Research Group:Anfeng Liu Research Team


This research team is led by Anfeng Liu, a doctoral student and master student who specializes in various fields such as Group Aware Networks, Wireless Mobile Networks, and Wireless Sensor Networks. The team comprises of several talented individuals who are dedicated to advancing their respective research areas.

Members of the Research Team:

1. Z. Sun, A. Liu, N. Xiong, S. Zhang, T. Wang (PhD), IEEE Transactions on Services Computing (2024)

- Z. Sun

- A. Liu

- N. Xiong

- S. Zhang

- T. Wang

- Main Research Area: Deep Neuro-Fuzzy Based Bilateral Location Privacy-Preserving Scheme for Spatiotemporal Crowdsourcing (DNF-BLPP)

- Email: []

2. C. Su Lizeyuan (PhD), Computer Science University of Southern China (CSUSB) (2024)

- C. Su Lizeyuan

- Main Research Area: Trusted Computing, Crowd Sensing, Blockchain

- Email:

3. Y. Chen (PhD), Computer Science University of Southern China (CSUSB) (2024)

- Y. Chen

- Main Research Area: Crowd Sensing, Trustworthy Computing

- Email: [email protected]


姓名:Bocyang Yang(电子邮件






作者:Bocyang Yang, A. Liu, N. Xiong, T. Wang, S. Zhang

期刊:Future Generation Computer ... (SCI, IF:5.5, CCF A)(发表于2024年)



作者:W. Mo, A. Liu, N. Xiong, H. Song

期刊:IEEE Transactions on Services Computing(发表于2024年)





2018-2022 中南大学,大数据专业,本科;

2022 年加入本-博创新计划,直接攻读博士学位,计算机科学与技术专业。



[1] H. Wang, W. Liu, N. N. Xiong, S. Zhang, T. Wang. LIAA: A listen interval adaptive adjustment scheme for green communication in event-sparse IoT systems. Information Sciences, vol. 584, pp. 235-268, 2022. ISSN 0020-... (SCI)

[1] Y. Ouyang, G. Huang, Z. Zeng, T. Wang, and A. Liu. TSPR: A Trusted Service Pre-Request System for Efficient Data Processing in C-ITS. IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems, vol. 53, no. 12, pp. 7364-7377, 2023. ISSN: 2... (SCI)



- 姓名:X. Fu(向万福)

- 职称:博士研究生

- 所属学院:计算机学院

- 专业:大数据技术与工程

- 研究方向:可信计算、稀疏群智感知、强化学习

- 邮箱

## X. Fu的学术成果

1. 《Truthful and Dual-direction Combinatorial Multi-Armed Bandit Scheme to Maximize Profit for Mobile Crowd Sensing》 (2024年发表,IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing,影响因子:未知)

2. 其他相关论文

# R. Liu的学术成果

1. 《Joint Optimization Risk Factor and Energy Consumption in IoT networks with TinyML-enabled Internet of UAVs》(2023年发表,IEEE Internet of Things Journal,影响因子:10.6)

2. 其他相关论文


- 2021年入学,计算机技术专业博士研究生。

- 本科阶段就读于中南大学物联网络专业。

- 2017年至2021年期间在中南大学就读,获得本科学位。

- 2021年直接攻读博士学位(本-博创新计划),计算机科学与技术专业。

- 主要研究方向为可信计算、机器学习、边缘计算。


- J. Guo, Z. Li, A. Liu, X. Li, T. Chen. REC-Fed: A Robust and Efficient Clustered Federated System for Dynamic Edge Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (SCI, IF: 7.7, CCF A). [1]

- J. Guo, Z. Li, A. Liu, X. Li, T. Chen. REC-Fed: A Robust and Efficient Clustered Federated System for Dynamic Edge Networks. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2024. (SCI, IF: 7.7, CCF A). [2]


- 2021年保送硕士生(外校),计算机科学与技术专业,研究方向为边缘计算、群智计算。邮箱。论文题目为"An Intelligent and Trust UAV-assisted Code Dissemination 5G System for Industrial Internet-of-Things",发表于IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 2877-2889,2022。doi: 10.1109/TII.2021.3110734, ISSN: 155...。

- 2021年湖南大学保送硕士生(本校),计算机科学与技术专业。邮箱。论文题目为"UWPEE: Using UAV and Wavelet Packet Energy Entropy to Predict Traffic-based Attacks under Limited Communication, Computing and Caching for 6G",发表于Future generation computer systems,。ISSN 0167-739X (SCI, IF: 7.307)。



Pengjie Zeng, Ph.D.


