

a. How are you from Singapore? 怎么样,你来自新加坡吗?

b. Cries doesn't solve the question method. 哭泣不是解决问题的方法。

c. My name is Guo Xiaoxiao. 我叫郭小小。

d. Have a look at other people like Chris. 看看其他人,比如克里斯特。

e. There's quite a bit of work to do. 有相当多的工作要做。

f. I'm afraid nobody invited me. 哦,我害怕没有人邀请我。

g. Love isn't just about gazing at each other, it's about looking together in the same direction. 爱不仅仅是注视着彼此,而是朝着同一个方向看。

h. A faith interpretation of the past. 对过去的信仰解释。

i. I only want to be your good friend, that's all. 我只想成为你的好朋友,仅此而已。

j. Light shells our love. 轻弹我们的爱。

k. Why are you here? 为什么你会在这里?

l. I got up early today. 今天我很早就起床了。

m. I will be waiting for you to leave, okay? 我会在你去的时候等你,好吗?

n. Graycoat graycoat (repeated twice for emphasis). 灰外套,灰外套(重复两次以强调)。

o. During the past period, we have made great progress. 在过去的一段时间里,我们取得了巨大的进步。

p. That soap opera ended with an affecting result. 那部电视剧以令人伤心的结局结束。

q. It has no obvious reason why things happened like this. 它没有什么明显的原因,为什么事情会变成这样。






P點的y方向的测量精度为P y direction measuring accuracy is [translate]


但愿我所做的都是对的,希望我没有做错,这样你我都好。Hopes me to do is right, hoped has not done wrong, like this your I am all good. [translate]

呀!断裂!关心!断裂! [translate]




我对你的爱情是永恒的,我爱你,直到永远。I love you, to permanent.


如果你不喜欢我,就请离开。Does not like me rolling.

星期六是星期六。Saturday is Saturday.

有些事情你可能难以相信,但是它们确实存在。There are some things you may not believe in, but they exist.

床头柜Excl是指床头柜。Bedr.Excl refers to Bedr.Excl.

楔力是指一种力量,可以在两个物体之间产生压力。Wedge strength refers to a kind of force that can create pressure between two objects.

他并不是一个能够做出决定的人。He is not someone who can make decisions.

如果你不相信,那就是你的不对了。It is not right for you to not believe if then does not exist.

兔子是试验品。Guinea pigs are test subjects.

口号是一种激励人心的短语或句子。Slogans are motivational words or sentences.

我们应该分开,不应该有感情。We should be separate, no feelings?

因为你不值得我这样做,所以我选择放弃。Because you are not worth me such doing, I choose to give up.

蛇舌是一种动物的舌头,形状像一个钩子。Snake tongue refers to the tongue of an animal, shaped like a hook.