
作为名词,ink可以指墨水或油墨,也可以指乌贼分泌的墨液。例如:The book was worn out and had ink stains on its cover.(这本书破旧了,封面上有墨渍。)

作为及物动词,ink表示给某物上油墨,以便进行印刷、签订合同等活动;或者在某物上签名。例如:He inked his pen and wrote a letter.(他把笔蘸上墨水并写了一封信。)

作为不及物动词,ink可以理解为涂上墨水。例如:The artist is inking the canvas.(画家正在给画布上色。)


- 及物动词:

- He inked his pen.(他把笔蘸上墨水。)

- She inked her signature on the contract.(她在合同上签字。)

- 名词:

- The ink stains were hard to remove.(这些墨渍很难擦掉。)

- 情景对话:

- A: I’m afraid I’ve spilt ink all over the tablecloth. (恐怕把墨水溅满了你的桌布。)

- B: Oh, never mind about that.(哦,那没关系。)

- A: I’m terribly sorry. Won’t you let me pay for it?(抱歉极了。你同意我赔偿这块桌布吗?)

- B: No, I won’t hear of it.(不,别再提这件事了。)



此外,'ink' 这个词在不同的语境下有不同的含义。在科幻小说中,'ink' 可能指的是墨水,用于书写和绘画。例如:“其系列的第二部(Ink)将于明年出版. 这本书看介绍有点类似于的世界设定,存在一个另外的永恒世界。2017年的未来,天使与恶魔那个名为维伦穆(Vellum)的世界寻找一本记载了所有真相的书籍――.”在这里,'ink' 指的是一种书写材料。

另一方面,'ink' 也可以指油墨,这是一种用于印刷的技术。例如:“奈米管首先将以一种可印刷的油墨(ink)呈现,这种油墨的速度比竞争的有机电晶体快10倍......”在这里,'ink'指的是一种用于印刷的物质。

最后,'ink' 还可以指墨汁,这是一种用于绘画的液体。例如:“最后完成各种细节包括用GW墨汁(ink)渗线,用bleached bone轻扫高光处以及枪上的绿色隔栅......”在这里,'ink'指的是一种用于绘画的液体。

. 一种油墨产品的灰色CMY值为常数,即某种油墨的灰平衡比例值是恒定的。为了准确地再现色彩外观,我们可以测量这种油墨的灰平衡,然后根据这个平衡来校正图像,如制卡和会员卡制作过程中的图像。这种方法可以弥补这种油墨的一些缺点。

2. 然而,这种油墨的pH值过小。润版液中的催潮剂会与水反应,导致油墨干燥速度变慢。

3. 但是,当我们谈论水墨动画片时,由于需要进行分层渲染着色,制作过程非常复杂。一部很短的片子可能需要大量的时间和人力来完成。

When he was just five years old, he had never laid eyes on a writing brush, ink stick, ink slab, or paper before. It was a completely alien concept to him, and he couldn't even begin to imagine what they might look like.

One day, however, Fang Zhongyong suddenly burst into tears and demanded that his family bring him the necessary writing tools so he could compose a poem. His request may have seemed strange to those around him, but it was clear that he was determined to express himself through the written word.

As for ink, it refers to the colored liquid used in printing and writing. This ink is typically made from a combination of resins, such as chloridizing polypropylene, which is commonly used in cardstock and membership cards to create a strong adhesive force. The ink is then applied to paper using a printer or other writing tool.

In the context of screen printing, ink is made from different resins depending on the intended use. For example, chloridizing polypropylene is often used for creating bold, high-impact designs, while nitrogenation of EVA (ethylene-vinyl acetate) is commonly used for creating softer, more delicate effects.

In summary, Fang Zhongyong's early experiences with writing tools helped shape his appreciation for the power of language and expression. And while he may not have known much about ink or printing at the time, his passion for writing would continue to drive him forward throughout his life.

