' (エーダッシュ)Character: Kimura Ryouhei (木村 良平)

A' is a very good boy, but his real issue makes my heart hurt. He's so sweet and adorable, yet he suffers from bipolar disorder as diagnosed by the DSM-5. The heroine in this story shows incredible strength and support for A', who is a roller coaster of emotions. His second song is particularly poignant and emotional.

Story premise: These six male characters have bands managed by Climax Records. Despite their talent, they each have their own personal issues, making it challenging for them to succeed. One day, their music executive informs them that this will be their last song, leaving them all betting on these final tracks to secure their future. Each character has a different girlfriend who must support them.

The fifth and best male character in the story is A'. If you're wondering how to pronounce his name, it's not "A-apostrophe", but rather "A-dash." He prefers to be called "A-kun" or "A-tan." His band's name is NSFW (Not Safe For Work), which adds to the humor and lightheartedness of the series.

's music videos have always been an interesting blend of drama and electronica. His latest release, "Chew Chew Miracle," is no exception. The song features some amazing synth and electronica elements that are sure to delight fans of his work.

The video begins with A' singing the title track in Japanese, followed by a drama translation. However, translating the lyrics can be quite challenging. The first line, "かむかむみらくる" (kamu kamu miru) is difficult to translate because it consists of two words: "かむ" (kamu) means "biting," while "みらくる" (miru ru) means "to bite." In addition, the word "miracle" is written in hiragana instead of katakana. As a result, it can be difficult to accurately convey the meaning of these lines.

In "Chew Chew Miracle," A' uses the phrase "キタコレ (kita kore)" which is an expression of satisfaction or excitement. This phrase is also challenging to translate due to its double meaning and cultural context. Despite these difficulties, A' manages to create a catchy tune that is sure to resonate with listeners.

One thing that sets A' apart from other artists is his use of onomatopoeia in his songs. In "Chew Chew Miracle," he includes a variety of onomatopoeia such as "meromero," "wakuwaku," "bachibachi," "torotoro," "jikujiku," "kamukamu," and others. Although these may be difficult to translate, they add an extra layer of fun and excitement to the song.

When it comes to his fans, A' calls them "crazy girls." This term may be challenging to translate due to its connotations and cultural context, but it clearly shows how much respect A' has for his fans.

Overall, I find A''s music and videos to be incredibly entertaining. While his use of onomatopoeia can make his songs difficult to translate, it adds an extra level of fun and excitement to his work. I highly recommend checking out his latest release, "Chew Chew Miracle," if you haven't already done so.

Chew Chew Miracle

キミのなかでキラキラしている キラキラしている You sparkle inside

セカイで一番ぴゅあなモン the world’s purest thing オトナにはならないままでいい It’s okay to remain like this, not becoming an adult

Chew Chew Miracle

ふたりで、魅せあおうよ (ウラもおオモもね) Let’s charm each other (inside and outside)

乱反射してるので、驚くのはまだ早い Reflected diffusely // It’s too early to be surprised

五臓六腑を砂糖漬け Every fiber of my being is candied アマイ ガムを めちゃくちゃ Mess up that sweet gum (トロけあおう) (Let’s melt together)

ストロベリィだよ (Chew it) 病みつきになるね (Juicy) It’s strawberry (chew it) // It becomes addicting (juicy)

膨らんでいくね キタコレ!? (ヤバいよ) It’s expanding, here it comes!? (crazy)

噛み飽きないんです(Chew it) 魔法の味になるのか? (Juicy) Can’t get tired of chewing (chew it) // It’s the taste of magic (juicy)

かまいかまい 後に溢かする甘い物になるか? かまいかまい 後に溢かする甘い物になるか? かまいかまい 後に溢かする甘い物になるか?

