
1. You must be our long-expected guest Mr.Wilson from the U.S. 你一定是我们盼望已久的客人,从美国来的威尔逊先生吧!

2. I'm happy to have the pleasure of meeting you. 见到你很高兴。

3. I'm delighted to meet you at last. 很高兴,终于见到你了。

4. I'm so pleased to have finally met you./It's been my pleasure meeting you./ It was nice to meet you. 很高兴认识你。(道别用语)

5. How was your journey? 你旅途如何?

6. I hope you’ve had a pleasant flight /trip 旅途愉快吧!

7. The in-flight service was satisfactory./The air service was satisfactory. 机上服务很令人满意。/机上服务很好。

8. We’ve been expecting you ever since you sent us the fax informing us of your date of arrival. 自从你把来访日程传真给我们以来,我们一直在期待着你的到来。

9. And I'll be very happy if I can help you with anything 如能为你效劳,我将很高兴。

10. May I help you with your baggage/luggage? 我替你拿行李好吗?

11. I would like you to meet our managing director,Mr.Wang. 我向你介绍一下我们的总经理王先生。













一、接听电话(answering the phone)常用句子:

- 您好,我是威尔逊先生。请问您是哪位?

- 请问找谁?

- 可以让他回来后再回电吗?

- 请帮我联系威尔逊先生。

- 他在忙着接电话,我可以帮您留言吗?




















1. 请展示你们的菜单给我看看。

2. 我们今晚已经预订了一张桌子。我叫约翰·汉克斯。

3. 您能推荐一些特色菜吗?

4. 今天你们有什么时令海鲜供应吗?














贵厂年产量是多少?我们在全国共有四个工厂,其中这个是我们第二大的工厂,其年生产量约为24 000吨。每个轮班我们能生产多少件产品呢?这取决于具体的工作安排和生产线的配置,但我们一直致力于提高生产效率,确保每个轮班都能最大限度地发挥生产能力。




Quality Control and Company Introduction





We currently have a strong presence in the home appliance market, with 15% of the national retail outlet network dedicated to our products. Furthermore, we rank among the largest importers of building materials in East Asia. In addition to our expertise in arts and crafts, we also offer a wide range of furniture for customers.

Our corporation was established in 1964 and has since grown into a multinational enterprise with over twenty branches overseas. Our company is dedicated to providing high-quality products and services to our customers, while also promoting cultural exchange and tourism.

When it comes to sightseeing, there are many fascinating places to explore. Visitors to this city can enjoy its long history and splendid culture, while admiring its traditional Victorian garden or climbing to the top of the mountain for breathtaking views. I particularly enjoy visiting famous historical sites, as they provide a glimpse into the past and allow us to appreciate the achievements of our ancestors.

One of my most memorable experiences in this city was passing through the oldest building in the area. As I walked through the historic structure, I felt as if I had been transported back in time, to a different world entirely. It was an incredible opportunity to witness firsthand the rich cultural heritage of this region and to gain a deeper appreciation for its people and traditions.

Overall, whether you are interested in exploring the city's history and culture, shopping at its many retail outlets, or simply admiring its stunning natural scenery, there is something here for everyone. Come and experience all that this unique city has to offer!


8. This is an ideal place for sightseeing and shopping. 这儿是观光和购物的好去处。The Great Wall,作为人造奇迹,是本市的商业文化中心,也是最繁华的街道。It's the commercial and cultural center of the city.


9. It's a lovely day, isn't it?/Wonderful weather, isn't it? 天气不错,对吧!"It looks like it's going to rain." "看来天要下雨了。" "What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?" "明天的天气预报怎么说?" "The weather forecast says it's fair to cloudy." "天气预报说晴到多云。" "It looks as though a storm is brewing." "看来一场暴风雨就要来了。" "The wind is getting stronger/going down." "风势在加强/减弱。" "I wonder what the weather is going to be like tomorrow." "不知道明天天气怎么样。" "The rain is beginning to let up." "雨开始变小了。" "We're going to have a cold spell." "要来寒流了。" "Cloudy in the morning, overcast in the afternoon." "上午多云,下午转阴。" "I'm not used to the hot and dry weather in Beijing." "我不太适应北京这种又热又干的气候。" "I hope the good weather will come back soon." "真希望天气快点好起来。"





1. 很遗憾你要这么快离开,真是可惜。(It's a pity that you're leaving so soon.)

2. 很高兴再次见到你,祝你在日本的旅行愉快。(It was great to see you again. I hope you have a good trip to Japan.)

3. 感谢你的帮助,现在是时候告别了。(It's time for us to say good-bye now. Thank you for all your help.)

4. 我期待着下次再见到你。(I'm looking forward to seeing you again.)

5. 这次访问让我留下了深刻的印象。(I'm deeply impressed by what I've seen and heard during this visit.)