School of Computer Science and Engineering

Central South University

Hunan 410082 China


Research Interests

- Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Edge Computing

- Task Offloading in Cloud Computing

Educational Background

- B.S. in Software Engineering, Central South University (2017-2021)

- MST in Computer Science and Engineering, Central South University (2021)

Publications (2023/present)

- P. Zeng, A. Liu, N. Xiong, S Zhang, M. Dong. TD-MDB: A Truth Discovery based Multi-Dimensional Bidding Strategy for Federated Learning in Industrial IoT Systems. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 11, no. 3, pp. 4274-4288, Feb, 2024. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 10.6).

- L. Wang, L. Chen, N. Xiong, A. Liu, T. Wang, M. Dong. An Intelligent Active Probing and Traceback Scheme for IoT Anomaly Detection. Digital Communications and Networks,, ISSN: 2468-5925 (SCI, IF: 7.9).

- L. Wang, A. Liu, N. Xiong, S. Zhang, ...


[1] Ting Li, Shujuan Tian, Anfeng Liu, Haolin Liu, Tingrui Pei. DDSV: Optimizing Delay and Delivery Ratio for Multimedia Big Data Collection in Mobile Sensing Vehicles. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2018, 5(5): 3474-3486. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI &EI, IF: 7.596) in 2018-6-10.

[2] ...


[1] Haojun Teng, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Hailan Shen, Changqin Huang, and Tian Wang. Adaptive Transmission Power Control for Reliable Data Forwarding in Sensor Based Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing. Volume 2018 (2018), Article ID 2068375, in 2018-3-2. [2] Haojun Teng, Kuan Zhang, Mianxio...



Xue Xia(2016年至2020年),中南大学计算机科学与技术专业本科毕业生。2020年直接进入该校计算机学院攻读博士学位。邮箱。[1]

Xue Xia, Liu A, Chen N, Xia S, Yue J, and Fang L. "HyperMLL: Toward Robust Hyperspectral Image Classification with Multi-source Label Learning." IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 2024, doi: 10.1109/TGRS.2024.3441095. (SCI, IF: 7.5).

S. Huang(2020年),湘潭大学保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱。[1]

Liu A, S. Huang, Zhang S, Wang T, and Xiong N. "BD-VTE: A Novel Baseline Data based Verifiable Trust Evaluation Scheme for Smart Network Systems." IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering, 2021, 8(3): 2087-2105. doi: 10.1109/TNSNE.2021.3457466. (SCI &EI, IF: 5.213). [2]

Huang S, Gui J, Wang T, and Li X. "Mobile Vehicle Behaviors Recognition Based on Time-of-Flight Ultrasonic Sensors and Machine Learning Techniques." In: IEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Control (ICC), pp. 76-83, Oct 2020. doi: 10.1109/ICC47574.2020.9343868. (EI)


神孟秋,2016年-2020年,中南大学计算机科学与技术专业,本科。2020年保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱 [1] M. Shen, A. Liu, G. Huang, N. Xiong, H. Lu. ATTDC: An Active and Trace-able Trust Data Collection Scheme for Industrial Security in Smart Cities. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, vol. 8, no. 8, pp. 6437-6453, 2021. ISSN: 2327-4662 (SCI, IF: 9.936) in 2020-12-23.

张瑞,2016年-2020年,中南大学计算机科学与技术专业,本科。2020年保送硕士研究生,计算机学院。邮箱 [1]R. Zhang, Z. Li, N. Xiong, S. Zhang, A. Liu. TDTA: A Truth Detection based Task Assignment Scheme for Mobile Crowdsourced Industrial Internet of Things. Information Sciences, vol. 610, pp. 246-265。

葛俊潇,2016年至2020年就读于中南大学计算机科学与技术专业本科。2020年保送进入该校计算机学院攻读硕士研究生,邮箱为 [1] 。他与J. Ge, B. Liu, T. Wang, Q. Yang, A. Liu*, A. Li共同发表了一篇名为Q-learning based Flexible Task Scheduling in a Global View for Internet-of-Things的论文,发表于Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies,DOI:10.1002/ETT.4111,2020年,ISSN:2161-3915(SCI&EI,IF:1.594)。该论文发表时间是2020年7月30日。