Chew chew miracle (overflowing)

口を開いて、誘受する Purse your lips // Let’s suck it up together

なにかと同様に、愛し続ける I’ll give you love however many times you like (LOVE)

Chew Chew Miracle

此処まで先は、光るなので、外に出て行う必要はない 我は今、狂うと思う またまた、夜を眠るのに手を押す必要はない。またまた、夜を眠るのに手を押す必要はない。またまた、夜を眠るのに手を押す必要はない。またまた、夜を眠るのに手を押す必要はない。またまた、夜を眠るのに手を押す必要はない..

As we draw together in this town, with the exception of a desperate measure romance,

if we're drawn - crackling - to each other, it's something children can understand. She can be as selfish as she likes (what's the problem?), but if we change into something else, there are a lot of futures out there. We could knock out Bob Sapp with a severe punch or I could be incoherent sending well wishes. It might be candy soda (chew it) bursting with flavor that I can't stop chewing on and is making my tongue go wild.

But if I can't swallow it, then I want stimulation (bubble). Even when things get rough or messy, like when there's a lot of oozing and dripping, I'll chew chew the miracle and keep going. The tip of my tongue is going wild and I'll even love trouble (love). Because everything and anything is possible when we're willing to take a chance and see where it goes.


咀嚼奇迹 // 咀嚼,咬(咀嚼)




草莓味的(咀嚼) // (变得上瘾)

它膨胀起来了吗? 太好吃了吧!?(诱人)

它在膨胀 // 现在就来吧!?(疯狂)

我吃腻了咀嚼吗? 这可是魔法的味道!(诱人)

无法停止咀嚼(咀嚼) // 这是魔法的味道!(诱人)



张开你的嘴唇 // 让我们一起吸吮吧




(咀嚼它 咀嚼它 咀嚼它)

(咀嚼它 // 咀嚼它 // 咀嚼它)

(咀嚼它 咀嚼它 咀嚼它)

(咀嚼它 // 咀嚼它 // 咀嚼它)



RE: MorseMorse

Hey, everything is disappearing, it’s a night that’s approaching zero

ねぇ 何もかもが消えて ゼロに近付く夜だね

Hey, everything is disappearing, it's getting close to zero at night

その手だけ 握れなくて 曖昧だから 薄まってくよ

Don’t hold that hand, because it’s unclear and becoming weak

I don't want to hold that hand because it's unclear and becoming weak


I'll live alone, what a bluff

I'll live alone, what a joke


I was always crying

I used to cry a lot

言葉の中に或る夢だけ 信じられたならば

If I believed only in a certain dream inside words

Would I become a beautiful person? RE:morse

Did I become a beautiful person? RE:morse


The wickedness inside the mirror facing me

Tries tilting its head

as if it was destined to do so

もう僕を 裏切れない

Don’t betray me anymore

My heart cannot be betrayed any longer


My heart is already dead

It has already stopped beating

誰にも言えず 消し去った罪

this erased sin that I cannot tell anyone

This erased sin that I can no longer express to anyone

耳を塞いだ あらゆるコトに I plugged my ears to all the connections I had

今も、閉ざして It’s still closed even now

心の奥で震えている My heart is trembling deep inside me

自分自身達は My selves, are disconnected, aren't they? RE:morse I wonder if they can be connected together? RE:morse I feel like they're opposite sides of the same coin They're like two sides of the same coin with an unknown connection between them I can't explain their connection

These two obscure persons, whose tongues are licking tears that are dry, are right now lacking something they cannot see, even though it is present in front of them. They may not become "one" together, but they will always be two separate individuals. One day, they may smile again, although for now, they must part ways. If forgiveness were bestowed upon them, they would only believe in a certain dream hidden within words; a dream of becoming a beautiful person in this world without RE:morse.

However, there is wickedness inside the mirror facing them, which they cannot ignore. The mirror tries to tilt its head towards them as if it were destined to do so. Despite their belief in this wickedness, they still have one love for each other.

In conclusion, the lyrics of this song express feelings of loneliness and separation from loved ones. The speaker acknowledges the emptiness in their lives and the need for love and companionship. They also express a desire to be happy and content, even if it means leaving the rest of their problems to others.

