
Hot is a term that refers to physical heat or the sensation of warmth. It can refer to objects, situations, and people that are excessively warm or give off heat. Examples of hot include "hot stove," "hot water," "a hot August day," "a hot stuffy room," "she's hot and tired," and "a hot forehead."

In addition to temperature, hot can also describe intense and forceful activity or movement. For instance, "the fighting became hot and heavy," "a hot engagement," "a raging battle," and "the river became a raging torrent" are all examples of hot in this context.

When used metaphorically, hot can signify psychological heat or passion. This can be seen in phrases like "a hot temper," "a hot topic," "a hot new book," "a hot love affair," and "a hot argument."


As mentioned earlier, the word hot does not have its own unique color, but it can be used to describe bold and intense colors. For example, "hot pink" refers to a bright and vibrant shade of pink.

Sexually Explicit

The term hot can also be used sexually to refer to someone who is sexually excited or aroused. For instance, "was hot for her" is an example of using the word in this context. Similarly, "hot pants" refers to sexy clothing that is designed to reveal a lot of leg. Lastly, the term hot merchandise can refer to products that have been recently stolen or smuggled. An example of this is a stolen car referred to as a hot car.


- 非常快;能够快速响应和高速。

- “一辆热门的赛车”

- “极快的速度”

- “一开始就很热门”

- “在追赶中”

- “红色的高速车道”

- 被警方通缉。

- “热门嫌疑人”。

- 在味觉神经上产生灼热感。

- “辣酱”。

- “辣椒非常辣”。

- 以异常高超的技巧和勇气进行表演或正在进行表演。

- “热门鼓手”。

- “他今晚很火热”。

- 非常受欢迎或成功。

- “一位年轻的热门才子”。

- “去年娃娃熊很火”。

- 非常不愉快甚至危险。

- “让他热起来”。

- “坐在热椅子上”。

- “陷入困境”。

- 最新的或最近的。

- “新闻刚刚出炉”。

- “热点信息”。

- 拥有或带来不寻常的好运。

- “擅长于赌博,运气很好”。

- “今天的骰子很热”。

- 非常好;经常用于否定句。

- “他在数学方面很出色,但历史方面就不那么出色了”。


1. "newly made":新近制作的

2. "a hot scent":一种热香味道

3. having or showing great eagerness or enthusiasm:表现出极大的热情和渴望

4. "hot for travel":非常适合旅行的

5. of a seeker:寻找者的

6. very near to the object sought:非常接近所寻求的对象

7. "you are hot":你很热

8. having or dealing with dangerously high levels of radioactivity:具有或处理危险的高放射水平

9. "hot fuel rods":热燃料棒

10. "a hot laboratory":一个热实验室

11. charged or energized with electricity:充满或注入电力

12. "a hot wire":热电线

13. "a live wire":活电线

14. marked by excited activity:由兴奋活动标记的

15. "a hot week on the stock market":股票市场上的一个热门周