郭嘉伟于2020年保送至中南林业科技大学计算机学院攻读硕士研究生,邮箱为 [1] 。他与其他作者J. Guo, H. Wang, W. Liu, G. Huang, J. Gui, S. Zhang共同发表了一篇名为A Lightweight Verifiable Trust based Data Collection Approach for Sensor-Cloud Systems的论文,发表于Journal of Systems Architecture,vol. 119。该论文的DOI为,发表时间为2021年,ISSN:1383-7621(SCI,IF 3.777)。


在另一篇发表在IEEE Internet of Things Journal上的研究论文中,作者包括Y. Liu, Z. Zeng, X. Liu, X. Zhu*和M. Bhuiyan。他们的研究题目为“基于SDN的边缘云网络新型负载均衡和低响应延迟框架”。这篇论文已经被接受并将于近期发表。

还有一篇由Yingying Ren、Yuxin Liu、Ning Zhang、Anfeng Liu、Neal N. Xiong和Zhiping Cai合作发表在Pervasive and Mobile Computing上的论文。这篇论文的标题为“最小成本移动众包与服务质量保证的矩阵完成技术”。这篇论文已经被接受并将于近期发表。

另外,还有一篇由Yingying Ren、Yuxin Liu、Ning Zhang、Anfeng Liu、Neal N. Xiong和Zhiping Cai合作发表在Pervasive and Mobile Computing上的论文。这篇论文的标题为“基于矩阵补全技术的具有服务质量保证的最小成本移动众包”。这篇论文已经被接受并将于近期发表。


2017年,该学生成为计算机科学与技术专业的硕士生。2019年,他提前攻读博士学位,并在2023年5月完成学业。他的研究方向包括传感网络、边缘计算和可信计算。2018年9月至2019年1月,他前往美国德州农工大学(TAMU-CC)进行访问学习。目前,他已经发表了多篇SCI论文或被录用,其中一些论文如下 [1] M. Huang,Z. Li,A. Liu,X. Zhang, Z. Yang, M. Yang. "A Proactive Trust Evaluation System for Secure Data Collection Based on Sequence Extractio...

2019年,该学生开始在计算机学院攻读博士学位。他的学术背景包括2014年进入信息科学与工程学院攻读硕士学位。在校期间,他荣获了2016年中南大学十佳优秀硕士研究生和2018年拔尖博士校长奖学金。此外,他还发表了或录用了19篇SCI论文,其中一些论文如下 [1] X. Liu, M. Zhao, A. Liu, K. Wong. "Adjusting forwarder nodes and duty cycle using packet aggregation routing for Body Sensor Networks. Information Fusion, 2020, 53: 183–195. (SCI & EI, IF: 10.716,中科院一区).

您好,根据您提供的信息,我了解到您在2017年入学时的专业是信息安全。2021年保送北京大学,邮箱为,已发表CCF C类论文一篇。同时,我还发现您在2019年入学时分别就读于数据科学与大数据技术专业和计算机学院,并且您的研究方向是硕士研究生。


- I am a student majoring in information security at Central South University from 2017. Email: [1] Yongjian Zhao, etc al. minimum code dissemination delay through UAV joint vehicles for smart city. IET Communications, vol. 14, no. 15, pp. 2442-2452, 2020. ISSN: 1751-...

- 专业:信息安全

- 入学时间:2017年

- 邮箱

- 发表论文:CCF C类论文一篇

- 论文题目:minimum code dissemination delay through UAV joint vehicles for smart city

- I am currently studying for a Bachelor's degree in data science and big data technology at Central South University from 2017. Email:

- 专业:数据科学与大数据技术

- 入学时间:2019年

- 邮箱

- I am a student majoring in computer science at Central South University from 2019. Email:

- 专业:计算机科学

- 入学时间:2019年

- 邮箱



个人简介:我是自2016年起就读于中央南大学物联网专业的一名学生。[1] 我在一篇名为“基于边缘云的IoT系统的智能游戏卸载优化”的IEEE互联网物联网杂志上发表了文章。该文发表于2022年的9月,期刊为IEEE互联网物联网杂志,卷9,期8,页码5600-5616,文献引用索引号为DOI: 10.1109/JIOT.202。

另一位作者是于明月。他在2016年进入中央南大学计算机科学与技术专业就读本科生。至今已发表SCI论文1篇。邮箱 [1]


