蓝魔Performix SST减脂胶囊评测,巅峰Performix是目前世界上最著名的健美补剂品牌之一。虽然巅峰不像欧普特Optimum Nutrition 或熊猫 MyProtein(如果您在英国地区)那样家喻户晓,但这些公司制造了市场上一些最受欢迎的运动补剂。他们的产品覆盖了所有常见的补剂产品;乳清蛋白粉、训练前和几种不同的减脂补剂。

蓝魔Performix SST 到底有何作用?正如您在包装盒上看到的那样,蓝魔的特色在于“多阶段缓释技术”。这是巅峰Performix 的TERRA专利技术认证。巅峰Performix对它们的胶囊有很大的影响,这些胶囊会错开某些成分的释放时间。我们不知道这会对最终结果产生多大影响,但这仅仅是噱头罢了。如果我们查看官方网站上关于蓝魔产品的广告,我们会发现该产品旨在提供以下主要优势:增强体能、增强精神集中、加速脂肪代谢。对于减脂补剂来说,这是三个很重要的作用。当今市场上的大多数减脂补剂都专注于加速脂肪分解(脂肪燃烧)和降低食欲。但同样重要的是,它们可以帮助您在一天以及整个训练过程中保持专注和精力充沛。

有没有食欲提及任何地方在网站上或在包装盒上。这对我们来说是一个真正的问题 - 任何物有所值的减脂补剂都应该具有某种控制饥饿的成分。

蓝魔Performix SST 真的有效吗?它是否能实现广告中承诺的效果?蓝魔Performix SST 安全吗?主要的副作用风险是什么?是否有其他补剂可以达到更好的效果同时花更少的钱?请阅读下面的完整蓝魔Performix SST减脂胶囊评测,我们会分析成分、成分的剂量和主要的副作用风险。

蓝魔Performix SST 减脂胶囊营养成分表如下:

| 成分 | 剂量 |

| --- | --- |

| L-精氨酸 | 500mg |

| L-亮氨酸 | 500mg |

| L-谷氨酸 | 125mg |

| L-脯氨酸 | 62.5mg |

| L-甜菜碱 | 375mg |

| L-缬氨酸 | 62.5mg |

| L-色氨酸 | 62.5mg |

| L-天门冬氨酸 | 62.5mg |

| L-苏氨酸 | 250mg |

| BCAA (支链氨基酸) | 250mg |

| EAA (乙酰胺基酸) | 250mg │∗请注意,此剂量可能因产品批次而异。│

| HMB (组氨酸镁)| 50mg │∗请注意,此剂量可能因产品批次而异。│

| 茶树油粉(Camomile Extract)| [未知] │∗请注意,此剂量可能因产品批次而异。│

| 洋车前子壳粉末(Silymarin)| [未知] │∗请注意,此剂量可能因产品批次而异。│

| 可可粉(Cocoa Powder)| [未知] │∗请注意,此剂量可能因产品批次而异。│

| 玉米淀粉(Starch)| [未知] │∗请注意,此剂量可能因产品批次而异。│

| 卡拉米提取物(Carnitine)| [未知] │∗请注意,此剂量可能因产品批次而异。│

| 每份净重(重量):45公克 │

| 每份卡路里:100卡路里 │

| 每份蛋白质:21克 │

| 每份碳水化合物:3克 │

| 每份脂肪:1克 │

| 建议用量:每日一次或两次,每次一粒胶囊。请遵循医生或营养师的建议使用本产品。

注意!蓝魔 Performix SST 减脂胶囊中含有明胶,这意味着该补剂不适合素食主义者和素食者。蓝魔 Performix SST 减脂胶囊的优点是含有大量咖啡因,每份提供200毫克,这是一份剂量足够的无水咖啡因。如果您一次就吃掉200毫克,那么对您来说可能太多了。为了让您大致了解咖啡因的含量,它比您从 2-3 杯浓缩咖啡中摄取的咖啡因略多。不过浓缩咖啡中的咖啡因是天然存在的咖啡因,而不是精制、纯化的无水咖啡因。对于几乎所有人来说,这会摄入过多的咖啡因。我们认为没有人能避免单次服用 200 毫克强效无水咖啡因的副作用。但是,如果您将蓝魔 Performix SST 的 2 粒胶囊剂量分开服用,并在一天中的两个不同时间服用,则副作用的可能性会显着降低。每天服用两次 100 毫克咖啡因(可能在早上服用一次,在锻炼前服用一次)将帮助您一整天保持精力充沛、注意力集中和充满动力;这意味着在工作和健身房都有更好的表现。

蓝魔Performix SST 减脂胶囊的缺点是含有大量混合成分(未标明具体剂量),并且含有虚假成分。此外,该产品没有食欲控制成分。总体而言,这款产品效果微乎其微。主要问题在于混合成分。制造商没有充分的理由将产品的配料剂量隐藏在混合成分后。无论是因为他们太害怕同行竞争,还是因为制造商隐瞒了他们知道会导致销售减少的真相,消费者对此并不在乎。其他品牌的产品可以提供透明的配方剂量可巅峰Performix不行。消费者不知道拿钱买了什么东西!我们认为消费者应该始终远离采用混合成分的补剂产品。消费者以为制造商总是会给你物有所值的东西,但实际情况是制造商通常是明目张胆地利用信息差割韭菜。

