
1. Assignment(n.)作业、任务、指定 例句:The teacher gave us a difficult assignment last week. 翻译:老师上周给了我们一份困难的作业。

2. Lecture(n.)讲座、演讲、讲课 例句:Professor Johnson is giving a lecture on Shakespeare this afternoon. 翻译:约翰逊教授今天下午在讲授莎士比亚的课程。

3. Syllabus (n.) 课程大纲、教学计划 例句:Have you read the syllabus for this semester yet? 翻译:你看过这个学期的教学计划了吗?

4. Seminar (n.) 研讨会、研讨班 例句:I attended a seminar on environmental issues last weekend. 翻译:我上周末参加了一个关于环境问题的研讨会。

5. Assignment submission (n.) 作业提交 例句:The deadline for assignment submission is next Monday. 翻译:作业提交截止日期是下周一。

6. Assessment (n.) 评估、评价 例句:The assessment of student performance is based on several factors. 翻译:对学生表现的评估基于多个因素。

7. Research (n.) 研究、调查 例句:The university is known for its cutting-edge research in the field of medicine. 翻译:这所大学以其在医学领域的尖端研究而闻名。

8. Textbook (n.) 教科书 例句:You can buy the required textbook at the campus bookstore. 翻译:你可以在校园书店购买所需的教科书。

9. Enrollment (n.) 注册、报名 例句:The enrollment period for the new semester starts next week. 翻译:新学期的注册时间从下周开始。

10. Exam (n.) 考试 例句:I have an important exam tomorrow, so I need to study tonight. 翻译:我明天有一场重要的考试,所以今晚要好好学习。

11. Grade (n.) 成绩、年级 例句:My grade on the math exam was not as good as I had hoped. 翻译:我的数学考试成绩没有我预期的那么好。

12. Graduation (n.) 毕业 例句:Graduation is a time to celebrate all of your hard work and accomplishments. 翻译:毕业是庆祝你所有辛勤工作和成就的时候。

13. Internship (n.) 实习 例句:My internship at the marketing firm was a valuable learning experience. 翻译:我在营销公司实习是一个有价值的学习经验。

14. Lecture hall (n.) 讲堂、报告厅 例句:The lecture hall was filled with eager students ready to learn. 翻译:讲堂里坐满了渴望学习的学生。

15. Major (n.) 专业 例句:My major is business administration, and I hope to work in finance after graduation. 翻译:我的专业是工商管理,我希望毕业后从事金融工作。

16. Minor (n.) 辅修专业 例句:I am minoring in Spanish because I love the language and culture. 翻译:我辅修西班牙语,因为我喜欢这门语言和文化。

17. Office hours (n.) 办公时间 例句:The professor’s office hours are on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 2pm to 4pm. 翻译:教授的办公时间是周二和周四下午2点到4点。

18. Plagiarism (n.) 抄袭 例句:Plagiarism is a serious offense and can result in expulsion from school. 翻译:抄袭是一个严重的罪行,可能会导致被学校开除。

19. Prerequisite (n.) 先修课程、前提条件 例句:The prerequisite for this course is completion of the introductory biology class. 翻译:这门课程的先修课程是完成入门生物课程。

20. Professor (n.) 教授 例句:Professor Lee is an expert in the field of psychology. 翻译:李教授是心理学领域的专家。

21. Quiz (n.) 小测验 例句:We have a quiz on the first three chapters of the textbook tomorrow. 翻译:我们明天要进行关于教科书前三章的小测验。

22. Registration (n.) 注册、登记 例句:Registration for the summer session begins next month. 翻译:夏季学期的注册下个月开始。

23. Semester (n.) 学期 例句:The fall semester starts in late August and ends in December. 翻译:秋季学期从8月底开始,12月结束。

24. Student ID (n.) 学生身份证 例句:You need to bring your student ID to get into the library. 翻译:你需要带上你的学生身份证才能进入图书馆。

25. Study group (n.) 学习小组 例句:I joined a study group to prepare for the final exam. 翻译:我加入了一个学习小组来准备期末考试。

26. Syllabus review (n.) 课程大纲复习 例句:We spent the first week of class doing a syllabus review. 翻译:我们上课第一周花时间复习了课程大纲。

27. TA (Teaching Assistant) (n.) 助教 例句:The TA is available during office hours to answer any questions you may have. 翻译:助教在办公时间内可回答任何你可能有的问题。

