




1. 爱情与爱人之间有一种神秘的联系。它们如同青草一般隐藏在深山之中,虽然郁郁葱葱,却鲜有人知。

2. 每当我独自入睡时,梦中总会出现你的身影。此刻,我想亲吻你,我的宝贝。我要告诉你,今晚我会去亲吻你。

3. 你就像一朵鲜花般美丽可爱。我爱你的程度超乎想象,我相信你也深爱着这份感情。现在我明白了一个吻有多么甜蜜,它就像夏日的阳光一样温暖。

Oh, my love, my darling, I have longed for your touch. Time seems to drag on slowly and it can do so much. Are you still mine? I need your love. Godspeed your love towards me.

Ah, my beloved, my dear one, I have yearned for your touch for a long time. Time passes by so slowly and it has the power to change many things. Do you still love me? I require your love. May God bestow upon me your love.

My love is akin to the grass that grows hidden deep within the mountains. Despite its abundance, it remains unseen by many.