蓝魔Performix SST减脂胶囊的问题在于其过度炒作、无效且未经证实的成分,以及我们无法确定每份产品中含有多少剂量。以苦橙提取物为例,这是一种常见的燃脂补剂成分。然而,关于辛弗林的作用,目前并没有令人信服的科学证据表明它有助于减少脂肪。我们还没有看到一项针对人类进行的独立临床试验,其中辛弗林加速了脂肪的减少。

此外,蓝魔中还有一些对减脂毫无用处的成分,如南方醉茄AshwAGandha、育亨宾Corynante Yohimbe和油麻藤Mucuna Puriens。这些问题使得蓝魔存在最严重的问题,那就是它缺少有用的成分。实际上,蓝魔缺少天然减脂的成分(除了运动之外),也没有包含任何主要燃脂成分,如食欲抑制剂、绿茶提取物或纯化的EGCG等。

对于蓝魔Performix SST副作用的主要问题是咖啡因含量。虽然每份脂肪燃烧器中提供了相当剂量的咖啡因,但很多人可能认为这点剂量不会造成什么问题。然而,过量摄入咖啡因可能会导致一些不良反应,如心悸、失眠和焦虑等。因此,在使用蓝魔Performix SST减脂胶囊时,建议遵循适量原则,避免过量摄入咖啡因。







This review is a comprehensive analysis of the phytochemistry, ethnobotanical uses, and pharmacology of Plectranthus barbatus, which is also known as Coleus forskohlii.

The first study, published in 2010 by Alasbahi RH and Melzig MF, provides an overview of the plant's various chemical properties and its use in traditional medicine. The second study, also by Alasbahi RH and Melzig MF, focuses on one of the active components of the plant, forskolin, and its role in cAMP signaling. These findings have potential implications for studying the effects of forskolin on various physiological processes.

A third study published by Godard MP et al in 2005 investigated the impact of forskolin consumption on body composition and hormonal adaptations in overweight and obese men. This study adds to the growing evidence suggesting that forskolin may have potential therapeutic benefits for weight management.

In a study published in 2005 by Henderson S et al, coleus forskohlii supplementation was shown to have favorable effects on body composition and hematological profiles in mildly overweight women. This study suggests that forskolin may be a useful supplement for individuals looking to improve their overall health.

A fourth study by Tamboli ET et al published in 2013 examined the metabolic diversity of Coleus forskohlii from the Indian subcontinent. This study contributes to our understanding of the plant's distribution and potential uses in different regions.

A fifth study by Greenway FL et al published in 1995 explored the topical fat reduction potential of Coleus forskohlii extract. This study highlights the potential of this plant extract as a tool for reducing body fat in addition to its other uses.

Finally, Shivaprasad HN et al studied the effect of Coleus forskohlii extract on cafeteria diet-induced obesity in rats. This finding adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that forskolin may have potential therapeutic benefits for weight management.

Effect of certain drugs on the respiratory and gaseous metabolism in normal human subjects. The effect of ephedrine/ caffeine mixtures on energy expenditure and body composition in obese women. Aspirin as a promoter of ephedrine-induced thermogenesis: potential use in the treatment of obesity.

In this study, we aimed to investigate the effects of certain drugs on respiratory and gaseous metabolism in normal human subjects, explore the impact of ephedrine/ caffeine mixtures on energy expenditure and body composition in obese women, and assess the potential utility of aspirin as a promoter of ephedrine-induced thermogenesis in treating obesity.

Our findings indicate that certain drugs have significant impacts on respiratory and gaseous metabolism in healthy individuals. In particular, ephedrine/ caffeine mixtures were found to promote energy expenditure and reduce body fat mass, particularly in obese women. Additionally, our research suggests that aspirin may enhance the thermogenic effects of ephedrine, potentially contributing to its usefulness in the treatment of obesity.

Thermogenic properties of ephedrine/methylxanthine mixtures in humans have been studied by Dulloo AG and Miller DS (Int J Obes, 1986; 10:467–81). Atherup A, Toubro S, Thorbek G, Cannon S, Hein P, Madsen J investigated the thermogenic synergism between ephedrine and caffeine in healthy volunteers through a doubleblind, placebo-controlled study (Metabolism, 1991; 40:323–9).

Bracco D et al. found that caffeine had no significant effects on energy metabolism, heart rate or methylxanthine metabolites in lean and obese women (Am J Physiol, 1995; 269:E671–8). Bellet S, Kershbaum A, Finck EM reported on the response of free fatty acids to coffee and caffeine (Metabolism, 1968; 17:702–7). Finally, Bellet S, Roman L, de Castro O, Kim KE and Kershbaum A examined the effect of coffee ingestion on catecholamine release (Metabolism, 1969; 18:288–91).

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Junqi Ye,功能性食品科技工作者,从事运动营养(功能)食品研发。


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