28. Term paper (n.) 学期论文 例句:The term paper is worth 30% of the final grade in this course. 翻译:本课程学期论文占最终成绩的30%。

29. Thesis (n.) 论文、论题 例句:My thesis focuses on the impact of social media on mental health. 翻译:我的论文专注于社交媒体对心理健康的影响。

30. Time management (n.) 时间管理 例句:Good time management skills are essential for success in college. 翻译:良好的时间管理技巧对于大学成功至关重要。

31. Tutoring (n.) 辅导、家教 例句:The tutoring center offers free help with math and science classes. 翻译:辅导中心提供数学和科学课程的免费帮助。

32. Withdrawal (n.) 退课、退出 例句:The deadline for course withdrawal is next week. 翻译:退课截止日期是下周。

33. Active listening (adj.) 积极听取 例句:Active listening is a crucial skill for effective communication. 翻译:积极听取对于有效沟通是至关重要的技能。

34. Classroom participation (n.) 课堂参与 例句:Classroom participation counts towards your final grade in this course. 翻译:课堂参与会计入你在本课程的最终成绩。

35. Cooperative learning (n.) 合作学习 例句:Cooperative learning encourages students to work together and learn from each other. 翻译:合作学习鼓励学生互相合作,相互学习。

36. Critical thinking (n.) 批判性思维 例句:Critical thinking skills are essential for analyzing complex issues. 翻译:批判性思维技能对于分析复杂问题至关重要。

37. Extracurricular activities (n.) 课外活动 例句:Joining extracurricular activities can help you develop new skills and interests. 翻译:参加课外活动可以帮助你发展新的技能和兴趣。

38. Group project (n.) 小组项目 例句:The group project is worth 20% of the final grade in this course. 翻译:小组项目占本课程最终成绩的20%。

39. Independent study (n.) 独立研究 例句:Independent study allows students to pursue their own interests and research topics. 翻译:独立研究使学生能够追求自己的兴趣和研究课题。

40. Learning objectives (n.) 学习目标 例句:The learning objectives for this course include understanding key concepts and applying them to real-world situations. 翻译:本课程的学习目标包括理解关键概念并将其应用于现实情况。

41. Memorization (n.) 记忆 例句:Memorization is an important part of learning new material. 翻译:记忆是学习新知识的重要部分。

42. Mind map (n.) 思维导图 例句:Creating a mind map can help you organize and remember information more effectively. 翻译:制作思维导图可以帮助你更有效地组织和记忆信息。

43. Note-taking (n.) 记笔记 例句:Good note-taking skills are essential for staying organized and retaining information. 翻译:良好的记笔记技巧对于保持组织和记住信息至关重要。

44. Online course (n.) 在线课程 例句:Taking an online course can be a convenient way to earn college credit. 翻译:参加在线课程可以是赚取大学学分的便捷方式。

45. Presentation (n.) 演示、展示 例句:The presentation on renewable energy was informative and engaging. 翻译:有关可再生能源的演示很具信息量和吸引力。

46. Problem-solving (n.) 解决问题 例句:Problem-solving skills are essential for success in the workplace. 翻译:解决问题的能力对于职场成功至关重要。

47. Reading comprehension (n.) 阅读理解 例句:Strong reading comprehension skills are necessary for academic success. 翻译:强大的阅读理解技巧对于学术成功至关重要。

48. Time limits (n.) 时间限制 例句:There are time limits on each section of the exam, so you need to manage your time carefully. 翻译:每个考试部分都有时间限制,所以你需要仔细管理时间。

49. Writing skills (n.) 写作技巧 例句:Writing skills are important for communicating effectively in many different settings. 翻译:写作技巧对于在许多不同场合有效地沟通至关重要。

50. Peer review (n.) 同行评审 例句:Peer review can help improve the quality of academic research and writing. 翻译:同行评审可以帮助提高学术研究和写作的质量。