It was a sunny day yesterday, and Peter went to visit Daming with a birthday gift. However, Daming was surprised since it wasn't his birthday. At that moment, Simon returned with some birthday cards in hand, and Peter realized his mistake. "Oh, it's Simon's birthday today! I remember," said Peter as he handed the gift to Simon and wished him a happy birthday.

1. What was the weather like?

The weather was sunny.

2. What did Peter want to give Daming?

Peter wanted to give Daming a birthday gift.

3. Why did they laugh?

They laughed because Peter mistakenly thought it was Daming's birthday when it turned out to be Simon's.

4. Whose birthday was it yesterday?

Yesterday was Simon's birthday.

5. Did they have fun?

Despite the initial confusion, Peter and his friends had a good time celebrating Simon's birthday together.