姓名:Qiaoyan Li





论文题目:“基于任务周期的M2M通信中的流水槽快速重路由方案以实现延迟优化”,发表在《Peer-to-Peer Networking》2022年8月。


Xiao Sun, etc al. Two-hop Neighborhood Information Joint Double Broadcast Radius for Effective Code Dissemination in WSNs, IEEE Access, DoI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2925829, 2019 (SCI, IF:3.76)


Wei Qi et al. Minimizing Delay and Transmission Times with Long Lifetime in Code Distribution Channels, IEEE Access, DoI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2020.4326475 (SCI, IF:5.88)

Data Science and Big Data Technology, 2016 (本科), Central South University

Email: [Insert email address]

Publication 1: Two-hop Neighborhood Information Joint Double Broadcast Radius for Effective Code Dissemination in WSNs

Title: Two-hop Neighborhood Information Joint Double Broadcast Radius for Effective Code Dissemination in WSNs

Authors: Xiao Sun, etc al.

Journal: IEEE Access

Volume: 73, Issue 10, October 2019, Pages: 73485-73494


Publication 2: Minimizing Delay and Transmission Times with Long Lifetime in Code Distribution Channels

Title: Minimizing Delay and Transmission Times with Long Lifetime in Code Distribution Channels

Authors: Wei Qi et al.

Journal: IEEE Access

Volume: 74, Issue 7, April 2020, Pages: 64843-64851


我于2016年进入中央南大学计算机科学与技术专业就读,并于2018年转入信息科学与工程学院的智能科学与技术专业,成为一名本科生。我的电子邮件地址是。自入学以来,我已经发表了一篇SCI论文,题为"UAVs joint Vehicles as Data Mules for Fast Codes Dissemination for Edge Networking in Smart City",发表于Peer-to-Peer Networking and Application Optimization杂志上,发表日期为XXXX年X月X日。

另外,我也是一名硕士研究生,于2018年开始在中央南大学计算机学院就读。我的电子邮件地址是。我在研究生阶段已经发表了一篇SCI论文,题为"Battery-Friendly Relay Selection Scheme for Prolonging the Lifetimes of Sensor Nodes in the Internet of Things",发表于IEEE Access杂志上,发表日期为2019年3月11日。这篇论文已被SCI&EI索引,其影响因子为3.557。


- 2015年入学,物联网工程专业,本科生。发表SCI论文1篇。邮箱。[1] Xinmeng Xu, Ning Zhang, Houbing Song, Anfeng Liu*, Ming Zhao, Zhiwen Zeng. Adaptive Beaconing based MAC Protocol for Sensor based Wearable System. IEEE Access, DoI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.284376...

- 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。已发表或者录用3篇SCI论文。邮箱。[1] Xuemei Xiang, Wei Liu, Tian Wang, Mande Xie, Xiong Li, Houbing Song, Anfeng Liu, Guoping Zhang. Delay and Energy Efficient Data Collection Scheme based Matrix Filling Theory for Dynamic Traffic IoT. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019: 168, DoI: 10.1186/s13638-019-1490-5, 2019. (SCI ...

- 2018年入学,计算机学院,硕士生。校外保研至我校。邮箱。[1] Xuemei Xiang, Wei Liu, Tian Wang, Mande Xie, Xiong Li, Houbing Song, Anfeng Liu, Guoping Zhang. Delay and Energy Efficient Data Collection Scheme based Matrix Filling Theory for Dynamic Traffic IoT. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, 2019: 168, DoI: 10.1186/s13638-019-1490-5, 2019. (SCI ...

- 2018年入学信息科学与工程学院硕士研究生(未给出具体专业)。邮箱:xxxxxx。[待补充]


am a student majoring in computer science and technology at Central South University since 2015. My email address is, and I have published a single SCI论文. The paper is entitled "Fast and Efficient Data Forwarding Scheme for Tracking Mobile Target in Sensor Networks" and was published in Symmetry in 2017. The doi of the paper is 10.1088/1742-5468/9/11/LJS063.

My name is Mi Zhou, and my email address is I too am a student majoring in computer science and technology at Central South University. Additionally, I have published one SCI paper to date. This paper is titled "A Time and Location Correlation Incentive Scheme for Deeply Data Gathering in Crowdsourcing Networks" and was published in Wires in 2020. The doi for this paper is 10.1002/wir3.5674.

Both papers demonstrate my expertise as a researcher in the field of computer science and technology and highlight my potential for future contributions to the academic community.

am a computer science and technology major with a focus on big data at Central South University, having started my studies in 2015. My email address is I have published twoSCI papers to date.

