关于“听”和“看”的词根 audi,vis

①audi/audit to speak 听

audio files n.音频文件 I use many audio files in my class.

audio output n.音频输出 My computer has an audio output.

aduio cable n.音频线 I need an audio cable to send the audio files to you.

audience n.听众,倾听 -ence是名词后缀

audition n.听,听觉,试听,试音 -ion是名词后缀

auditorium n.礼堂,讲堂 -orium是名词后缀表示场所

She has asked to attend an audition.

I hope one day that she will be able to perform before a great audience perhaps even in the auditorium parcon della Musia(音乐公园礼堂)

audible adj.听得见的 inaudible adj.听不见的 -ible是形容词后缀 -in是前缀 表示 不,无,非是否定意义

②vis/vid to see 看,看见

visual adj.看的,视觉的. -ual是形容词后缀

Look we jsut mentioned the audio-visual equipment in the auditorium.

visual art 视觉艺术 video-clip 视频片段

I would like to tell you i like visual art ,I use a lot of video-clip in my english class.

visible adj. 看的见的,可见的.

visibility n. 可看性,能见度 -ibility是名词后缀

I read a forecast the planet Mars will be visible to thenaked eye throught next week.

But the visibility downtown today is really poor.

invisble adj.看不见的 visualize v.想象,设想.-ize是动词后缀

It is evidence that we do have to do something to improve the hazy weather .Otherwise the sea might become invisable but i can not visualize a life without beautiful scenery around me.

关于“说”和“做”的词根 dict,log,loqu,ag

③dict to say 言,说

predict v.预言,预告 prediction n.预言,预告

predictable adj.能够预言的. unprediction adj.不能预言的 -pre预先

GoldmanSachs made a prediction about national economices,the experts there predicted that the Chinese economy whould be the largest one in the would by the year 2050

The experts must have used big data to make the national economies predictable.

Whithout the help of big data ,the ranking would be unpredictable.

contradict v.反驳,与......相矛盾 ,与......相抵触 -contra是前缀 意思是相反

contradiction n. 相矛盾,相抵触 contradictory adj.相矛盾的,相抵触的 -ory形容词后缀

The shy girl was afraid to contradict

④log to speak

dialogue n.对话 -dia是前缀意思是对,相对

I say debate ,not dialogue.

monologue n.(戏剧中的)独白 -mono是前缀意思是单独

prologue n.前言,序言 -pro是前缀,意思是前

A poor wedding is a prologue to misery .不幸的婚姻是痛苦的序幕.

To keep a marriage alive,monologue is not enough.Husband and must have dialogue ,then a nice wedding becomes a prologue to happy life.

loqu to speak

eloquence n.口才好,善于言辞 -e前缀表示出

eloquent adj.口才好的,善于雄辩的.

I admire CuiYongyuan because he could overcome his depression and he is a man of eloquence.

⑤ag to do/act 做,动

agenda n.要做的事项,议事日程 -a是复数 -end是名词后缀

We believe government will put environment issues high on the agenda.

agency n.做事机构,代理 -ency是名词后缀

agent n.代理人 -ant是名词后缀表示人

I had to see my house ,so i need to find an agency.

To actually conduct the sale and there was a real estate agent.

co-agency 合作代理

Would you like consider running a co-agency sometime in the furture with me.