Research in the field of Chinese linguistics often involves a combination of scholarly books, monographs, and chapters published in edited collections. Scholarly books, also known as research books or monographs, provide in-depth analysis of specific topics. One notable example is JIN, Jing's (2018) book, Partition and Quantity: Numeral Classifiers, Measurement, and Partitive Constructions in Mandarin Chinese. This book examines numeral classifiers, measurement, and partitive constructions in Mandarin Chinese.

Monographs are longer works that focus on a specific topic. For instance, JIANG Julie Li, Peter JENKS, and JIN Jing (2022) wrote Chapter in an edited book titled The syntax of classifiers in Mandarin Chinese. In this chapter, the authors explore the syntax of classifiers in Mandarin Chinese within the context of Chu-Ren HUANG, Yen-Hwei LIN, I-Hsuan CHEN, and Yu-Yin HSU's (Eds.) book, The Cambridge Handbook of Chinese Linguistics (515-549). This work was published by Cambridge University Press and is available via DOI 10.1017/9781108329019.028.

Chapters in edited books are another type of publication that can be found in academic literature. For instance, Shi-Zhe Huang, Jing Jin, and Dingshu Shi (2016) contributed to A Reference Grammar of Chinese with their chapter on Adjectives and adjective phrases. This chapter discusses the role of adjectives and adjective phrases in Mandarin Chinese within the broader framework of Chu-Ren Huang & Dingxu Shi (Eds.), A Reference Grammar of Chinese (276-296). This work was published by Cambridge University Press and can be accessed here.

Lastly, journal publications offer another avenue for publishing research findings. For example, JIN Jing (2024) published Encoding complex speech acts via sentence final particles: New evidence from the Changsha dialect (Xiang Chinese) in a refereed journal. These types of publications contribute to the growing body of knowledge on various aspects of Chinese linguistics.

Concentric: Studies in Linguistics

JIN Jing (2023). Attributional versus identificational: A dichotomous analysis of appositives in Mandarin Chinese. Journal of Linguistics, 59(4), 763-794.

JIN Jing, KE Sihui, & LEE Chi-Kin John (2022). Language Interfaces in Adult Heritage Language Acquisition: A Study on Encoding of Nominal Reference in Mandarin Chinese as a Heritage Language. Frontiers in Psychology, 12:790102, 1-15.

JIN, Jing & KE, Sihui (2021). Second Language Acquisition at Interfaces: A Study of the Word Order Variation in the Chinese Nominal Domain (DOI 10.1007/s10936-020-09707-6). Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 50(3), 563-583.

金晶 (2021)。並不唯一的“唯一”:“唯一”的語義—句法介面考察。世界漢語教學,2,192-205。

金晶 (2020)。同位結構“單數人稱代詞+一個NP”語用功能再考察。語言教學與研究,4,81-90。

金晶、石定栩 (015). 句法、语义和语用的互动——从“另外”、“其他”与other、another的对比谈起。 外语教学与研究,47(2),204-213。

金晶 (2016). 汉语[度量短语+“的”+名词]的再分类。 当代语言学,18(2),216-232。

金晶 (2016). 从语义-语用界面看汉语[数-形-量-名]格式。 语言研究,36(1),92-96。

JIN, Jing (2015). The Partitive Construction in Mandarin Chinese.

International Journal of Chinese Linguistics,

2(1), 85-120。

JIN, Jing (2017). A revisit to the [Num-Cl-Modifier-de-N]/[Modifier-de-Num-Cl-N] variation in Mandarin Chinese.

Language and Linguistics,

21(2), 213-253。

金晶 (2012)。 “V了+有+数量短语+(NP)”中“有”的用法特点。 汉语学习,第3期,104-112。

金晶 (2018). 论长沙方言同源宾语结构“V+(宾语)+动量短语+修饰语”。 语言学论文集,57,91-116。

金晶 (2024, March). [Multi-functionality of modifiers in nominal phrases]. School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

金晶 (2019, 11). “唯一”的句法、语义特征考察——兼论DP理论在汉语中的应用性。“生成语法的汉语研究与新时代汉语语法理论创新”副词研究小型研讨会,广东外语外贸大学,广州,中国。

(2017, 11). 同位结构“单数人称代词+人称NP”用法特点的再考察。第六届现代汉语句法语义前沿学术研讨会,香港中文大学。

(2013, 12). 汉语的部分指示词与汉语名词短语指称属性。第四届两岸三地现代汉语句法语义研讨会,香港理工大学,香港。

(2012, 7). 汉语[度量短语+“的”+名词]的再分类。“名词短语结构与名词短语指称”博士研究生国际学术研讨会,北京大学,北京。


金晶、杨阳和李杰恩(2024, 7月)。



金晶(2024, 6). “一整个”的状语用法考察 [一项关于“yi zhang ge”的状语用法的研究]。第五届现代汉语副词语法和语义研讨会,广东外语外贸大学,广州。

金晶(2023, 10月)。


The 5th International Workshop on Syntactic Cartography, held at Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing from December 2022.

