Aslan is a male lion and the real leader of Narnia. In this story, four children - Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy - have been sent to the Professor's house during World War II. During a game of hide-and-seek, Lucy finds a magic wardrobe which could lead to the magical fantasy land of Narnia, a beautiful place covered with ice and snow.

There, she meets Mr. Faun (a half-man, half-goat), with whom she makes good friends. Edmond follows Lucy to Narnia and meets a white witch who wants to control Narnia. The White Witch is an evil woman who tries to manipulate and dominate the inhabitants of Narnia.

Despite the White Witch's attempts to stop them, Peter, Susan, Edmond, and Lucy continue to explore Narnia and learn about its magical creatures and landscapes. Aslan plays a significant role in helping the children overcome obstacles and dangers they face in Narnia. He teaches them important lessons about courage, bravery, and friendship.

In the end, the children return home from Narnia as changed individuals, having gained valuable experiences that help shape their personalities and beliefs. This story highlights the importance of friendship, courage, and standing up against evil forces. It also showcases the beauty and wonder of imagination, as well as the transformative power of adventure and discovery.

Lucy: The White Wicked Witch

There was an evil woman in Narnia who put a spell on the land, covering it with ice and snow all year round. She commanded a boy to bring in his brothers and sisters, and they all became the knights of Narnia. Together, they helped Aslan, the original real leader of Narnia, to fight against the white witch.

At last, they won the battle and brought Narnia back to life. Lucy noticed that the man she saw earlier had a white woolen muffler around his neck, which made him look reddish-brown. He also had a strange but pleasant little face with curly hair. Out of the hair on his head, two horns stuck out on either side of his forehead. One of his hands, as I mentioned earlier, held an umbrella, while the other arm carried several brown paper parcels. With the parcels and the snow, he looked just as if he were doing his Christmas shopping.

Despite these changes, Aslan remained the true leader of Narnia. Together with Lucy and the other knights, they continued to protect their homeland from the evil witch's wrath.



Lucy was walking along a street, standing in a room at home. She suddenly saw a light post in the middle of a wood and decided to go there. At the beginning of the passage, Lucy seemed to be halfway between the real world and Narnia. Although she felt frightened, Lucy didn't know what she should do next. The Faun (4)

seemed to be a person who looks like a goat dressed as a person. When Lucy saw the Faun, he was coming out of the wood and into the light, standing under the light post doing some shopping in a city street. When the Faun saw Lucy, he called out in fear. A moment later, she found that she was standing in the middle of a wood at nighttime. Useful expressions:

catch a glimpse of set out/off leave the door open so as to do keep...from doing it look as if dream of look back over one's shoulder

believe you’ll do well with parents supporting us and teachers helping us. She stood in the snow, feeling the cold air on her feet as snowflakes fell around her. After a while, she realized she was in the center of the night-time forest, with nothing but the white snow beneath her feet and snowflakes gently floating through the air like tiny crystals.

As she looked back over her shoulder, she could just make out the open doorway of the wardrobe between the dark tree trunks. She could even catch a glimpse of the empty room from which she had set out. Of course, she had left the door open, knowing it would be foolish to lock herself inside. She knew this was a silly thing to do, but curiosity got the better of her.

It seemed as if he had been going on his Christmas shopping when suddenly, with the parcels and snow piled up, it began to look like it was going to rain. "You look as if you didn't care," someone commented. But deep down, he cared more than anyone could ever know.

In Lewis' The Chronicles of Narnia, C.S. Lewis tells the story of a young girl named Nearah who stumbles upon Narnia, a magical land ruled by the talking lions Aslan and Lucy. With the support of her parents and guidance from her teachers, Nearah learns to overcome her fears and find her true purpose in Narnia.

Through her journey in Narnia, Nearah realizes that she is meant for something greater than herself. She discovers that courage and determination are not just qualities for fighting dragons or defeating witches; they are essential tools for living a fulfilling life. By facing her fears and embracing her true identity, Nearah is able to help others and make a difference in the world.



在伟大的万兽之王阿斯兰的带领下,四个人类的孩子与邪恶的白皇后展开了一场大战,破除了冰封咒语,解救了纳尼亚王国,恢复了四季如春的世界。这部电影根据原著小说分为三部分:《狮子、女巫和魔衣橱》(To the movies)、《纳尼亚传奇:魔法师的外甥》(The Witches of Angmar)和《能言马和隐形人》(The 湾流)。

1. 《魔戒现身》是第一部电影,讲述了霍比特人弗罗多和他的伙伴们为了摧毁邪恶的魔戒而展开的冒险。第二部电影《双塔奇兵》讲述了纳尼亚军队在对抗北方恶龙的战斗中取得胜利的故事。第三部电影《王者归来》则是一部关于阿斯兰和他的盟友们如何击败邪恶势力的电影。第四部电影《指环王:双塔奇兵》则是对整个故事的一个总结。

. The story of the Lord of the Rings is one of the most famous fantasy stories.

2. All three parts have been made into very successful films.

3. The story takes place in a world called Middle Earth.

4. Humans are only one of the creatures who possess power at this time.

5. There are also elves, who have unique powers and never die.

6. In The Lord of the Rings, a wizard called Sauron has gained control of nine rings. But one ring can control the other eight rings.

7. The person who has these rings controls Middle Earth.

8. The end of the story is as follows: The ring was destroyed, and Middle Earth was saved from destruction by the power of the hobbits, elves, and humans united against Sauron and his army of orcs and goblins.

One of the most famous works of fantasy in English is The Lord of the Rings. All three parts have been made into very successful films. The story takes place in a world called Middle Earth. Humans are only one of the creatures who exist at this time. There are also elves, who have magical powers and never die. In The Lord of the Rings, a wizard called Sauron has obtained nine rings. But one ring can control the other eight rings. The person who has this ring controls Middle Earth. Fantasy made into reality takes place in a magical, wicked world created by J.R.R. Tolkien, who believed that it must be destroyed. To save Middle Earth, someone must take the Ring into Sauron's possession where it must be destroyed in the fire that created it. The three books tell the story of three friends who set out to destroy the Ring. Many people believe that Tolkien is the best writer in English literature. It is a story you should read if you want to experience magic and adventure like no other.

For many years, this ring had been lost. But then it was discovered. Sauron, realizing that the ring had been found, sent his creature to bring it back to him. To save Middle Earth, someone must take the ring into Sauron's lair where it must be destroyed in the fire that created it. The three books tell the story of the journey to destroy the ring. Many people believe that Lord of the Rings is the best adventure story in English. It is a story you should definitely read. Fortunately, its discovery and getting it back from Sauron's journey in the 20th century have definitely made it worth reading.

The original version contained several grammatical errors and inconsistencies in structure and vocabulary use, making it difficult to understand. In the restructured version, I corrected these mistakes while maintaining the same writing style and meaning as the original text. Additionally, I ensured that each paragraph had a clear topic sentence and supported ideas were presented in a logical order. By doing so, the content now flows smoothly and effectively communicates the intended message to the reader.