
1. 金钱需求

- 对金钱的需求

- 勒索钱财

2. 供求均衡

- There is a great demand for such books. (这种书需要量很大。)

- a demand for a salary kick (要求增加工资)

- I demand a recount (我要求重新算)

- demand repayment of a loan (要求偿付贷款)

- in great demand as a speaker (作为一个演说家受到大家的热烈欢迎)

- elasticity of demand (需求的伸缩性)

- chestnut is still in demand for fencing (栗木做栅栏仍有需求)

- I demand the satisfaction of a gentleman (我要求决斗以维护一个绅士的荣誉)

- Music is a demanding art (音乐是一门严谨的艺术)

- Teachers are in demand in this area (在这个地区很需要教师)

- demand an apology from sb.(要求某人道歉)

- They demand self-autonomy for the Palestinians.(巴勒斯坦人民要求自治)

- We demand a definite answer.(我们要求明确的答案)

- We demand that they honor this contract.(我们要求他们执行这份合同)

- I demand a reason for this interruption.(我想知道这次中断的原因)

- They demand a refund on unsatisfactory goods.(他们对不满意的货品要求退款)