': I missed you, honeyy! Hey, did you watch the stage properly? I might have done a little too much fan service, but thanks to that, everything EXPLODED, right? Heehee, I'm always going mad for you. So at least you can go mad for me during lives, or it won't be fair, right?

A': Haha, right!? Today the crazy girls were so fired up; it was awesome! It made me feel super great too! NSFW's audience is made up of only crazy people, but the crazy girls today were really crazy, weren't they? It's been a while since I've been in such a small box; the distance felt super close. Looking at all those cute faces made me think I was gonna fall in love!


A': Hmm? What? Are you jealous? Ehe, you're doing it again. If you're gonna be jealous, then you should just honestly say you're jealous. Ha... I don't wanna hear that good girl answer though? By the way, in the first place, there aren't many people who treasure their fans like me. Everyone is so lovable; it's dangerous... kidding!

's expression changed as A' turned to him. "C'mon, say it honestly! That you really want me to look only at you... Oh? Really? So you were jealous! Heehee! Relax, honey, the one I truly love is j-u-s-t y-o-u."

A's response was unexpected. "True, the one on the stage might be everyone's A-chan but the moment I get down from the stage I become just your A-chan. Besides, without you I would already be dead. In this shitty world... there's no point in living long, right? But I don't think that right now. Because I had my fated meeting with you! Of course, you think that too, right? That it was fate to meet me."


A' couldn't contain his happiness any longer and exclaimed, "I’m soo happy!! I love you! I really love you! I’m gonna go mad with how lovely you are! Stay together with me from here on too, okay?" He then leaned in for a kiss.

However, Aha suddenly realized something. "Crap, my switch just flipped. In other words, I’m gonna eat you. Rawr!"

A' tried to reason with him, "Nope, it’s useless to struggle, honey. My switch flipped so there’s no way I can stop. So, be good and accept my love. Well, if you knew that and you’re just riling me up then I’m okay with that too~..." before he leaned in for another kiss.

Hey there, I'm feeling a little bit hot right now. 🥵 It's been so hot during the live event today, and what's worse is that the stage was small and packed with a huge crowd. Even the oxygen was thin, making it hard to breathe. 🥴 Do you feel the same way? Maybe we should cool off together. 🌊 I found some mineral water here, let's take a sip! It feels so good. 💦 And here, have a sip too. 😜 Now you're all soaked in water, but don't worry, our NSFW shirt isn't becoming see-through at all with this. What a waste! Maybe two bottles of water will make it better? 😏 Want to give it a try? Let me know how it goes.

': Haha, you're doing it again, saying such boring things! Where could it be? Water, water... there's none. Was it all used up during the live? Laame. And I was so fired up back there I think I'm even hotter now. Hmm... okay, how about we take a shower!

A': Yep, the live house here has a shower. So, I'll show you there. Come on, let's go. Hm? Of course! You're hot too, right? So it'll be fine. Anyway, GO!


*in shower room*

A': Excuse us~. Now, might as well start.

*turns on shower*

Ahhhh haha! Cold!! Here, you too!

A': How about it? Doesn't it feel super good? And let's do even more things that feel good here...




... mmhmm


... mm, huh? Strange... Even though we're having such a cold shower I'm not cooling down at all. More like I feel even hotter? Heehee. This is because of you, huh.

: 喂,别害羞了,看看这边。你也热吗?你藏不住的。贴得这么近,我能感觉到。你的脸不也通红吗?还有这里...超热的,是不是?



A: 嗯,所以,先躲在我身后一会儿。谁知道我在做什么~。



A: 不,只要我打破一两个水管就不算犯法。啊哈,感觉真爽。来吧,你也该洗个澡了。嗯?啊,你已经被水浸透了,T恤几乎都透明了。太热了。

A: 哈?可能吧,哈哈哈哈。但你是如此喜欢我,对吧?我想是的!太棒了!我不会让你对我感到厌烦的。我想让你从现在开始陪在我身边。即使你不想这样,我也不会让你走的......?