Jiāchèn Xu, Xiǎoliu Liu, Míng Mǎ, Anfēng Lǚu*, Tiān Wāng, chángqīn Huánɡ. Intelligent Aggrégation básed on Content ROUTÉ Scheme for Cloud Computing. Symmetry, 2017,9(10), 221; do... was my first paper and it has been cited twice. I am currently working on my third paper which I hope to publish soon. If you need to contact me, please feel free to send an email to or reach me through my LinkedIn profile [1]


2015年入学,计算机专业(大数据方向),本科生。已发表SCI论文1篇。姓名:Xin Xu 学号:暂无 邮箱。


2015年入学,计算机专业(大数据方向),本科生。已发表与录用SCI论文2篇。姓名:Xujingli Li 学号:暂无 邮箱。

[1]Xin Xu, Minjiao Yuan, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Neal Xiong, Zhiping Cai, Tian Wang. Cross-layer Optimized Opportunistic Routing Scheme for Loss-and-delay in Wireless Multihop Networks. IEEE Access, 2016,7:43895-43904.

[1] Xujing Li, Anfeng Liu, Mande Xie, Neal N Xiong, Zhiwen Zeng, Zhiping Cai. Adaptive Aggregation Routing to Reduce Delay for Multi-Layer Wireless Mesh Networks. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2016,6(6):2879-2889.


我在2015年进入中央民族大学,主修计算机科学与技术专业。我目前已经发表了一篇SCI论文(作者:Shidi Yu, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Naixue Xiong, Zhiping Cai, Tian Wang)和一篇EI论文(作者:Minrui Wu, Yanhui Wu, Xiao Liu, Ming Ma, Anfeng Liu, Ming Zhao)。我的邮箱是。

在2015年入学期间,我在中央民族大学主修计算机科学与技术专业。目前我已经发表了一篇SCI论文(作者:Shidi Yu, Xiao Liu, Anfeng Liu, Naixue Xiong, Zhiping Cai, Tian Wang)和一篇EI论文(作者:Minrui Wu, Yanhui Wu, Xiao Liu, Ming Ma, Anfeng Liu, Ming Zhao)。我的联系方式是邮箱。




1. 姓名:Jiawei Tan,单位:信息科学与工程学院,硕士研究生;联系方式;发表文章的年份:2018年;期刊:EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking。文章题目:Cross Layer Design for Reducing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime in Industrial Wireless Sensor Networks,SCI & EI,IF: 2.407;ISSN: 1687-1499。

2. 姓名:Feihu Wang,单位:信息科学与工程学院,硕士研究生;联系方式:无;发表文章的年份:2019年;期刊:IEEE Access。文章题目:To Reduce Delay, Energy Consumption and Collision through Optimization Duty-Cycle and Size of Forwarding Node Set in WSNs,SCI &EI,IF: 3.557;ISSN:2169-3536。


017年,Y. Chen等五名信息科学与工程学院硕士生入学[1]。他们的研究"一种适应性重传机制,用于工业WSNs中的时延差异化服务",被发表在EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking上,DOI为10.1186/s13638-019-1566-2(SCI & EI, IF: 1.592),并于2019年9月16日发布。此外,他们在2017年入学以来已经发表了一篇SCI论文[1]。

另一篇由Wei Zhang, Wei Liu, Tian Wang, Anfeng Liu, Zhiwen Zeng, Houbing Song和Shaobo Zhang合作撰写的论文名为"适应性调整通信缓冲区以最大化寿命和减少WVSNs的延迟",发表于IEEE Access杂志上,2019年4月3日发布,ISSN:2169-3536(SCI & EI, IF: 3.557)。这篇论文也于2019年9月16日发表。


1. 确保每个段落都有一个主题句,这个主题句应该概括该段落的主要内容。

2. 使用过渡句子来连接不同的段落,这样可以使文章更加连贯。

3. 使用适当的标点符号,如逗号、句号和分号等,以便更好地组织文章。

4. 避免使用过多的修饰语和从句,这样可以使文章更加简洁明了。


第一篇论文是关于无线传感器网络中动态流量模式下延迟和生命周期减少的研究。论文的主要贡献包括:[1] Qiang Wang, Wei Liu, TianWang, Ming Zhao, Xiong Li, Mande Xie*, Ming Ma, Guoping Zhang, Anfeng Liu. Reducing Delay and Maximizing Lifetime for Wireless Sensor Networks with Dynamic Traffic Patterns. IEEE Access, 2019, DoI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2918928. ISSN:2169-3536 (SCI &EI, IF: 3.557). in 2018-5-22。

