Crane(Johnny Depp饰演)的治安警察。他提出了一个革命性的想法——用科学的方法去帮助警察调查罪案。由于他的方法对已经建立的警察体制形成很大的潜在威胁,所以他被派往了一个名叫“SLEEPY
Van Tassel(Christina Ricci饰),她是一个行动不便的年轻漂亮女子。为了能娶到她,为了证明自己比镇上其他人更优秀,他立定决心要掀开这个系列谋杀的真相。
1.Introduction - 断头谷
2.Main Titles - 断头谷
3.Young Ichabod - 断头谷
4.The Story... - 断头谷
5.Masbath’s Terrible Death - 断头谷
. Sweet Dreams - A Collection from Sleepy Hollow
This is the first track on "A Collection from Sleepy Hollow" by The Flying Machine. The song starts with a slow piano melody and builds up to a more energetic guitar riff. It features vocals that are soft and soothing, making it a perfect choice for bedtime listening. The song ends with a gentle piano ballad that lulls you off into sweet dreams.
2. A Gift - Sleepy Hollow
The second track on "Sleepy Hollow" by The Flying Machine is called "A Gift". This song begins with a gentle acoustic guitar riff and gradually builds up to an energetic rock sound. The lyrics tell the story of giving someone a gift and receiving one in return, which is a beautiful sentiment that can be appreciated by all listeners.
3. Into The Woods/The Witch - Sleepy Hollow (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The third track on the original motion picture soundtrack of "Sleepy Hollow" by Tim Burton is called "Into The Woods/The Witch". This song is a beautiful adaptation of the classic fairy tale "Little Red Riding Hood". The lyrics are hauntingly beautiful and the music captures the eerie atmosphere of the story perfectly.
4. More Dreams - Sleepy Hollow (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The fourth track on the original motion picture soundtrack of "Sleepy Hollow" by Tim Burton is called "More Dreams". This song follows the theme of the movie closely, with lyrics that speak of lost dreams and the importance of holding onto them. The music is hauntingly beautiful and adds to the overall mood of the film.
5. The Tree Of Death - Sleepy Hollow (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The fifth track on the original motion picture soundtrack of "Sleepy Hollow" by Tim Burton is called "The Tree Of Death". This song has a dark and ominous feel to it, with lyrics that speak of death and destruction. The music is also very atmospheric and adds to the eerie atmosphere of the film.
6. Bad Dream/Tender Moment - Sleepy Hollow (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The sixth track on the original motion picture soundtrack of "Sleepy Hollow" by Tim Burton is called "Bad Dream/Tender Moment". This song has a more lighthearted feel to it than some of the other tracks on the soundtrack, but still keeps with the overall theme of the movie. The lyrics are touching and add to the emotional depth of the film.
7. Evil Eye - Sleepy Hollow (Original Motion Picture Soundtrack)
The seventh track on the original motion picture soundtrack of "Sleepy Hollow" by Tim Burton is called "Evil Eye". This song has a darker feel to it than some of the other tracks on the soundtrack, with lyrics that speak of evil and malevolence
.《断头谷》(Sleepy Hollow)是一部由克里斯托弗·诺兰执导的美国奇幻电影,于2008年上映。该片讲述了一位年轻的律师伊卡布斯·福瑞斯特(Ichabod Crane)接手了一起看似不可能解决的案件,他必须面对一个古老的诅咒,以保护他的小镇免受一个恶鬼的侵扰。这部电影以其独特的幻想元素、精湛的视觉效果和紧张的剧情而受到观众和评论家的好评。
2.在《断头谷》中,伊卡布斯·福瑞斯特是一个年轻有为的律师,他在纽约市担任法官的职位。一天,一个名叫莫特·巴罗(Morticia Addams)的女人找到了他,声称她的兄弟被一个恶鬼所杀。伊卡布斯接受了这个案子,并带着他的助手阿瑟·柯南·道尔(Arthur Conan Doyle,即著名侦探福尔摩斯的创作者)一起前往纽约北部的一个叫做“断头谷”的小镇展开调查。
3.随着调查的深入,伊卡布斯发现了一个惊人的秘密:断头谷实际上是一个被魔法师萨姆特·特纳(Sam Treadwell,由迈克尔·凯恩饰演)控制的幽灵村庄。萨姆特曾是一个恶毒的巫师,但在一场战斗中被伊卡布斯的父亲救出。为了报答伊卡布斯的父亲,萨姆特将他变成了骷髅,并承诺永远不会让他复活。然而,现在他决定打破这个誓言,因为他认为伊卡布斯已经死了。