Hear the music of voices, the song of a bird, the mighty strains of an orchestra, as if you would be stricken deaf to-morrow.

听听悦耳的声音,鸟鸣,管弦乐队的强劲乐曲。好像你明天就会失聪一样。A small vocabulary at the age of two can also be a sign of other problems, from deafness to autism and dyslexia.

两岁儿童词汇量小也有可能是患其他疾病的征兆。如,失聪,自闭症和难语症。This huge Christmas sock, and has the relational meaning, the deaf person occurs the matter has the question difficulty.

这个庞大的圣诞袜,并有关系的意思,失聪人士发生的事有问题的困难。Along with a slow developing brain, and legal blindness, it was also determined that she was legally deaf in her right ear.

她大脑发育缓慢,左眼失明,右耳失聪也已确诊。Although she had become frailer and a little deaf, the old woman's mind was as lively as ever.

尽管这老太婆变得虚弱并且有点失聪,但她的头脑跟往常一样灵活。The ad ends with a deaf man signing to his wife while on a business trip.

广告以一位在出差中的失聪者跟妻子打手势作为结束。The report says hearing loss is not just a natural result of the aging process. The major cause is noise.

该报道称,失聪不仅仅是年龄增长的自然结果,主要原因是噪音。An impressive list of achievements for any human, all this was accomplished by a woman who was blind and deaf.

对任何人来说,这都是给人印象深刻的成就,然而这是由一位双眼失明双耳失聪的女人取得的。And he achieved all this despite being completely deaf for the last 25 years or so of his life.
