Prettier is the superlative form of pretty. It means

more beautiful, more attractive or better looking. Synonyms for prettier

include beautiful, attractive and charming. In contrast, prettiest is

the superlative form of prettier and the most beautiful or attractive. Other

words that can be used instead of prettiest include gorgeous, stunning or


In a pretty manner means to do something in an elegant or graceful way.

Example: She walked down the aisle in a pretty manner on her wedding day.

Pretty often means to a fair degree and moderately, which means it is not

too bad but not great either. Example: The weather today is pretty good.

In a pretty predicament means being in a situation that is difficult or

embarrassing. Example: He was in a pretty predicament when he accidentally

locked his keys inside his car.

Ostensibly pretty things are things that look attractive on the surface but

lack substance or conviction. Example: The new smartphone had lots of pretties

on its screen, but it didn't have a great camera.

A pretty fortune means a large amount of money or assets. Example: He inherited

a pretty fortune from his grandfather.

Pretties refer to delicate clothing, especially lingerie. Example: She wore a

pair of pretty panties under her dress.

Prettier: The comparative form of pretty, indicating greater attractiveness or excellence than the base form. For example:

- She looked prettier than her sister in that dress.

Pretty much: This phrase is used to mean "almost entirely" or "nearly completely". For example:

- The situation has pretty much resolved itself by now.

John Strahinich: This name was likely a misspelling of "John Strathcona", which refers to a region in present-day Canada. For example:

- The John Strahinich Institute for the Study of Contemporary Art is located in Toronto.

Materials are running out pretty fast: This sentence suggests that the speaker is concerned about the availability of materials and that they will soon be exhausted. For example:

We need to order more materials soon; we're running out pretty fast.

In Middle English, the word prety meant "clever", "fine", or "handsome". In Old English, prôttig meant "cunning" or "treacherous". These words evolved into their modern forms over time through a process of borrowing and inflection. Today, prettify is an English word with various meanings, including "to make something more attractive or pleasing" or "to improve something".