Remember, a term that originated in Old French and Latin, has its roots in the Latin word "remembrer", meaning "to remember". This term is derived from the combination of "re-", meaning "again", and "memor", which comes from PIE root *(s)mer-(1) meaning "to retain in mind". The term's meaning of "call to mind; remind one that something exists in memory without necessarily having it present at the moment" first appeared in the late 14th century. The term "mention" for bringing something back into memory or consciousness, and its application to people, first emerged in the 1550s.

The medieval English language also had words like "hit remembreth me", which means "I remember". Similarly, the Anglo-Saxon language included a corresponding verb called "gemunan". The common practice of inserting a 'b' between 'm' and the following vowel (especially in words with silent final vowels like "number", "chamber", and "humble"), is often seen in these words.

When we use the words "remember", "recollect", and "remembrance", it implies that something exists in memory, but not necessarily that it is present in our thoughts at the time. It suggests a return of information without any particular effort being exerted. On the other hand, "recollect" implies that after some effort has been exerted, a fact or memory that was forgotten or partially lost can be recalled and brought into conscious mind. Finally, "remembrance" refers to the store-house of memories, while “recollection” is the act of selecting particular pieces from this repository.

In modern English usage, both terms have similar meanings, though "recollect" is used less frequently than "remember". In general, we use "remember" when we want to convey that we simply recall information, whereas we use "recollect" when we want to emphasize the effort put in to bring something back into our memory.



