1. have sth. on the brain(对某事热心):例如:“I'm having a lot of ideas on how to improve our marketing strategy.”(关于如何改进我们的营销策略,我有很多想法。)
2. brain的近义词:例如:“Some of the best brains in the province are here tonight.” (今晚我们省内的一些智囊人物云集在这里。)
3. He's got brains.(他有头脑。):这是一个常用的口语表达,表示对某人的能力或智慧表示赞美。
4. Use your brains.(动动脑筋。):这是一个鼓励别人发挥创造力和智慧的表达。
5. He is the brains of the company.(他是该公司的智囊。):这是一个表示某人在公司中具有重要决策能力的表达。
In this paper, we aim to present an overview of current research on the innateness of language, focusing on a number of alternative approaches that have been proposed to explain this phenomenon. Specifically, we will examine how recent empirical studies on language acquisition and the brain may challenge traditional nativist positions.
One such approach is to look at the role of nerve fibers in language learning. These fibers connect the brain or spinal cord with various parts of the body, such as the eyes, ears, muscles, glands, and more. By understanding how these fibers function, researchers hope to shed light on why some individuals may be more predisposed to learning languages naturally than others.
Another area of interest is brain development and plasticity. Recent studies have shown that even very young children can learn complex language tasks, suggesting that there may be inherent mechanisms in the brain that support language acquisition from an early age. This has led researchers to question whether innateness is simply a matter of timing, or if there are other factors at play as well.
Moreover, there is evidence to suggest that certain genetic factors may contribute to one's ability to learn languages naturally. For example, some studies have found links between specific genes and language proficiency across different populations. While these findings are still in their early stages, they offer a glimpse into the potential genetic underpinnings of language aptitude.
Finally, it is worth noting that there are many alternative explanations for natural language acquisition besides those rooted in innateness. Some argue that language is primarily learned through social interaction with others, while others emphasize the importance of cultural context and exposure to diverse linguistic inputs. By considering these and other perspectives on language learning, we can build a more nuanced understanding of how humans acquire and use language over time.
. 因此,在法律医学领域中,研究脑干损伤的病理学改变以确定死因具有重要意义。
8. 阅读被认为是一种创造性活动,它需要大脑积极参与思维过程。
9. 如果你遵循这些规则,你在晚上也会更快地入睡,因为在一天结束时,你的大脑会将血清素代谢成天然的睡眠促进剂三聚氰胺,从而帮助你更快地进入睡眠状态。
10. brain在线翻译:目的是研究精氨酸加压素C端五肽片段ZNCPR在大鼠脑内的结合位点。
11. 随着智能汽车和智能大脑技术的发展,我相信我们的生活将变得更加美好和持久。
2. 荷兰乌特勒支大学医疗中心的神经学家Paul Smeets进行了一项大脑扫描实验,结果显示,志愿者在喝了含有糖分和不含卡路里甜味料混合物的橘子汁后,大脑活动模式有所差异。这一实验进一步证明了大脑对食物成分的敏感性以及不同甜味料对大脑活动的影响。
13. Paul Smeets在进行这项实验之前,虽然学过基本的太空学和舰对舰作战策略,但他意识到这远远不够。他将这些知识比喻为在一个只有基本工具的情况下尝试进行大脑外科手术,暗示了现有的知识和技术在解释大脑功能方面还有很大的局限性。
14. 在实验中,南茜脑部出现了一种特殊的结构,这种结构被称为“帮助器”。与其他人的大脑相比,南茜的大脑具有这种特殊的结构,使得她能够更轻易地理解大千世界的语言——ONE。这一发现揭示了大脑功能的个性化差异,以及个体之间在认知能力上的差距。
15. 通过算法式的形成,大脑可以识别和处理各种信息。这种变化使具有晶体状大脑的个体能够更好地理解ONE语言中的宏观概念。这一研究结果表明,通过不断优化大脑结构和功能,人类有可能实现更高层次的认知能力和智慧。
Safari Island是一款拥有三款游戏模式和60个令人脑筋急转弯的关卡的游戏,整个家庭都会一次又一次地沉浸在这次探险中!
脑(brain)是指人脑,位于头部内部,负责控制身体的各种活动并使我们能够思考和感受诸如热和疼痛等事物。例如:“她的父亲死于脑瘤。” 在这个例子中,“脑瘤”就是指一种发生在大脑内的肿瘤。
头脑(brain)是指一个人的智力和思维能力。例如:“一旦停止使用大脑,人很快就会变得迟钝。” 另外,“用这个智力游戏锻炼你的思维能力。” 也是在强调锻炼大脑的重要性。
智力(intelligence)是指一个人的智慧和头脑。例如:“用这个智力游戏锻炼你的思维能力。” 这也是在强调锻炼大脑的重要性。
当某人受到猛烈打击时,可能会造成头部受伤,这也可以用“brain someone”来形容。例如,他当时威胁要当场打爆对方的脑袋。
此外,“beat someone's brains out”或“bash their brains in”意味着用力猛击某人的头部,以致严重受伤甚至死亡。例如,他们在对方身边举着棍子监视,仿佛要将其脑袋揍得粉碎。
To blow someone's brains out means to shoot them in the head, killing them. For example, "Give me all your money or I'll blow your brains out."
e.g. He blew his brains out with a shotgun.
