
1. 他的房子是我童年时期唯一的固定居所。(原句翻译:His house was the only settled home I had as a child.)

2. 当动脉发生病变时,移植成为了唯一的治疗希望。(原句翻译:The arteries are diseased and a transplant is the only hope.)

3. 尽管鲁宾逊咖啡屋里的人正在逐渐减少,但这个过程并不迅速。(原句翻译:The crowd in Robinson's Coffee-House was thinning, but only by degrees.)

4. 对于可用水的总量,他们只有模糊的概念。(原句翻译:They have only a vague idea of the amount of water available.)

5. 在同一时间,我们在同一所学院就读,而那时这所学院只招男生。(原句翻译:We were in the same college, which was male-only at that time.)