

“德国佬,干掉他们!Germans. Lets get them!”那帮该死的战机要去哪?Where are the damn fighters going?他们想立功,追击去了。Theyve gone chasing scalps,又把我们暴露在敌人面前,leaving us unprotected again。那帮追名逐利的混hearts;蛋hearts;Damn those glory-grabbing bastards!有敌机,是大部队,六点钟方向。Bandits! Hundreds of them! Six oclock!红色机尾护航机都不在了吗?Is there anything left of our escort?跑光了,老大。Negative, boss.混hearts;蛋hearts;他们怎么都不担心我们?Damn it! Why dont they worry about us?真不敢相信,竟然还不来。I cant believe this! It never fails.不,坚持住。Oh, no. Stay with me.这里是活泼贝蒂三号hearts;引擎失灵。This is Bouncing Betty. Engine three is out.我们掉队了,二号hearts;机你打头阵。Were falling back. Two, you take lead position.急需灭火。Need the extinguisher.汉克Hank!请求支援,请求支援,准备弃机。Mayday! Mayday! Prepare to bailout.重复一遍,准备弃......I repeat, prepare to bail...意大利1944年轻快号hearts;红色一号hearts;呼叫红色二号hearts;请回答Red One to Red Two,come in.闪电号hearts;你还没睡醒吗,闪电?Are you awake over there, Lightning?是没睡醒,对不起,我得打个盹。Yeah, yeah, sorry. Boy, I need a nap!看来还活着,打得这么精彩,别错过了。Well, look alive. Wouldnt want you to miss this war.打个头。我们真是无聊至极。War is hell. What were doing is just boring as hell.不管是谁,希望那个妞值得让你彻夜不眠。Whoever she was, I hope she was worth losing sleep over。相信我绝对值得。Oh, trust me, she was worth it!雷枪号hearts;小伙小伙你还好吗?Junior. Junior, you okay?好的不得了。红色一号hearts;Fine as wine, Red One.蓝天白云钢枪火热。The sky is blue and my guns are hot.小鬼号hearts;小鬼你还好吗?Joker, you all right?不好。像开着我姥爷的破别克车。Nope. I feel like Im flying my grandfathers Buick.冷却剂表一直乱晃。Coolant indicators all over the map.当初我上这架飞机时And to think I was as还高兴的跟乡巴佬刚进城似的happy as a church lady when I got this plane.那好红色四号hearts;你别飞了,返回吧。All right, Red Four, youre done. Take it on home.别这样嘛,上尉。Come on now, Captain,这仪表盘就是一破烂儿this gauge over here is a piece of crap.上尉先别让他走Captain, let me give it a looky我再检查一下before you send him back.没漏油也没漏水。Hes not trailing any oil or water.我看他就是仪表盘坏了。Seems to me like hes just got a b