. 加入聚丙烯酸树脂或氯化聚丙烯等,可以提高名片印刷HDpE和会员卡制作的附着力。这是因为它们与HDpE的相溶性较差,当其在HDpE为基体的共混体系中构成分散相并居开薄膜表层时,显然有利于与油墨的粘结。

9. 通用胶印金不朱的制卡和会员卡制作速率把持在5000弛/小时左右,与其他方法相比较为合适。

10. 金不朱的制卡和会员卡制作适应性相当不错,但有时候也会出现由于疏忽而导致的意外故障。

11. 在胶印过程中,控制水墨平衡是一个非常重要的问题。实现胶印的水墨平衡需要一个过程,并且要考虑到需求对工艺的影响。




14. 我们为水性墨水行业、水性涂料行业、以及特种应用涂层行业提供产品和技术开发、支持,同时为喷墨耗材制造业提供纳米墨水。我们的纳米墨水具有以下特点:基本性能接近于纳米材料,防水耐光,5760DPI以上的解像能力。此外,我们还提供专业的水性印刷油墨,适用于行业应用和特殊涂层产品的开发与制造。

15. 我们的油墨可以用于名片打印和会员卡制作,颜色分离技术使得不同颜色的油墨可以混合在一起使用,从而实现同色的效果。这对于制卡和会员卡制作来说是非常实用的。

16. 我们的油墨不仅可以满足四色制卡和会员卡制作的需求,还可以提供更广泛的色彩范围,因此喷墨印刷的颜色通常比最终的制卡和会员卡制作的实物更加鲜艳或者饱和度更高。

17. 总的来说,我们的产品和服务旨在满足各种行业和应用的需求,包括水性墨水、水性印刷油墨、以及专业的分色片和制卡设备等。我们的专业性和创新性将帮助您在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。

. The printer ink is running out. (打印机墨水用完了。)

2. She carefully dipped her finger into the inkwell and applied it to the paper. (她小心翼翼地将手指浸入墨水池,然后将其涂在纸上。)

3. The tattoo artist used different colors of ink to create a unique design on the customer's skin. (纹身艺术家使用不同颜色的墨水在顾客的皮肤上创作出独特的设计。)

4. The ink stain on her shirt was difficult to remove. (她衬衫上的墨渍很难洗掉。)

5. He wrote his name in bold red ink on the top of the notebook. (他在笔记本顶部用粗红墨水写下了他的名字。)

culley is a contemporary artist who works with both Western and Chinese mediums. He enjoys the freedom that art offers, using acrylic on canvas alongside traditional Chinese ink for his artwork. Designer Chen Xuan's Horse Instinct is an excellent example of how traditional Chinese ink paintings have inspired modern artists.

The tender and elegant traditional ink scheme is replaced by a complicated and interlocked oil structure, as seen in one of Sculley's short pieces of this ink landscape. The Zhejiang Provincial Museum currently holds this piece, showcasing its beauty to viewers. In addition, more than 240 ink paintings and calligraphic works created by over 100 artists from across the country are on display at the exhibition.

Among Sculley's creations are more than 80 ink figure paintings, landscapes, and calligraphic works. The rest he uses to grace his ink paintings and calligraphic works. Duolun Museum of Modern Art is set to hold its own exhibition of water ink paintings and calligraphic works soon, giving visitors another opportunity to experience the beauty of Chinese traditional art.

In his works, Yu incorporates calligraphy and ink on rice paper to pay tribute to ancient Chinese masters while simultaneously exploring modern presentation styles. The young acrobats who perform these pieces are dressed in vibrantly colored costumes that draw inspiration from a variety of Chinese cultural elements, such as ink calligraphy and Peking Opera.

The word "ink" can be defined as either a noun or a verb. As a noun, it refers to the dark protective fluid ejected into water by cuttlefish and other cephalopods. It can also be used as a verb, indicating the act of filling something with ink or marking, coating, covering, or staining it with ink. For example, someone might say "I need to ink my pen" if they want to fill the pen's tip with ink so it can be used for writing. Alternatively, they might say "He inked his finger with ink" if they wanted to create a permanent mark on their skin using a black liquid. Another example of an inked action would be "They inked the contract" if they wanted to add a signature or symbol to make it legally binding.

In summary, Yu's use of calligraphy and ink on rice paper is a unique way to honor traditional forms while pushing the boundaries of modern art. Meanwhile, the colorful costumes worn by the acrobats draw inspiration from various aspects of Chinese culture and serve as a visual representation of the artistic fusion taking place within the performance.