第二篇论文则是关于人体传感器网络中的跨层设计,以实现最优延迟、能量效率和生命周期的研究。论文的主要贡献包括:[1]Xi Chen, Yixuan Xu, Anfeng Liu*. Cross Layer Design for Optimal Delay, Energy Efficiency and Lifetime in Body Sensor Networks. Sensors 2017, 17(4), 900; doi:10.3390/s17040900 (SCI &EI, IF: 2.033),(ISSN 1424-8220) in 2017-4-19。[2]Xi Chen, Ming Ma, Anfeng Liu. Dynamic Power Management and Adaptive Packet Size Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks. IEEE Access, 2017, 7(5): 176584-176607. ISSN:2169-3536 (SCI &EI, IF: 3.557)。


ixuan Xu, Anfeng Liu*, and Huang Changqin, "Delay-Aware Program Codes Dissemination Scheme in Internet of Everything," Mobile Information Systems. Volume (2016), Article ID 2436074, 18 pages, DOI: (SCI & EI, IF: 1.462) ISSN: 1574-017X. Email:

Jiaze Wang, Chun-Hua Hu, and Anfeng Liu, "Comprehensive Optimization of Energy Consumption and Delay Performance for Green Communication in Internet of Things," Mobile Information Systems. Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 3206160, 17 pages. (SCI & EI, ...) IEEE student member, Email:

[1]Yixuan Xu, Anfeng Liu*, and Huang Changqin. Delay-Aware Program Codes Dissemination Scheme in Internet of Everything, Mobile Information Systems. Volume (2016), Article ID 2436074, 18 pages, DOI: (SCI & EI, IF: 1.462) ISSN: 1574-017X. Email: [2]Jiaze Wang, Chun-Hua Hu, and Anfeng Liu. Comprehensive Optimization of Energy Consumption and Delay Performance for Green Communication in Internet of Things,Mobile Information Systems. Volume 2017 (2017), Article ID 3206160, 17 pages. (SCI & EI, ...) IEEE student member, Email: [3]Anfeng Liu. Jiaze Wang and Anfeng Liu. Delay-Aware Program Codes Dissemination Scheme in Internet of Everything, Mobile Information Systems. Volume (2016), Article ID 2436074, 18 pages, DOI: (SCI & EI, IF: 1.462) ISSN: 1574-017X. Email:

016年,信息科学与工程学院的硕士生[1] Anfeng Liu、Jie Min、Kaoru Ota 和 Ming Zhao发表了一篇题为 "Reliable Differentiated Services Optimization for Network Coding Cooperative Communication System" 的论文,该论文已被接受,发表在International Journal of Computer Systems Science & Engineering上。该论文的SCI &EI编号为0.348,发布日期为2017-8-22。

另外,在同一期刊上,Anfeng Liu、Wei Chen 和 Xiao Liu 于2018年发表了另一篇论文,题为 "Delay Optimal Opportunistic Pipeline Routing Scheme for Cognitive Radio Sensor Networks"。该论文的DOI为,发表日期为2018-3-26。该论文的SCI &EI编号为1.239。


2012年入学计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。2014年9月到2016年7月,发表SCI论文2篇。 [1] Zhipeng Tang, Anfeng Liu等,基于信任的车辆云中安全协作模型。Mobile Information Systems vol. 2016, Article ID 9083608, 22 pages, 2016。doi:。(SCI & EI, IF: 1.462) ISSN: 1574-017X。 [2] Zhipeng Tang等。

2013年入学计算机科学与技术专业,本科生。已发表第一作者SCI论文2篇,已投稿SCI论文2篇。[1] Zhuangbin Chen, Anfeng Liu等,分布式周期控制用于改进无线传感器网络中的延迟。Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 2017, 10(3):559–578。ISSN, 1936-6442(SCI &EI, IF 1.000) [2]Zhuangbin Chen等。







- 2013年入学,信息科学与工程学院,硕士生,2016年春季毕业。工作单位:西北工业大学信息中心。

- 2013年入学,信息科学与工程学院,硕士生。

- 2013年入学,软件学院,硕士生。

- 2013年入学,软件学院,硕士生。

- 2013年入学,软件学院,硕士生。
