







第1章 赋予计算机从数据中学习的能力1

1.1 将数据转化为知识的智能系统1


1.2 三种机器学习类型2


1.2.1 用于预测未来的监督学习2


1.2.2 解决交互问题的强化学习4


1.2.3 发现数据中隐藏规律的无监督学习 5


1.3 基本术语与符号6


1.4 构建机器学习系统的路线图8


1.5 使用Python实现机器学习算法10


第2章 训练简单的机器学习分类算法14




.1.2 在pipeline中集成转换器和估计器


6.2 使用k折交叉验证评估模型性能


6.3 用学习曲线和验证曲线调试算法


6.4 通过网格搜索微调机器学习模型


6.5 模型性能评估指标







1. 张量(Tensor) 张量是PyTorch中的基本数据结构,可以看做是一个多维数组。在PyTorch中,所有的数据都是张量类型。我们可以使用以下代码定义一个张量:


import torch

# 定义一个2x3的张量

x = torch.Tensor([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]])





tensor([[1., 2., 3.],

[4., 5., 6.]])


2. 自动求导(autograd) PyTorch的另一个重要功能是自动求导。自动求导是一个代数系统,自动地计算关于变量的导数。在PyTorch中,每个张量都有一个与之相关联的梯度张量,该张量用于存储相对于原始张量的导数。我们可以使用以下代码在PyTorch中实现自动求导功能:


import torch

x = torch.ones(2, 2, requires_grad=True) # autograd module is imported as aten::ones

y = x + 3 # this is a view on top of 'x' that we can use to compute gradients

out = y * y * 3 # this is the output tensor

out.backward() # backpropagate through the network to compute gradients of all weights and biases with respect to the output elements.

print(x.grad) # this will print out the gradient of x with respect to its output values (dout/dx)



1. 首先需要导入必要的模块:


import torch.nn as nn

import torch.optim as optim


2. 然后定义神经网络模型:


class Net(nn.Module):

def __init__(self):

super(Net, self).__init__()

self.conv1 = nn.Conv2d(1, 6, 3) # Convolution layer with an input_channels of 1, output_channels of 6, and a kernel size of 3.

self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(2, 2) # Pooling layer that will reduce the spatial dimensions by a factor of 2. This reduces our input from (H, W) -> (H/2, W/2). There are many possible pool sizes here; we picked (2,2). This step is optional but recommended! It helps prevent overfitting and makes training easier. Note: The pool operation does not actually reduce the number of parameters--it simply changes the shape of the activations! You should still include it in your computation for backpropagation! If you don't want to do this step then just comment out the pool layer or remove it entirely! Also note that there's no stride parameter for MaxPool -- that's the default behavior and you don't need to specify it! If you want to use stride in your max pool layers, add a stride parameter (e.g. "self.pool = nn.MaxPool2d(stride=2))").

self.fc1 = nn.Linear(6*6*6,100) # fully connected layer with input dimension = (6*6*6)=216 and output dimension=100. You could use any other number here but we chose to keep it small so that the model can be run on smaller machines like GPUs! We also included a bias term since we're using linear activations which adds another dimension to our activation vector (this is necessary because PyTorch doesn't know if you want a bias term without you saying so). Note that we set "requires_grad" to True so that we can compute the gradients during backpropagation later on in this tutorial! Also note that the last argument "True" indicates that this layer has weight initialization done by PyTorch's default xavier initialization method. This is important because otherwise we might get some weird initializations that cause issues during training or inference! You could also initialize this layer yourself with something like "self.fc1=nn.Linear(6*6*6,100)(torch.randn((100,)))", but doing it this way ensures that the same xavier initialization is used every time you train your model with this architecture! You may choose to use another initialization instead (such as He initialization), but make sure you understand why you are choosing it and what the consequences are! Finally, note that we didn't put any dropout or batch normalization here--those would typically be useful techniques if you are dealing with very large datasets where it's easy to overfit due to the vast amount of data being processed during training! However for this example we kept things simple so that we could focus on the core concepts of neural networks first! If you want to add those later on you should definitely do so! Now let's define our net object:

net = Net() # instantiate our network object instance named net! Now we have defined all of our layers inside the class definition so they won't show up when we print out net! This is good practice in general since it allows us to avoid naming conflicts between different parts of your code! Next we need to define our loss function which measures how well our predictions match the actual values in the target variable:

def lossFunction(output, target): # this takes in two arguments: output and target (the outputs from our network and the true values associated with those outputs) # first we compute the cross entropy between output and target # that is: F(t) = -\sum_{i} log[p_i] = -sum_{i} log[p_i] = -\sum_{i} log[p_i] where p_i is the output from neuron i in layer l+1 (note that we use log to ensure that our cross entropy is well-defined even when p_i=0 since this causes log(0)=-infinity). Then we sum over all neurons in all layers and return this value as our total loss function # finally we return this value as our final loss function! Note that this function returns a scalar value (a single number) since our network only has one output node per layer! Also note that we did not include any regularization terms here (such as L1 or L2 regularization)--those would typically be added later on when defining our optimization algorithm since they help prevent overfitting by adding a penalty term to our loss function based on the magnitude of the weights in our network! Instead we are focusing on getting a basic understanding of how neural networks work first before moving onto more advanced topics like regularization! Now that we have defined our loss function let's move onto computing our gradients and backpropagating them through our network:

def backwardPass(net, lossFunction): # this takes in two arguments: net which is our neural network AND lossFunction which tells us what our error was for each sample in our dataset # first we call net.backward(lossFunction) which computes the gradient of the loss function with respect to each parameter in our network # note that each call to net(inputs) returns both an output tensor AND a dictionary containing information about each operation performed on that tensor such as which operations were executed (for example "fc1.weight"). In our case this dictionary includes both forward pass information AND backward pass information so when we call net(inputs) we also get access to the gradients computed by each operation inside net! So now all of us have access to the gradients for each operation inside net! We can compute the gradients for any given layer by calling its backward() method followed by calling its params attribute which contains all of its parameters (e.g. self.fc1.weight). For each weight matrix inside that layer there are two gradients: one coming from its inputs (the gradient of the dot product between its inputs and its weights) and one coming from its previous layer (the gradient of the chain rule applied to apply a dot product between its inputs and its weights times its output). So let's start with calculating the gradients for the first hidden layer (which has no previous layer) and then work our way up through each subsequent layer! First let't start by computing the gradient for layer "fc1": # first we take the derivative of each weight matrix in layer "fc1" with respect to its corresponding input using chain rule # that means: df/dj = f'(k)*w^T*x_k + f'(k+1)*w^T*(x_k+c_j)+ ... + f'(N)*w^T*(x_k+c_N+b) (where j=0,1,2,3, ... N is equal to the number of neurons in k+1th layer and c_j represents the bias term for layer j) # next let't find out what each element of df/dj represents: df/dj[k][j] = f'(k)*w^T*

2.3 使用双曲正切函数拓宽输出范围

在深度学习中,有时候我们需要对输出结果进行变换,以使其具有更好的可解释性或更好的性能。其中一种方法是使用双曲正切函数(hyperbolic tangent function)来拓宽输出范围。双曲正切函数可以使输出结果在-1到1之间波动,从而避免了过拟合问题。

12.4 整流线性单元

整流线性单元(Rectifier Linear Unit,简称ReLU)是一种常用的激活函数。它的作用是在输入数据大于0时保留原始值,否则将其设置为0。ReLU的优点是可以加速神经网络的训练过程,并且可以避免梯度消失问题。

12.5 使用torch.nn模块简化常见结构


12.6 本章小结

本章介绍了深度学习中的一些基本概念和技术。其中包括双曲正切函数、整流线性单元、torch.nn模块等。此外,还介绍了如何使用PyTorch实现深度卷积神经网络以及如何使用PyTorch Lightning进行模型训练和评估。


14.4 使用卷积神经网络对人脸图像进行微笑分类

14.4.1 加载CelebA数据集

14.4.2 图像转换和数据增广

14.4.3 训练卷积神经网络微笑分类器

14.5 本章小结

第15章 用循环神经网络对序列数据建模

15.1 序列数据

15.1.1 序列数据建模

15.1.2 序列数据与时间序列数据

15.1.3 序列数据的表示

15.1.4 序列建模方法

15.2 用于序列数据建模的循环神经网络

15.2.1 循环神经网络的循环机制

15.2.2 循环神经网络激活值计算

15.2.3 隐藏层循环与输出层循环

15.2.4 远距离学习面临的问题

15.2.5 长短期记忆网络

15.3 在PyTorch中实现循环神经网络

15.3.1 项目1:基于IMDb影评进行情感分析

15.3.2 项目2:在PyTorch中实现字符级语言建模

15.4 本章小结

第16章 transformer:利用注意力机制改善自然语言处理效果

16.1 带有注意力机制的循环神经网络

16.2 自注意力机制

16.3 注意力是唯一需要的:最初的transformer

16.4 利用未标注的数据构建大型语言模型

16.5 用PyTorch微调BERT模型

16.6 本章小结

XXI 第17章 用于合成新数据的生成对抗网络

17.1 生成对抗网络

17.2 从零开始实现生成对抗网络

17.3 用卷积GAN和Wasserstein GAN提高生成图像的质量

17.4 其他生成对抗网络应用

17.5 本章小结 XXII 第18章 用于捕获图数据关系的图神经网络 18.1 图数据简介 18.2 理解图卷积 18.3 用PyTorch从零开始实现图神经网络 18.4 其他图神经网络层和最新的进展 18.5 本章小结 XXIII 第19章 在复杂环境中做决策的强化学习 19.1 从经验中学习概述 19.2 强化学习的理论基础 19.3 强化学习算法 19.4 实现第一个强化学习算法 19.5 深度Q学习概览





