























沪教版七年级下册英语Unit 5单词和课文听力音频加文本



冀教版七年级下册英语Unit 5 单元短语归纳








[00:00.00]Unit 5 Our School Life 第5单元 我们的学校生活

[00:03.00]Topic 1 I usually come to school by subway. 话题1 我经常乘地铁来学校。

[00:07.20]Section A A部分

[00:08.71]1a. Listen, look and say. 1a. 听录音,看一看并说一说。

[00:12.72](Kangkang meets Jane and Helen at the school gate.) (康康在学校大门口遇见了Jane和Helen。)

[00:17.00]Happy New Year! 新年快乐!

[00:18.33]The same to you! Nice to see you again, Kangkang. 你也是!很高兴再次见到你,康康。

[00:22.53]Nice to see you, too. 也很高兴见到你们。

[00:24.56]Oh, your new bike looks very nice! 啊,你的新自行车看起来很好看!

[00:28.28]Thank you. 谢谢。

[00:29.40]Do you often come to school by bike? 你经常骑自行车来学校吗?

[00:32.50]Yes, I do. How do you usually come to school? 是的。你通常怎么来学校?

[00:36.36]I usually come to school by subway. 我经常乘地铁来学校。

[00:39.65]You mean you usually come to school by underground? 你是说你经常乘地铁来学校?

[00:43.47]You’re right. How about you, Jane? 是的。你呢,Jane?

[00:46.52]I always come to school by bus. Oh, it’s time for class. Come on! 我一直乘公交车来上学。哦,要上课了。快点!

[00:52.35]2b. Listen and match the means of transportation in 2a with the people. 2b. 听录音并匹配2a中的交通方式和人物。(听力练习)

[01:37.44]3a. Listen and read the sounds and the words aloud. 3a. 听录音并读发音和单词。

[01:43.19]e evening Chinese meter end lend tell e 傍晚 中国人的 米 最后 借 告诉

[01:56.00]ea/ee meat team feet ea/ee 肉 队伍 脚

[02:04.19]ea bread head dead break great steak idea real theatre ea 面包 头 死的 中断 好的 牛排 主意 真实的 剧院

[02:21.60]ei either neither height ei 或者 也不 高度

[02:28.59]d dish deaf do d 盘子 聋的 做

[02:35.00]dge bridge edge judge dge 桥边缘 判断

[02:43.54]3b. Listen and circle the words with the sound /i:/ or /e/. 3b. 听录音并圈出发音是/i:/ 或者 /e/的单词。(听力练习)

[03:16.00]Section B B部分

[03:17.65]1a. Look, listen and say. 1a. 看一看,听一听并说一说。

[03:22.75]Michael, what time do you usually get up on weekdays? Michael,你工作日通常几点起床?

[03:28.00]I always get up at about six o’clock. 我通常在6点钟起床。

[03:31.51]The early bird catches the worm. How do you usually come to school? 早起的鸟儿有虫吃。你通常怎么来学校。

[03:37.22]I usually come to school on foot, but sometimes by bike. How about you? 我经常不行来学校,但有时也乘自行车。你呢?

[03:43.57]I seldom walk to school. I often come by subway. What about you, Sally? 我很少步行去上学。我经常坐地铁。你呢,Sally?

[03:50.61]I never come to school by subway. I always take a bus. 我从不乘地铁来学校。我一直乘公交车。

[03:56.17]3. Listen to the passage about Nancy’s activities and check the correct answers. 3. 听关于Nancy的活动的文章并检查正确的答案。(听力练习)

[04:27.61]4. Chant and then match the first four sentence with the pictures. 4. 唱歌谣然后匹配最前面的四个句子和图片。(听力练习)

[05:55.00]Section C C部分

[05:56.76]1a. Read and understand. 1a. 读一读并理解。

[06:00.55]Look at the pictures in the passage and predict the time and activities in Jane’s day. Then read the passage carefully and complete the table. 看文章中的图片并预测Jane每天的时间和活动。然后仔细读文章并完成表格。

[06:12.71]Jane’s Day Jane的一天

[06:14.63]Jane usually gets up at twenty past six. Jane经常在6点20起床。

[06:19.18]At seven o’clock, she has breakfast with her parents. 在7点,她和父母吃早餐。

[06:23.65]She goes to school by bus at half past seven. 她在7点半乘公交车去学校。

[06:28.32]Classes begin at eight. She has four classes in the morning. 8点开始上课。她在上午有4节课。

[06:34.38]She has lunch at school at twelve ten. 她在12点10分在学校吃中饭。

[06:38.70]She has two classes in the afternoon. 她下午有两节课。

[06:42.00]After school, she often plays football with her classmates. 放学之后,她经常和她的同学踢足球。

[06:47.75]At a quarter past five, she takes the subway home. 在5点一刻,她乘地铁回家。

[06:52.25]She gets home at five thirty and has dinner at seven o’clock. 她在5点半到家,在7点吃晚餐。

[06:58.00]After dinner, she often does her homework and then watches TV for a short time. 晚餐之后,她经常做家庭作业然后看一小会儿电视。

[07:06.16]She goes to bed at about a quarter to ten. 她在9点三刻上床睡觉。

[07:10.61]4b. Read the sentences aloud, paying attention to the rising tone and the falling tone. Then listen and repeat. 4b. 大声读句子,注意升调和降调。然后听录音并重复。

[07:22.79]1. The Chinese judge needs cheese, meat and bread. 1. 中国法官需要奶酪,肉和面包。

[07:30.00]2. The girl in jeans can cook great beef. 2. 穿牛仔裤的女孩能烹饪很棒的牛肉。

[07:35.41]Section D D部分

[07:37.45]1. Listen to the sentences and fill in the blanks. 1. 听句子并填空。(听力练习)

[08:12.73]2. Read the interview and answer the questions on Page 8. Then act it out. 2. 读采访并回答第8页的问题。然后表演出来。

[08:20.50]Good morning, boys and girls! Please welcome our new friend, Michael. 早上好,男孩女孩们!请欢迎我们的新朋友,Michael。

[08:26.49]He’s from America. Hello, Michael! 他来自美国。你好,Michael!

[08:29.67]Hello! 你好!

[08:31.00]We’d like to know about the school life of American students. 我们想要了解美国学生的学校生活。

[08:35.38]How do they usually go to school? 他们通常怎么去学校?

[08:38.58]Well, many students usually take a yellow school bus or walk to school. 嗯,许多学生通常称作黄色的校车或者步行去学校。

[08:44.43]Where do they usually have lunch? 他们通常在哪儿吃中饭?

[08:47.84]They usually have lunch at school and then begin class at about one o’clock in the afternoon. 他们通常在学校吃中饭,接着在大概下午1点开始上课。

[08:55.80]What time is school over, then? 那么什么时候上学结束?

[08:58.00]At about three o’clock. 大约在3点钟。

[09:00.00]What do they do in their free time? 在空闲的时候他们经常做什么?

[09:02.83]They often play basketball and soccer. 他们经常打篮球和踢足球。

[09:06.00]Well, I’m sorry we have no more time. Nice talking to you. Thank you. 嗯,很抱歉我没有太多时间。很高兴和你谈话。谢谢你。
