
1. The ink on your right hand, that's the headmaster's brand of ink, which means you went into his desk for the answers on his test. 右手上的墨迹 是校长专用的牌子 说明你去校长办公室偷看了考试的答案。

2. Well it requires software, it requires hardware, and it requires chemical inks, and so the really cool bit is the idea to have a universal set of inks which we put out with the printer and you download the blue print, the organic chemistry for that molecule and you make it in the device. 这需要软件 也需要硬件 还需要化学墨水 最酷的是 如果有一套普适的墨水 和与之配套的打印机 你只需要下载设计图 也就是分子的有机结构 就能用此设备将它制造出来。

3. I have a couple which I've charged with ink here.我已经准备好了 墨已经上好了。

4. Or, rather, the ink it's written in.或者说 是用来写书的墨水。

5. Damn right it does. I could do it in ink.太对了 我可以直接用钢笔填。

6. And I don't have anymore ink, so I can't print.我這沒有墨了 所以我沒法打印。

7. And interest in the occult by the looks of that ink.根据这个纹身 推断他对灵异的东西很感兴趣。

8. I've got the nuts. I've got the ink.我有了坚果 也有了墨水。


. I believe she inked her ex-husband's arms.


He is merely the ink from which flows my poem.