6. 我想我们很快就会再见面。(I think we'll meet again soon.)

7. 是时候上飞机/火车/轮船了。(It's time for you to board the plane/train/ship now.)

8. 谢谢你专程赶来为我送行。(It's very nice of you to come all this way to see me off.)

9. 时间过得真快,就好像你只在这里待了一天一样。(Time goes so quickly. It looks as if you'd been here for only one day.)

10. 很高兴你在这里过得愉快。(We're glad you have enjoyed your stay here.)


1. "Speaking on behalf of our company, I would like to say how delighted we have been to receive you here."(代表我们公司,我很高兴在这里接待你们。)这句话是正式场合中的常见开场白,表达了你对来访者的欢迎。

2. "Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to take this opportunity to say a few words."(女士们、先生们,我想利用这个机会说几句话。)这是在正式场合开始讲话时常用的开场白,它给了你一个介绍自己和你所要讨论的主题的机会。

3. "On behalf of Sinochem I want to extend a warm welcome to you and to thank you for joining us tonight."(我代表中国化工进出口总公司向你们致以热烈的欢迎,感谢你们今天晚上光临我们的宴会。)这是一种更为正式的欢迎词,它明确了你的目标和感激之情。

4. "I would like to thank you for your kind words."(感谢你这番亲切友好的谈话。)当有人对你的话表示赞赏时,这是一种礼貌的回应方式。

5. "Let's drink a toast to the success of our negotiations."(让我们为谈判的成功而干杯。)这是一种庆祝性的语句,适用于商务谈判等成功后的场合。

6. "I ask you to raise your glasses in a toast to the expansion of the trade between us."(请大家举杯,为我们之间贸易的发展千杯。)这是一种更为正式的祝酒词,强调了双方贸易关系的重要性。

7. "Ladies and gentlemen, let's drink to the success of this conference."(女士们、先生们,为祝贺大会成功干杯。)这是一种庆祝性的语句,适用于大型会议或活动的成功结束后。

8. "We are sure your visit to China will be-rewarding."(我们相信,你这次中国之行将是有收获的。)这是对来访者的期待和鼓励,表明了主办方的热情和期待。

9. "I hope your trip to China will mark the beginning of a long - standing relationship."(我希望你这次中国之行将成为我们长期关系的开始。)这是对未来合作的期待和展望。


I am greatly honored/privileged to have the opportunity to speak at this reception.能在招待会上发表讲话,我深感荣幸。

十、常用句子Introduction Of Products

1. We are glad to have the opportunity to introduce our newly developed product to you.很高兴能有此机会向贵公司介绍我们新开发的产品。

2.We are supplying a full range of silk products to various countries.我们向世界各国输出全系列的丝织品。

3. We deal in a variety of household appliances such as TV sets, refrigerators, air-conditioners, microwaves, ovens, and so on. 我们经营各种家用电子产品,如电视机、冰箱、空调,微波炉等等。

4. Cosmetics are our best selling goods. They sell out fast every year. 我们的化妆品最好卖,每年都卖得很快。

5. Our products are well received wherever they go. 我们的无论到哪都深受欢迎。

6. Because it’s good for people’s health, it has become more and more popular. 由于对健康有益,它越来越受欢迎。

7. Our products range includes machine tools and household electrical appliances. 我们的包括机床和家电产品系列。



1. 请问您的需求清单是什么?

2. 如果型号符合我们的要求,我们可以考虑下单订购。

3. 请告知若购买一万吨,您方能给予的折扣是多少?

4. 您对哪种商品感兴趣?是否有具体型号?

5. 我们想了解第十六号商品是否还有库存。


. 请提供基于CFR的最低报价,目的地:伦敦。请报成本加运费至伦敦的最低价。

2. 我会查看我们的库存数量。

3. 如果你们的报价可接受,我们会下一个大订单。

4. 我们正在研究你们的报价,并将在进一步沟通中告知你们结果。

5. 我们的报价有效期为三天。


1. 我们不确定这种新规格的产品是否适合这里的市场。

2. 我们很难说服用户接受这个新规格的产品。

3. 非常感谢你们提供的内容丰富的产品目录。

4. 我们有丰富的花色品种,并在此展出了各种新设计的样品。

5. 对于男士外衣,我们提供了四种尺寸选择:小号、中号、大号和特大号。

. 我们将根据不同国家的民族特点和风俗习惯安排生产,以满足其独特需求。

7. 客户满意度始终是我们的首要任务,我们会密切关注客户需求,并根据客户的喜好和期望来组织生产。

8. 我们的产品设计和颜色将与您的需求完美契合,为您提供最佳选择。

9. 您方提供的产品应与样品完全一致,以确保产品质量。

10. 请提供详细的产品规格说明,最好附有图片,以便我们更好地理解您的需求。

11. 此产品展现了精湛的工艺水平,为您带来卓越的品质体验。


1. 通常情况下,对于小额订货我们是不给折扣的。

2. 我们的报价已与现行国际市场行情保持一致,价格公道合理。

3. 目前市场行市正在上涨。

4. 当前市场行市正处于下跌趋势。

5. 市场行市目前呈现稳健增长态势。

6. 目前市场行市表现疲软,增长缓慢。



7. 如果不是因为数量大,我们还不会给你报这么低的价格呢。I wouldn’t have quoted you such a low price if it weren’t for a large quantity.