***TRACK 4: 你会握住我的心吗? ***


Caller A:

"Ah, hello? It's me, darling! Are you free? Actually, even if you're not free, can you make some time? It's okay, right? I really want to see you. I'd do anything to see you right now. If I don't, I think I'll die. Ah ha ha, no, that was a lie! Hey, hey, were you scared? Ahaha! Well? What's it gonna be? Will you come? Will you not? Which one? That's what I thought! Awesome! Then come right away, I'm at the office. I have something... I want to show you... Yep! The details are a secret until you come. Buuuut it's something that'll knock you down the moment you see it! Once this call ends, DASH over here, okay? I CAN'T WAIT!"

*Phone call ends; You knock on the office door*

Caller A: "Hello, yes, who is it? OH! You finally came! I was waiting for SO LONG! Come in, now now now! And now for the reveal! LOOK AT THIS! Hahaha! How about it? Are you surprised? It's awesome, right?"

: "Hmm? This Can you tell by just looking at it? I got a tattoo done, and it's your name! Yes, that's right. Look at it. I really like you so much, and I was thinking about how to express these feelings. Normal ways aren't really enough. Things like 'I like you' or 'I love you.' No matter how many times they're said, they're impossible to make them stick. Those kinds of things don't leave anything behind, even after they've been said countless times!"

A continued, "So then I thought I'd get something that would show it, something that could never disappear! Ah, that's right. Now that I have it, I should show everyone at the next live event! Ah, my crazy girls might get sad, but this is - the name of A-tan's beloved who he loves to the point of death!"

's confession: "Hah? Of course I did it myself. Plus, there's more meaning in me personally tattooing your name, right? It’s proof of my love that’ll never disappear. Tsk tsk tsk, no, it’s not an injury, didn’t I say it was a tattoo? They’re completely different! Ah, I can't deny it hurt a wee bit... actually it hurt so damn much, but because it was for you I could handle it. Rather, it was kinda easy?"

A's confusion:

"Huh? You don't need to treat it. Plus the bleeding has already stopped. No, no, hold on, what? What's with that, uh, lackluster reaction? Are you saying that seriously?... What... even though I did this much... I guess my feelings didn't get across..."

A's realization:

"Actually, how come you’re always so calm? Over here I’m already to the point where I don’t know what to do. Hey... is it actually just me who’s in love this much? Is it just me who is crazy in love? Are you saying it’s not like that for you?

: Then why don't you show more I'm trying my best, aren't I? I'm doing everything I can to get my feelings across... so be a little more crazy about me. It's not like I'm saying you have to get a tattoo, but can't you feel a little more desire for me? Like getting jealous when I'm surrounded by crazy girls. Or you could call me unexpectedly in the middle of the night because you want to see me...

B: But it's always me who does those things, right? You know, I... would seriously do anything for you. If you told me to die, I would die right here. Hah, see... I thought you'd say that. Whenever I talk about dying, you ALWAYS get angry! BUT YOU KNOW... what else can I do? Where can I find an outlet for these massive feelings I have?

': Really, what should I do? I don't even know myself. Even though I love you so much and before I met you, I only ever thought about dying. Whenever I thought about having a deadline, I thought about how I could basically do anything. After all, everything will end soon, so I had to have fun. I was always desperately doing idiotic things and messing around.

A': But then I met you, and I thought I could maybe live a bit longer... *sniffs*

. But lately, you haven't been around, so I can't help but feel anxious. Even when I sing or make songs, I realize "Huh? Aren't I alone?" and the moment I think that, I'm done. If you aren't around there's no point in me living. Thinking that, I'm absolutely terrified of being alone, and then, more than ever, I think about dying right now. [07:10]

's confession to A

A’: That’s why I have to tell you how precious you are to me and how troubled I am without you with me... but I don’t know anything anymore! How do I say it all? Sure, I may have been crazy from the start, but you’re the first person I’ve been this serious about. You have to know that much.

