
Descending the Laurel Walk, I faced the wreckage of the chestnut-tree; it stood up black and

riven, with its trunk split down the centre and gasping horribly.(我走下月桂小径,面前是横遭洗劫的栗树。它黑乎乎的已经被撕裂,却依然站立着,树干中一劈为二,可怕地张着大口。)

This means that the second half of their lives can be painful and often torn apart by infirmity.(这意味着女性生命的后半部分将是痛苦的,经常被虚弱所折磨。)

The four provinces are deeply divided by family and tribal conflicts.(这四个省被深重的家族和部落纠纷弄得四分五裂。)

Riven, the Exile, is here to show you that you can still be a badass even if your sword's been broken.(四分五裂,流亡者,在这里告诉你,你仍然可以是一个坏蛋,即使你的剑的被打破。)

In a world of unpredictable currencies, torn apart by fears of massive inflation and with enormous doubts about the true value of many other financial instruments, gold becomes an attractive option.(在这样一个充斥着不可预知的货币、被大规模通货膨胀的担忧以及对其他金融工具真实价值的质疑而撕裂的世界里,黄金成为具有吸引力的选择。)

Worse, the miners have created a two-speed economy torn apart with "Dutch disease".(更离谱的是,矿业家们造成了支离破碎的“荷兰病“型的双速经济。)

Her heart was torn apart by grief.(悲伤使她心碎。)

Maria: I've driven through Denver, but I've never been to Aspen.

That's because Europeans are deeply divided over what the crisis is really about and disagree on how each country should contribute to solving it.

He has forgotten all that we have done for him, unmade on him, gone unrepaired up a whole row of the grandest currant trees in his garden!