劉春雪, 金晶 (2021,7). "Semantic Coloring and Practical Function of Adjunctive Structures: Starting from the Expressions 'Ni Hao' NP". The 6th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, organized by The Education University of Hong Kong, held in Hong Kong from December 2021.

金晶 (2021,5). "Exploring the Pragmatic Functions of Adverbs in Chinese: 'Bian Fen'. The 2nd Modern Chinese Adverbial Syntax Workshop, hosted by Guangzhou University of Foreign Languages and Economics, Guangzhou, China from May 2021.

金晶 (2021,5). "Using Corpus Tools to Study the Pragmatic Functions of Verbs in Chinese: 'Bian Fen' as an Example". The 2nd Frontier Issues in Applied Linguistics Symposium for Chinese Studies, organized by The Education University of Hong Kong, held in Hong Kong from May 2021.

JIN, Jing, & KE, Sihui (2019, July). "Nominal-Level Word Order Variations at the Interfaces: A Study of Adult Second Language Acquisition of Chinese". The Acquisition of Chinese: Bilingualism and Multilingualism, held at Cambridge University from July 2019.

金晶 (2018,11). "Revisiting the Characteristics of the Use of Modern Chinese Adjectival Noun Pair 'NǐzhègeNP'." The 68th National Conference of the Japan Chinese Language Society held in Kobe City University of Foreign Studies, Japan from November 2018.

金晶、柯思慧 (2018,5). "An Initial Exploration into the Interface Features between Chinese Noun-Adjective Clauses and Second Language Learning: Focusing on Chinese Advanced Level Students from Korea". The 4th International Conference on Teaching Chinese as a Second Language, held in Taipei from May 2018.

金晶 (2014,11). "A Reconsideration of the Influence of Adverbs modified by Adjectives on Quantifiers." The 64th Annual Conference of the Japan Chinese Language Society held in Osaka University, Osaka, Japan from November 2013.

金晶 (2013,6). "An Analysis of 'Lìngwài' and 'Qítā'." The 21st Annual Conference of the International Association for Chinese Language Studies held in Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan from June 2013.


金晶 (2012年,10月). 从汉语无定短语[Cl+N]的解读看“V-完”类复合词的语义特征。日本中国语言学会第62届年会,同志社大学,京都,日本。

JIN, Jing (2012年,8月). 普通话中的前分类词“正”(whole)

. 第20届国际汉语语言学协会会议,香港理工大学,香港。

JIN, Jing (2012年,5月). 三类包含“得”(de)的量词表达式在普通话中的用法

. 汉语语序讨论会,香港中文大学,香港。

JIN, Jing (2010年,12月). 计量方法与计量构造

. 2010年度香港语言学会学术研讨会,香港中文大学,香港。

JIN, Jing (2010年,11月). 长沙方言中“V+(宾语)+动量短语+状语”格式的研究。第五届汉藏语法国际学术研讨会(获大会“语法新秀”二等奖),香港理工大学,香港。

JIN, Jing (2009年,11月). “这个/那个A的”句式的分析。第五届现代汉语语法国际学术研讨会(获大会“语法新秀”二等奖),香港理工大学,香港。

金晶 (2009年,6月). 汉语口语“V了+有+数量短语+(NP)”中“有”的用法初探。中国国际语言学会第十七届年会,法国高等社会科学院,巴黎。


金晶 (2015年,5月). 论汉语抽象度量短语的句法结构。中国语言研究与教学学术讨论会,香港教育学院。

in, Jing (2014). 初探现代汉语“部分结构”. 香港教育学院中国语言学系语言组学术研讨会,香港教育学院,香港。

Jin, Jing (2013). 从汉语的部分指示词看名词短语指称属性。 “现代汉语研究之回顾与展望”工作坊,香港教育学院,香港。

Jin, Jing (2011, November). Numerals ≠ Indefinite Quantifiers. 第1届哈佛研究生语言学工作坊,哈佛大学,波士顿。