A’: Eh? Really? Can I believe that? My feelings have gotten across? Ah... then... wrap your arms tighter around me! And look straight at me...


A’: It’d be great if you could always be beside me like this and hold me. Then I wouldn’t think about so many unnecessary things. Like what you think about me... or what I should do if my feelings don’t get across. I wouldn’t have to worry.

A’: Why... is it whenever I see your face I can say this directly...


A’: Don’t leave me alone. I’ll continue to be driven crazy by you to the very end. So be more crazy for me too. If you don’t, then I really don’t know what’ll happen to me. I would have no choice but to die.

A’: ...Really?



A's response: Uh, this It doesn't hurt anymore! Because my beloved is right in front of me! Obviously I'm completely filled with energy! Hm? This tattoo? It probably really won't disappear. Ah, at any rate, I'll wear a wristband tomorrow.

[10:20] A: Now that I think about it calmly, I can’t bring you up at a live. It’d be too dangerous. Because you’re so cute? And an absolutely amazing woman at a level that drives me crazy. If you stood out and other guys looked at you then I wouldn’t be able to bear it. Then I’d be so worried the live would be out of question.

’: I am more than happy for you to be the only one driving me crazy, in fact, it would be great if that were the case. So, how long are you planning to stay here today? You will be coming to the live tomorrow, right? And will you stay here until morning?

A’: Don't worry, it will be fine! If I have the opportunity to spend time with you until morning, I can assure you that I will work even harder at the live. There was a moment when I considered taking you both to my place... but let's face it, that is impossible. Once we get to my place, I cannot hold back. Therefore, you must accept my love in this very direct way, okay, honey? I am going to say this upfront, but if we die because of all these activities, I won't be able to help you out.


*** TRACK 5: Meaning of my life. ***

A’: Wait, hold on just a moment. Let's take a step back and consider this. Are we actually going down this path together? I'm sorry to say it, but I don't agree with you.

*clears throat*

was about to say something, but then I realized that the hook didn't come out at all in this take. Are you listening properly?!A: Huh? What did you say? Can we fix it later? Are you suggesting we finish this sloppy and then fix it? That's ridiculous. Or perhaps, you're only thinking about the schedule. If we don't finish today, it will be troublesome, so you think anything is fine, right? DON'T FUCK WITH ME. HOW COULD I DO THAT?!*exits recording room*A: Recording is cancelled! And I'm completely against that shit being announced as NSFW's work!*exits room*A: FUCKING HELL!SHIT!!THROWS STUFFGRAH!BREAKS MORE THINGSFUCK OFF, LEAVE ME ALONE!Ah, you-! I'm sorry, are you okay? I thought you were one of those shitheads... Can you stand? You're not hurt, are you?

: ... Ahh... everything is going wrong today. I can’t believe it. I just want to die...

Ah? It’s nothing. Anyway... I’m talking about how my singing is shit. We were supposed to be recording today, but since yesterday, my rhythm has been awful. Especially the high notes. My voice isn't reaching them at all and it's the worst I have ever sounded.

A: But you know what’s even worse? After hearing such shitty singing from me, everyone praised me saying it was super good. Haha! Isn’t that ridiculous? Even though I said I wasn’t singing at all, the staff still praised me. And then what do you think they said? They said they’d do something about it later. Even if my singing is bad, they believed they could hide it.

A: Hahaha... what a joke. Then it doesn't even have to be me who sings, does it? Up until now, there have been a lot of staff members I’ve worked with and naturally people I didn't like, but this is the first time I've felt so betrayed by them.


want to make a video, but it's not just about the money. Even if it sells poorly, I won't be happy because people might think that was me singing. It would make me so embarrassed that I'd quit singing altogether. A': SHIT!

