
至于天赋,PDD的刀妹天赋是一定会点出战争热诚的。 除此之外,还有很多其他的选择,比如狂暴之心、不灭狂焰、坚决意志等等。具体的选择需要根据对手的阵容和自己的需求来进行调整。

uan Du's Yimu talent is such a set of talents, which is also a talent that follows the trend. Because now the trend is that many AD warrior heroes put attack speed and cooldown reduction in the first row of their talent, such as top lane Jace, Jiamusi and players who point to Ao Du. The prince, Yu Jian, Wei Jian, etc. For Yimu, an attack speed and CD reduction are needed. The faster the attack speed is, the more A you can do. The shorter the CD, the better you can use W skill and E skill in team battle. Then you can point out two weaving, which are perfect for heroes with three cores as the core equipment, because they can frequently trigger these weaving to enhance their damage.

Commander Skill:

Teleportation can instantly support other roads, and after returning to town, you can instantly return to the line of sight to prevent loss of soldiers and experience, and in the later stage you can play 41 points.

Ignite provides a lot of true damage, essential for single-killing.

Flash provides instantaneous teleportation, which can be ran away or chased.

Skill Analysis:

Aerien's Passion 【Passive Skill】

The number of enemy heroes nearby will reduce the duration of control effects on Aoi Liaya.

1 hero reduces by 10%

2 heroes reduce by 25%

3 heroes reduce by 40%

Analysis: Yimu's passive makes her one of the most unyielding heroes in League of Legends. The more enemies there are around, the more resilience she provides. Up to 40%, which is more than what SwiftShoes provides for resilience. Unlike other hero's passive skills, this passive skill does not provide extra damage directly. It provides extra double resistance so that you can see it. However, this passive skill is very strong. Because providing resilience items are very rare, if your damage is insufficient, you can buy attack power equipment. If your double resistance is insufficient, you can buy meat equipment. But if your resilience is insufficient, you can only buy a SwiftShoes point a defense talent and get the last point like everyone else. In other words, you can have the same attack power, double resistance and blood as other heroes through buying equipment and living in the same way as others. But 99% of heroes cannot have such high resilience like Yimu. Moreover, what is most afraid of a half-肉 fighter rushing into the back? That's control. Because compared to damage, enemyADC is sure to lose to you because you have good damage and strength. But if you are controlled, theADC can kite you while hitting you with his shot. But Yimu is not afraid of control and hardly gets kitemed.

Sharp Edge Rush 【Q Key】

Aoi Liaya rushes towards the target and attacks it. If the target is killed, it resets the cooldown time of Sharp Edge Rush and refunds 35 mana points.





刀妹出装方面,多兰系列前期性价比非常高,多兰剑提供血量和攻击力还有吸血,配合W技能的被动效果让刀妹前期续航能力非常强。中期装的话,三相之力永远都是刀妹的核心装备,三相的所有属性都完美的适合刀妹,攻击力,血量,法强,蓝量,攻击速度和暴击都是刀 妹非常需要的。然后就该出肉了,大冰心也是非常适合刀妹的装备,首先很便宜,性价比高,而且提供100点护甲。在六神装方面,对于刀妹来说鞋子的选择基本就两种,一种就是敌人控制非常多的情况下,选择水银鞋,配合被动技能让敌人根本控不住你。第二种就是在敌人是菜刀队的情况下,选择护甲鞋性价比超高。最后一件选择一件复活甲让刀妹在团战时可以尽情地去突敌人后排不怕被秒。

对线技巧方面,在前期以发育为主。最好是把线控在塔下,用Q补尾刀。等到刀妹出了破败就能够和部分战士1v1单挑了。如果有两件套那就可以稳吃大部分英雄。在团战里找个好角度R到最多的人,然后一段E-Q入场刷新Q二段E晕住Q-刷新Q一共打出三次Q技能再加上普攻的爆发无论是前排还是脆皮都很难抵挡这套伤害 。


- 大树的团战能力十分强大,在前期的小规模团战中,大树在有传送的时候要时刻关注其他路的战场与小龙的争夺战,大树的大招与强大的控制技能能够起到非常强大的控制欲吸收伤害的作用。大树要时刻站在团队的前排为队友吸收伤害,而不是多在队友身后放技能。

- 刀妹的主要伤害来源是叠加五层被动后的附带魔法伤害,并不如剑姬、青钢影等的直接伤害。五层被动对刀妹的加持,与血怒之于诺手无异。因此,如何叠被动,是刀妹不管是对线还是团战中需要首先考虑的问题。团战中倒也好,R加Q的连招可以命中 ...



