INTERESTING LISTSMy father was a farmer.
Like everybody else at that time, he didn't start that way. At first, the computer says you're a little old; you must be over fifty to get in. You sign up and it asks you to put your name and password, but you don't have one yet. So you create another account for your wife, Murph. It is controlled. The computer also tells you that there are two people already using the same email address with different passwords: Apaagando Cooper and Heeee. You try to log on again, but it keeps saying "Incorrect!" Finally, the computer tells you that there are some problems with the system. Deleting all? No, it just said "Hey, do not have to delete anything", so you go back to bed.
You wake up in your bedroom. There's nobody there. You hear someone calling your name and ask who it is. It's Murph, and she tells you that you're a ghost. You deny it, but she insists that she has evidence: She sees your face in the mirror and hears your voice coming from the kitchen.
She goes back to bed and leaves the room, and you decide to investigate. You find yourself outside her bedroom window and see her asleep. You go inside and look around. Everything seems normal, but then you see something strange: There's an opening in the floorboard under her bed, leading down into a dark cellar.
You enter the cellar cautiously and find yourself in a large room filled with dusty books, old clothes, and various objects strewn about. There's a wooden table in the center of the room, covered in pieces of linen to cover your nose and mouth when the plague came and had to burn everything they owned. On the table, there are several pieces of bread, which Murph told you were their last source of food.
You take them and return to your bedroom, where Murph wakes up feeling hungry. She thanks you for bringing her food and goes back to bed. You lie down next to her and feel her warmth as she sleeps. Suddenly, you hear a loud crash coming from outside. You jump out of bed and run to the door, only to find that there's no one there.
As you turn back, you feel a strong gust of wind blowing through the open window. The sky turns black and thunder rumbles overhead. The lights flicker and go out, leaving you in complete darkness. You hear footsteps approaching, but you can't see who or what it is. Just when you think it's all over, you see a bright light shining in the distance.
快点。Murph's getting late.
星际穿越 00:41:27
电脑说你点老了。是受控的。 跨越海峡。库珀。嘿。全部删除?。嘿,没必要删除所有的东西吧。爸爸?对不起墨菲。睡觉去宝贝。我还以为你是鬼。世界上并没有鬼。爷爷说是有鬼的。不,亲爱的,这是因为爷爷他自己快成为一个鬼了才这么说的。睡觉去。你有没有梦到过这个碰撞声?我求求你去睡觉,墨菲。我们的小麦用完了。瘟疫来了我们不得不烧掉。我们仍然有玉米。我们有数公顷的玉米。虽然我们有更多的灰尘。我无法用语言形容它持续着。如此,不断刮着沙尘暴。我们用亚麻布为了掩盖我们的鼻子和嘴。所以我没有吸入太多灰尘。当我们收起餐桌时我们总是将餐盘倒放。玻璃,杯子,我们把一切都倒放。快点。墨菲,不早了。你和我在谷仓。我会教你是的,先生。In the table no Murph!Daddy, can you fix this?What did you do to my module?Nothing.It was the ghost.Is not that true? I've pulled on my shelf.Never to take books