I can't believe those guys were involved in music without any qualifications. They don't know a thing about it! Agh, I'm so pissed. GODDAMN IDIOTS! Shit! More breaking stuff.

Let go before you get hurt too, A'! But no, leave me alone! A': Aha... haha... you're as kind as always. But, you see... I'm really sorry... I don't think I can be gentle with you today anymore. On the contrary, I really want to pick a fight.

*Pins you against the wall*

I'm sorry for calling you here, but can't you leave me alone today? I've reached my limits on a lot of things. You get it, right? In this state, if I said something cruel to you, I'll never recover. It'd be impossible for me to live.

': Haha, look at that. Isn't it just like this right now? If I said I wanted to die or I couldn't live anymore... then you get angry, and I know that, but I can't stop. I don't want you to hate me. If that happened, then I would have no choice but to die... ahaha, this isn't good, I just said it again, aha. I can't stop. I really can't help it.

A': Aah... actually, if you were to kill me... wouldn't everything be cleared? Ah! Then I'd stop. Everything would end without extra things being said. Ah, right, you wouldn't be able to do it... I knew that. Besides, if you were made to do it then you'd grow to hate me...

A': But... that might be much better because if I were to be hated by you, then my reason to live would be gone, and you would immediately forget about me, who you hated. Aha... I did it again. There's something perfect for times like these, huh. I don't know what kind of person would use this stuff, but jeez, is it alright to use such a junky thing?

You pull the chains around my neck, then you wrap them tightly. "Hold it here and here," you instruct me as I struggle to keep the chains in place. "Don't worry, I'll make sure to help," you reassure me. As we continue our struggles, you finally manage to secure the chains. "It'll be the last thing we do together, something like that," you say with a smile.

But your smile soon fades as you become increasingly agitated. "You can do it," you insist, but I can see the fear in your eyes. "Do it. I'm already at my limit! WITH EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING!" You slap me across the face, and the chains drop from my neck.

Pain shoots through my body as the chains fall to the ground. "That hurts!" you exclaim. "Why'd you do that all of a sudden? Ah, that hurt, it really hurts... I mean yeah, you're right about that, but..." You break away from me, your expression contorting with pain.

I reach out to grab your arm, but you push me away. "Hugging me all of a sudden... Do you suddenly want me? Seriously? Even though you hit me just now..." Your voice quivers with emotion as you sniffle.

"I'm sorry," you say, tears streaming down your face. "I don't know what came over me, no, I know what I tried to do but... I guess I fell down too much into the dark? I troubled you again. I'm really sorry. Forgive me?"

: "Even though I trouble you so much by asking if you would still be bothered if I'm gone and if you want me to live, will you say that more?"

A': "I see. As long as you need me, I'll have to live even if I'm dead. Ehehe, yeah, that makes no sense. Do I want to die or do I want to live?"

A': "I'll live. Don't worry. I can still keep on going. I don't have time to be lost in doubts because my beloved honey wants me this much." He kisses A.

A': "Hey, you should know but you held me back, so you'll take responsibility, right?"

A': "You can't play dumb like that. To me, you're already my reason for living. So, that means you'll always stay by my side, right? Get it? Oh, you said it! Heehee, awesome! With this, you and I will be together until death or something."

: Ah, crap, I just said the taboo word again. But it's okay, right? I trust that my feelings have gotten across to you. Now then, I'll leave and speak with the staff. I left them after cancelling things. Nah, the recording is still in process because I really can't accept things like this. I'll include the members and talk to them again. And if we fail at talking then I'll deal with it at that time.

A: If we're going to make something, I really want to give it my all. I also want you to understand what I'm saying. Well, let's stay calm and do this. Because now I still have a long life ahead of me, right? Thanks to someone.

A: So, anyway, could you wait for me a bit longer? I'll take you back to your place or wherever you want to go. That was my initial thought but, actually, why don't you come to A-tan's place? You said you would come here since you arrived today, which means that... tonight I'm not going to let you sleep. You need to be prepared for that, okay?