
本作品为《混乱》的续集,玩家将再次扮演年轻有抱负的女巫Nikki和宫廷小丑Fargus,并与他们的玩偶朋友Sid一起行动。故事发生在"奶酪之年",伟大的先知Nosewasit预言了无穷可能的彗星的出现。显然,Nikki和Fargus对这颗彗星颇感兴趣;然而他们并非唯一对此感兴趣的人。邪恶的Goon Queen Zorrscha也想利用这颗彗星实现自己的野心,因此我们的英雄必须首先抵达那里......

The gameplay in the second game is similar to its predecessor, despite the introduction of 3D graphics. Players are once again tasked with navigating through a series of levels, with the ability to choose between two playable characters: Nikki or Fargus. Each of these characters has their own unique abilities that make them stand out from one another. For instance, Nikki is able to jump higher than her opponent, while Fargus relies on his puppet Sid for a variety of attacks.

Throughout the game, players can acquire power-ups that further enhance the abilities of their chosen character. For example, if they choose Nikki, they may find themselves equipped with fire and lightning ranged attacks, while if they opt for Fargus, they may gain access to various enhancements for his puppet Sid. The game also includes a number of level-specific items and vehicles that players will encounter along the way.

Overall, the gameplay in this installment remains consistent with its predecessor, providing players with a familiar experience while still offering some new features and mechanics to keep things exciting. Whether you prefer the classic platformer gameplay of the first game or are looking for something new and different, this sequel is sure to deliver.