On the brain(在头脑中的)
If someone has something on the brain, they keep thinking about it. For example, "You've had chess on the brain since you were little."
e.g. Why should a successful company allow another firm to pick its brains?
If you pick someone's brains, you ask them to help you with a problem because they know more about the subject than you. For example, "Why should a successful company allow another firm to pick its brains?"
e.g. You can always count on your friends to help you when you need it most-to pick your brains and give you advice.
Brain storming(集思广益)
This is a meeting where people gather together to share ideas and solve a problem using their combined knowledge and creativity. Brain storming is often used in business and other organizations to find new solutions to problems or develop new products.
For example, "The team held a brain storming session to come up with new ideas for the next product launch."
Rack your brains(费尽心思;尽力思索)
To rack your brains means to try very hard to think of a solution or come up with a good idea. For example, "I have been rack my brains trying to figure out how to finish this project on time."
e.g. The teacher asked her students to rack their brains and come up with ways to improve their grades.
Zhang Ming, a 29-year-old man from Wuhan in central China, was diagnosed with brain cancer in September 2006 and had three bouts of major surgery last year. He is one of hundreds of participants in the first clinical trial to test an experimental drug designed to stimulate the growth of new blood vessels and nerve cells in the brain. The trial aims to determine whether the drug can help people suffering from severe traumatic brain injury, such as those who have suffered a stroke or a car accident. In order to assess the effectiveness of the drug, researchers asked participants who had pressed a button to activate the "snake approach" during a simulation of a snake bite to wear functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scanners for up to four hours after the event. They found that those who had suppressed their fear during the simulated attack showed activation in the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex, which has been linked to emotional regulation. Previous research has also established that exposure to a whiff of it can affect women's mood, sexual and physiological arousal, and brain activation. However, the study by Zhang's team, published in the journal Neuron on Monday, is the first to show that this effect occurs when people are actively trying to suppress their fear. One surprise was that the cerebellum, another section of the brain at the base of the head, also showed increased activity. The cerebellum helps coordinate movement and balance, but its role in emotion regulation is less clear. This signature includes strong activation in a brain area called the anterior cingulate cortex. This is an area associated with positive emotions such as happiness and trust, and has been linked to emotional regulation and decision-making. It is also involved in social bonding and attachment. She began by studying the corpus callosum, the cable of nerves that channels all communication and cooperation between the brain's two hemispheres. This is important because damage to the corpus callosum can interfere with language and memory, as well as fine motor skills such as writing or using utensils. It takes weeks to tell the extent of the damage, and months of intensive rehabilitation to try to restore lost functions. Zhang was diagnosed with brain cancer in September 2006 and had three bouts of major surgery last year. After his most recent surgery, he was left with little function in his right arm and leg due to damage to the corpus callosum. The trial is still in its early stages. It will take several more months before it is clear whether the drug is safe and effective enough to be used for real-world applications. However, if successful, it could offer hope to millions of people around the world who suffer from severe traumatic brain injury each year.
. The brain is an organ that controls the body's functions and processes information from the environment. It is divided into different regions that perform specific tasks, such as the cerebrum, which controls consciousness and movement, and the cerebellum, which controls balance and coordination.
2. Extroverts are a type of personality that values social interaction and communication. They tend to be more outgoing and energetic than introverts who prefer quiet activities and solitude. However, extroverts may experience less internally generated brain activity due to their reliance on external stimuli for energy.
3. The concept of brain death is still not widely accepted in China, where traditional concepts of death such as cardiac death are still used. While brain death has gained recognition in other parts of the world, it remains controversial in some cultures and medical practices.
4. The brain is responsible for generating thoughts and feelings, and is also considered the seat of reason and logic. When the brain is injured or damaged, it can lead to changes in behavior, emotions, and cognitive function.
5. The term "brain" can also refer to the meaty mass inside the skull that houses the brain. It is a common noun that is used to describe a physical organ or a person with exceptional intellectual ability and originality.
6. Some people may refer to someone with exceptional intellect or creativity as a "brainiac," while others may use terms like "genius" or "mastermind" to describe their intelligence or creativity.
7. The verb "to brainwash" refers to the process of manipulating or deceiving someone through psychological means to make them believe something false or irrational. This can be done through various methods such as propaganda, manipulation of media outlets, or even physical violence.
mashing someone's skull is one of the ways to kill them, and hitting them on the head can lead to fatal consequences. It is important to note that while these actions are often considered extreme measures, they should not be taken lightly.
In some cases, individuals may resort to violence in order to protect themselves or others. However, it is important to remember that resorting to violence can often lead to more harm than good. In fact, studies have shown that physically assaulting someone can have a lasting impact on both the person who was assaulted and their loved ones.
Instead of resorting to violence, it is important to find peaceful and non-violent solutions to conflict. This might involve communication, compromise, or seeking help from authorities. By taking a non-violent approach, individuals can avoid causing unnecessary harm and work towards resolving issues in a constructive manner.
Overall, while smashing someone's skull or hitting them on the head are serious actions that can lead to death or serious injury, it is important to remember that there are more productive ways to address conflicts and protect oneself or others from harm.