

1. 要求



2. 需要



3. 例子


1. 他向老板提出了加薪的要求。

2. 我们应该尊重每个人的需求和愿望。

3. 警察要求司机出示驾驶证。

4. 在法律程序中,检察官会对被告进行审问以获取证据,这是一种要求对方回答问题的方式。

There are several factors that contribute to Asian resilience. One of the most debated and discussed explanations is the assumption by some economists that there has been a structural pick-up in consumer demand. This would suggest that as economies in Asia have recovered, so too has their ability to purchase goods and services, leading to increased economic stability and growth.

This type of demand is highly valued by businesses, as it provides a reliable source of revenue and ensures customer loyalty. It is welcomed by companies who are dedicated to providing high-quality products and services to their customers.

However, achieving this level of demand requires more than just economic recovery. According to Mr. Soros, the actual implementation of his plan would depend on public pressure for it, given the likely resistance from banks and national governments. This highlights the importance of social and political forces in driving economic change.

But what should not be overlooked is the role of cultural beliefs in shaping demand. For example, in one story, someone is instructed not to sell an old hand mill for money, but only if people use it to grind their own flour. This illustrates the idea that what people truly value may not always align with monetary considerations.

Another factor influencing demand is the government's IT task force, which predicts that electronic product demand will continue to grow in the coming decade. As technology plays an increasingly important role in our lives, it is likely that the demand for these products will only increase.

Finally, it is important to note that parental responsibilities can also influence demand. While there may not be a significant difference in the level of insistence between different types of parents, their overall score and other factors can play a role in determining whether or not a child attends a certain school or receives a certain type of treatment. This shows that there are many different factors that can influence demand, and understanding them is crucial for businesses looking to thrive in today's complex economy.


10. 由于谈判的敏感性,反对派提出的新要求给总统萨利赫带来了压力,他对此作出的反应被认为是“可以理解的”。这位官员表示,考虑到这一重要会议的意义,萨利赫对于反对派的要求作出的反应是可以理解的。