
2023-10-31 15:51:55




1. aboard:在船上;在火车上;在飞机上;上船;上飞机;上车。

2. abroad:到国外;广为流传;在国外;海外。


1. aboard:通常在句中既可以作副词,也可以作介词。

2. abroad:通常在句中既可以作副词,也可以作形容词和名词。


1. aboard:all aboard请上船或者登机;go aboard上船;上飞机。

2. abroad:home and abroad国内外;go abroad去国外,出国。


1.They said goodbye to him as he got aboard the train at Union Station.当他在联合火车站登上火车之际,他们向他道别。

2.Once aboard we were soon helpless with laughter at the absurdity of it .一上飞机我们就按捺不住,大笑起这事的荒唐。

3.One of them climbed aboard a soapbox and began informing the locals why gays should be allowed in the military.他们中间的一个人登上了小讲台,开始跟当地人讲军队为什么应该允许招募同性恋者。


1.The firm has identified 60 potential customers at home and abroad .该公司已在国内外找到60个潜在客户。

2.There are signs of paramilitary activity supported from abroad.有迹象表明,非法军事组织的活动得到了国外势力的支持。

Working abroad should be an exciting and positive experience for all concerned. This can be achieved by offering a comprehensive support package that includes language training, cultural orientation, and other resources to help employees adjust to new environments. In addition, employers can provide opportunities for personal and professional growth, as well as flexible working arrangements to meet the needs of their employees. By doing so, they can create a more inclusive and supportive work environment that fosters collaboration and innovation. Ultimately, this will lead to greater productivity, higher employee satisfaction, and improved business outcomes for both the company and its employees. Therefore, it is important for companies to invest in their workforce and provide them with the necessary tools and resources to succeed in an increasingly globalized world.