

















Can not see:表示看不到某物或某人的英语表达。



a. 我认为时刻现在来了,当我们将简单地必须暂时停止。 [translate]

b. 感谢你离开了我 Thanked you to leave me [translate]

c. comeplexe de reparation synchronisee contour des yeux 修理眼睛的synchronisee等高comeplexe [translate]

d. Some habits, however, was to change. Some habits, however, was to change. [translate]

e. 一点韩语 A Korean [translate]

f. if symptom persist consult your healthcare professional 如果症状坚持咨询您的医疗保健专家 [translate]

g. What are the 7 key factors that changed software engineering? 什么是改变软件工程的7个关键系数? [translate]

h. 因为这个 Because of this [translate]

i. 我活泼 I am lively [translate]

j. From then on, the position of the heart only belong to you——Forever Promise SJ 从那时起,心脏的位置只属于你永远诺言SJ [translate]

k. 我遗失了一个行李箱 I have lost a suitcase [translate]

l. 我没死也没活 I have not died have not lived [translate]

m. 你愿意和我们一起去购物吗 You are willing to go to the shopping together with us [translate]


Buy None, Get One": Smithsonian Magazine's Latest Bogo Offer

When times are tough, consumers appreciate the types of marketing offers known as "bogos," such as "buy one, get one." However, Smithsonian magazine is about to go the bogo one better with its latest promotion: "Buy none, get one." This unique offer promises to be a game-changer in the world of marketing.

The phrase "bogos" originated from the Portuguese language and means "odd deals." These types of promotions are designed to entice customers into making purchases they otherwise might not have made. The idea is to offer a special deal that is so good that customers feel compelled to take advantage of it, even if they don't really need the product or service being offered.

In recent years, bogos like "buy one, get one" have become increasingly popular among retailers looking to boost sales. However, Smithsonian magazine's latest promotion takes things to a whole new level by offering customers a free gift when they don't buy anything at all. This type of offer is not only innovative but also encourages people to explore their interests and discover new products and services they may not have considered before.

Smithsonian magazine has established close ties with numerous production enterprises across the country, allowing them to provide exclusive access to their content and merchandise. By offering "buy none, get one" as part of their ongoing promotional campaign, the magazine aims to build on this foundation and continue to engage and entertain their audience.

While some customers may question the ethics behind this type of promotion, it's important to remember that bogos like these are often used as a way to test the market and gauge consumer interest in new products and services. In this sense, Smithsonian magazine's latest offer is no different than any other bogos that have been used successfully in the past.

In conclusion, Smithsonian magazine's "buy none, get one" promotion is a bold and innovative move in the world of marketing. By offering a free gift to customers who choose not to make a purchase, the magazine is challenging itself and its readers to think outside the box and explore new opportunities. With its strong relationships with production enterprises across the country and its commitment to providing high-quality content and merchandise, there's no doubt that Smithsonian magazine will continue to thrive in this competitive market.





她的声音听起来很甜美。Her sound sounds very delightfully

及时改正错误的答案,以免一错再错。Prompt correction wrong answer, in order to avoid repeats an error

今天是报纸。Today is newspaper.

Mr Flinch shut his windows, but the noise still came through the wall.Mr Flinch shut his windows, but the noise still came through the wall

同乐! Have a good time together! - Enjoy yourself! Have fun together!

深圳市非常智联科技有限公司成立于2002年,是一家集科研、开发生产和销售为一体的民营高科技企业。主要研发和生产基于wince嵌入式系统的工控板、MID网络终端、智能PDA、网络监控摄像头、3G的网络应用,提供驱动程序开发、应用程序开发、客户应用程序demo、硬件开发、后台服务器系统开发、客户端应用系统开发等服务。 Shenzhen Unusual Wisdom Association Science and technology Limited company, was founded in 2002, was a fair scientific research, the development production and the sale is a body privately operated high tech enterprise.The main research and development and the production controls the board, the MID [translate]

橄榄球是巨大方式到chaiienge性别悟性关于妇女和体育。Football is a great way to challenge gender perceptions about women and sports.

Aletta's Anatomy: Aletta是一个喜欢海洋的人。她热爱大海,对海洋生物有着深厚的了解。在她的解剖学研究中,她深入探讨了海洋生物的内部结构和功能。然而,尽管她对海洋的热爱如此之深,但她更愿意待在家里看书,而不是去参加派对。这就是她的选择。


In Aletta's anatomy, Aletta is a person who loves the ocean. She loves the sea and has a deep understanding of marine organisms. In her anatomical studies, she delves deep into the internal structure and function of marine organisms. However, although her love for the ocean is so profound, she would rather stay at home reading than attend a party. This is her choice.

Reset Car: The word "reset car" can be translated as "reset car" in English, which means to reset a vehicle after it has been parked or driven. It can refer to the process of resetting a car's electronic systems, such as the GPS or anti-lock braking system.