8. 鉴于我们过去多年的友好合作,我们准备降价2%。In view of our good cooperation over the past years, we are prepared to reduce our price by 2%.

9. 自去年七月份以来,价格上涨了3%。The price has gone up 3% since July of last year.

10. 质量永远是最重要的,不能离开质量来谈价格。One cannot take price separately from quality.

11. 我最多只能给你2%的佣金。The best I can do is to give you a 2% commission.

12. 我恐怕没有多大降价的余地。I’m afraid there is not much room for further reduction.

13. 只有当订购额达到20000吨或更多时,我们才能考虑减价问题。We would only consider a price reduction if the order is for 20,000 tonnes or more.

14. 这是我们的最低价格,不能再低了。This is our rock bottom price. We can't lower it any further.


1. 包装必须适合海运,足够牢固,经得住野蛮装卸。The packaging must be seaworthy and strong enough to stand rough handling.

2. 货物用木箱包装,每箱装20打。The goods are to be packed in wooden cases containing 20 dozen each.

3. 水泥用双层牛皮纸袋包装,每袋装一吨。Cement is to be packed in double kraft-paper bags, each bag containing one metric ton.

包装和标记Packing and Marking

1. The packing of this product is to be improved. 这款产品的包装需要改善。

2. The packing of the porcelain is in Chinese national style and suitable for display in supermarkets. 陶瓷的包装具有中国特色,适合在超级市场上展销。

3. Each package should be marked "Fragile" to ensure safe handling during transportation. 每件包装上都要标明“易碎品”,以确保运输过程中的安全性。

4. No name of country or trade mark is to appear on the outside containers. 外箱上不应出现国名和商标。

5. The cases are to be marked with our initials in a diamond as usual. 跟往常一样,箱子上要刷一菱形,内写我公司的首字母。

6. This article containing 50 kilos needs to be packaged in double-sided paper bags, with each bag weighing 50 kilograms. 这一重达50公斤的产品需用双层牛皮纸袋包装,每袋装50公斤。

7. Pens are packed in paper boxes, with 10 pieces to one box. 钢笔要用纸盒包装,每盒装10支。

8. The packing of this product features novel design and diversified styles, making it visually appealing and easier to identify. 这款产品的包装特点是设计新颖、形式多样,使之更具视觉吸引力,便于识别。

9. Shipment


1. Could you consider prompt shipment for this lot? 我们这批货能否考虑即期装运?

2. We usually ship goods by regular liners. 我们通常采用班轮运输。

3. We'd like to accept your proposal to change the unloading port to Los Angeles. 我们愿意接受你们的建议,把卸货港改成洛杉矶。

4. Our customer requests the shipment be made in three equal lots, each every two months. 我们客户要求分三批等量装运,每两个月装一批。

. Once we receive your letter of credit, we will arrange for shipment immediately after receiving it. We are happy to work with you and ensure that your goods are shipped as quickly as possible.

6. In the event that you wish to book shipping space on the "Dongfeng" before March 10th, we would be more than happy to do so. This allows us to ensure that your goods are shipped in a timely manner and can be delivered to you promptly.

7. It is important to note that there may be instances where shipment is delayed, and this is something beyond our control. Despite this, we strive to work with our clients to ensure that shipments are made as efficiently and effectively as possible.

8. We kindly request that you inform us if shipment has been effected or not. This allows us to keep track of your goods and ensures that they are delivered to you in a timely manner.

9. It is essential to adhere to prescribed time limits when making shipments, and any further extensions will not be considered. This helps us to plan accordingly and ensure that shipments are made efficiently.

10. If you have any questions regarding the transportation of goods, please do not hesitate to ask us. We will provide you with a detailed quote based on the specific requirements of your shipment.

11. When shipping goods using containers, it is generally more cost-effective to use a container compared to other methods of transportation. This is because container shipping offers a reliable and efficient way of transporting goods over long distances.

12. Unfortunately, we had to put off delivery due to the strike of the workers at the port. This was beyond our control, but we are committed to working with you to resolve the issue and ensure that your goods are delivered to you as soon as possible.

13. Once the goods are loaded onto the ship, we will forward you a full set of non-negotiable documents by airmail immediately after the shipment takes place. This ensures that you have all of the necessary information to track your shipment and make any necessary arrangements for its delivery to your destination.


