《纳尼亚传奇》系列是由英国作家C.S. Lewis创作的一系列儿童文学作品,共分为七部。这些作品的出版时间分别为:

1. 《狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》(The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe,1950)

2. 《能言马与男孩》(The Horse and His Boy,1954)

3. 《魔法师的外甥》(The Magician's Nephew,1955)

4. 《凯斯宾王子:纳尼亚传奇续集》(Prince Caspian: The Return to Narnia,1956)

5. 《黎明踏浪号》(The Voyage of the Dawn Treader,1957)

6. 《银椅》(The Silver Chair,1958)

7. 《最后一战》(The Last Battle,1956)

随后,哈珀柯林斯出版社(HarperCollins Publishers)按照故事发生的年代顺序进行再版,把前传《魔法师的外甥》作为此系列的第一本读物。


《狮子、女巫和魔衣柜》相较于《魔法师的外甥》在某些方面略胜一筹,因此,作为这个系列的入门书籍,它更适合读者。此外,前面几本书中的冒险故事为《魔法师的外甥》增色不少,让读者对纳尼亚世界、教授和其他元素有了更加丰富的背景了解。然而,亚马逊读者C. N. White对于这些书被重新按时间顺序出版表示震惊:





尽管《魔法师的外甥》是在C. S. Lewis首次开始创作《纳尼亚传奇》系列几年后才完成的,但他希望读者们能将这本书作为该系列的第一卷来阅读。哈珀·柯林斯很高兴能够按照路易斯教授的建议,呈现这系列书籍。



agree with your approach of reading the books in chronological order, rather than your mother's approach of reading them in publication order. As you pointed out, this series was not planned out beforehand as she believes. When I wrote The Lion, I did not know I was going to write any more. Then, as a sequel, I wrote P. Caspian, still not thinking there would be any more. When I finished writing The Voyage, I thought it would definitely be the last book, but I was wrong. So perhaps it doesn't matter too much which order one reads them in. In fact, I am not even sure that all the others were written in the same order as they were published.

Have you ever been confused by J.K. Rowling's "Chronicles of Narnia"? It's okay; many people have! According to Louisa May Alcott and her mother, the original series was intended to be read in publication order. However, J.K. Rowling herself said that she didn't plan out the entire series in advance when she wrote each book. For example, while writing The Lion, she had no idea that she would go on to write other books in the series. Similarly, when writing P.Caspian as a sequel, she still hadn't decided whether or not she would continue the series, but eventually did so anyway. Even when writing The Voyage, which she believed to be the final book in the series, she was surprised (and wrong) to learn that there would actually be more books coming out.

Despite this confusion about the series's true order of publication, many people continue to enjoy reading it according to Rowling's original intention of following a chronological order. And now, thanks to technology like扇贝读书app, readers can easily access all seven books and follow along with their favorite characters at their own pace. So why not give it a try and see if you enjoy reading the Chronicles of Narnia in chronological order instead?