Hey, I saw you with Mason earlier. What was that about?
我看见你刚才和梅森在一起 有什么事吗
Oh, I was just asking him to help with the clean-up in the woods.
That's what I'm here for. Put me to work.Should I go help him?
我就是来帮你的啊 给我派活吧 要我去帮他吗
Oh, no, no. You know what? He'sI'm sure he's fine.
不用了 不用 他 我相信他能的
Are you ok, Liz?You seem really upset.
你没事吧 莉兹 你好像心烦意乱的
It's Caroline. We had a moment.Anything I can do?
因为卡罗琳 我们聊了会 我能做什么吗
No, Damon, thank you.It's just horrible parenting skills paying off in spades.
不用了 达蒙 谢谢你 我家长做的不称职 现在自食苦果了
Longing looks are being exchanged.I'm gonna go talk to him.
深情对望啊 我要过去和他谈谈
No, Elena. I think it's a bad idea.I别去 埃琳娜 我觉得这主意很糟 我
What's her problem?Don't worry about it.
她怎么了 不用你操心
Why are you being such a bitch to your mom?
Please don't worry about it. Are you still concerned about Katherine?
That is not something for you to be worried about. Do you still have feelings for her, despite everything?
I implore you not to do this. Please, do not let your emotions get the better of you and turn this into something it's not.
This issue is not up for debate. Is that what you are suggesting?
No, I am saying that we should not discuss this matter at this moment because someone may be listening in.
Are you implying that we should not speak of it because there might be someone who can overhear us?
Correct. We must be cautious and mindful of who might be listening in on our conversations.
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