Synonyms:demand, exact, Law.

The act of demanding is a common phenomenon that occurs in various contexts. The verb 'demand' can be used in different ways, such as to ask for something with proper authority or peremptorily, to call for or require something just, proper, or necessary, or to lay formal legal claim to something. It can also be used without object, to make a demand, inquire or ask.

When the verb 'demand' is used without an object, it refers to the act of making a demand; inquiry; asking. It can also be used as a noun, referring to the act of demanding itself or something that is demanded. In economics, it is often used to refer to the desire to purchase coupled with the power to do so, or the quantity of goods that buyers will take at a particular price. A requisition can also be referred to as a demand or a legal claim that cannot be met.

In addition, when referring to something that is in great demand, we often use the phrase 'an article in great demand'. This phrase is used to describe something that people are eager to have and buy, but it may not always be available due to supply and demand issues.

In summary, 'demand' can be used in many ways to refer to the act of asking for something with proper authority or peremptorily, calling for or requiring something just, proper, or necessary, or laying formal legal claim to something. It can also refer to the act of making a demand or inquiry, or the thing that is demanding attention or resources.

Requesting something urgently or without permission is a common occurrence in life. The situation demands attention and may require immediate action. It is important to note that claiming something as your right is essential, even if it may be urgent. For instance, in the case of his parents demanding obedience from their son, obedience was demanded as a matter of right.

In law, making a formal legal claim is crucial when dealing with property, especially real estate. When making such claims, it is important to use the correct nouns to avoid any confusion. In economics, the willingness and ability of consumers to purchase goods and services at a specific price is referred to as supply. On the other hand, demand refers to the amount of a commodity that consumers are willing and able to purchase at a specified price.

When a demand arises for something or someone, it becomes an urgent requirement. This could be anything from a request for help or information, to a demand for goods or services. It is also important to note that some things require special effort or sacrifice, making them more difficult to obtain. Additionally, there may be a demand on one's time, which can cause frustration if not met promptly.

The act of demanding something or the thing demanded is known as a demand. For example, in the case of the kidnappers' demand for a million pounds, the demand for money was made clear. Similarly, an insistent question or query can create a demand for information. When something is sought after or popularly desired, it is said to be in demand. Lastly, when something is requested immediately upon delivery, it is considered on demand.

In terms of financial transactions, a draft payable on demand refers to a type of payment that is due as soon as requested. Finally, the term "demand" itself has several derived forms, including de·mandable and de·mand·er, which refer to things that can be claimed as rightful ownership.

. The word demand has been used since the 13th century, with its Middle English form demaunder and its Latin root dēmandāre, meaning "to demand" or "to commit to."

2. The prefix de- means "negative" and mandāre means "to command, entrust." So, demandāre can be translated as "to commission, order."

3. The word "demand" is also used in English idioms such as on demand, which means payable upon presentation or request for payment. Other idiomatic expressions containing demand include see in demand, make demands on, and on demand.

Demand, claim, and require are three words with similar meanings. They all imply making an authoritative request. Demand is used when someone asks for something in a bold, authoritative way. For example, "I demand an explanation". Claim means to assert a right to something. For instance, "He claimed it as his due". Require is used when asking for something necessary. An example would be "The Army requires absolute obedience of its soldiers". Discover more information about these words.

Example sentences:

For two years she has eschewed demands for a Medicare for All vote that centrist worried would repel swing voters in their GOP-leaning districts.

The film which was supposed to be in theaters earlier this year is coming out via video-on-demand on Friday as the coronavirus pandemic continues to upend theatrical release schedules.

Similarly, Barr is often accused of undermining core Justice Department norms, particularly with his interventions in the Roger Stone and Michael Flynn cases and in his demand for an investigation into the origins of the Russia investigation.

Oil demand is in a slump and it won’t recover any time soon.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused a sharp fall in the number of flights from UK destinations to China, according to industry figures.

ajardo seconds the demand of the citizens of Manila that the Audiencia be suppressed, alleging that it does more harm than good. The demand was made with a ruthless application to the feelings of a son, and England proclaimed a rough indignation at the demand for Gibraltar, which Austria had made in behalf of Spain. This demand was made with scornful seriousness. It is not an exaggeration to say that this is the most important issue facing Europe today: whether or not to allow the return of Gibraltar to Spain. It will affect not only the future relations between Britain and Spain but also those between Britain and Europe generally.