

1. 最近,我们可能会听到很多不同的意见。2. 最让我们感到惊讶的是_。3. 事实上,_是真实的。4. 有很多原因可以解释_。5. 主要原因是_。6. 此外,_。7. 第三,_。8. 因此,_。9. 考虑到所有这些因素,_。10. 首先,_。11. 另一方面,_。12. 总之,_。


1. 如众所周知,_。2. 似乎已经习惯了_。3. 实际上,_。4. _的原因有几个方面。5. 首先,_。6. 其次,_。7. 第三,_。8. 最后,_。9. 事实上,_。10. 一方面,_。11. 另一方面,_。12. 因此,_。


1. 最近,我们可能会听到各种不同的观点。2. 大多数人认为_是理所当然的。3. 然而,其他人持有_的观点。4. 一个主要的观点是_。5. 在这个观点中,_。6. 尽管如此,反对者认为_。7. 他们争论说_。8. 就我而言,我更喜欢_。9. 一方面,_。10. 另一方面,_。11. 因此,_。12. 总之,_。


1. 如今,_正在发生。2. 首先,_。3. 对于这个现象,有许多不同的解释。4. 其中之一是,_是导致这种现象的主要原因。5. 此外,还有其他的一些原因也对这种现象产生了影响。6. 在这个问题上,有一些人持反对观点,他们认为_。7. 他们提出的观点是,_。8. 至于我来说,我更倾向于支持这种观点的原因有两个:一是_;二是_。9. 因此,我认为这个现象是由以上两个原因共同导致的。10. 总的来说,这个现象是一个复杂的问题,需要从多个角度来理解和分析。


1、It so happened that_.2、Just at the moment,_.3、It impressed me most because_.4、What happened was_.5




1、There is a heated debate over_.2、It is commonly accepted that_.3、In contrast, others_.4、Those who hold the first opinion suggest_.5、In their view,_.6、However, others think_.7、They argue that_.8、Considering one after another, I stand on the side of_.9、First of all,_.10、Furthermore,_.11、Thirdly,_.12、Therefore,_。









1. 随着......的出现,......。(问题出现的背景)

2. 因此,对我们来说,......非常重要。

3. 一方面,......。另一方面,......。

4. 然而,我们已经找到了许多解决方法来......。

5. 首先,......。因此,只要......,就能够......。

6. 其次,......。所以,如果......,就能够......。

7. 最后,尽管如此,我们仍然需要......。

8. 事实上,这是因为......。

9. 总之,......。

10. 换句话说,......。

11. 简而言之,......。

12. 总而言之,......。


1. 最近有一个讨论的话题是关于......。这是对目前情况的真实反映。

2. 当然,尽管如此,还有许多其他的方法可以解决问题......。

3. 首先,......。而且,更重要的是......。

4. 此外,正如众所周知的那样,还可以采取以下方法来......。

5. 第一,......;第二,......;最后但并非最不重要的是......。

6. 所以,现在是时候让我们采取行动来解决这个问题了。因为这是因为......。

7. 其次,......;再有,......;最后,也是最重要的是......。

8. 综上所述,......。

9. 换句话说,......。

10. 总之,我们需要尽快解决这个问题。

11. 因此,我们必须采取措施来解决这个问题。

12. 总而言之,我们需要在多个方面共同努力来解决这个问题。


1. 当前,xx已经成为社会的主流现象。这充分证明了理论-没有什么比xx更重要。2. 显然,(1)是事实。如果你(2),那么你的梦想将会实现。相反,如果你(3),那么失败就会接踵而至。结果是你的所有计划都落空了。另一个不可否认的事实是(4),你不必找太远就能看到这个道理。


1. 例如,我们都知道(5)。它将对(6)产生深远的影响。在我的立场上,我认为(7)。



1. 当前,自信已经成为社会的主流现象。这充分证明了理论和实践的重要性--没有什么比自信更重要。2. 显然,自信是成功的关键因素之一。如果你充满自信,那么你的梦想将会实现。相反,如果你缺乏自信,那么失败就会接踵而至。结果是你的所有计划都可能落空。另一个不可否认的事实是,自信是你实现梦想的必要条件之一。


1. 例如,我们都明白,自信对于个人成长和社会发展的重要性。它将对个人的行为和决策产生深远的影响。在我的立场上,我认为自信是个人成长和成功的关键因素。

3、Self-confidence truly demonstrates the power of one's theory - that nothing is more valuable. It is evident that self-confidence means trusting in one's abilities. When you are full of self-confidence, it brings out your creative potential, ignites your passion for work, and helps you overcome any obstacles that come your way. As a result, your dreams can become a reality. On the contrary, if you lack confidence in yourself, there is little chance that you will be able to achieve anything. Failure may follow you closely, leading to the realization that all your plans fall through. It is a well-known fact that self-confidence provides you with light when you are in the dark and encouragement when you are feeling down. We do not have to look far to find evidence of this truth. In fact, we know that the secret to Marie Curie's success lies in her perseverance and, most importantly, her self-confidence. This trait had a profound influence on her throughout her life.

14、Self-confidence plays a crucial role in achieving success. It gives you the courage to pursue your dreams, no matter how difficult they may seem. When you are confident in yourself, you are more likely to take risks and try new things. This can lead to great accomplishments and personal growth. Conversely, if you lack self-confidence, you may be hesitant to step outside of your comfort zone, which can limit your potential and prevent you from reaching your goals. Moreover, when faced with challenges or setbacks, self-confidence can help you stay motivated and focused on finding solutions. On the other hand, a lack of self-confidence can make it difficult to persevere through difficult times and maintain a positive attitude. It can also make it harder to learn from mistakes and grow as an individual. Thus, it is clear that self-confidence is essential for achieving success and personal fulfillment.

The Impact of Television on Children and Parents

With the development of science and technology, 80 percent of all homes in China now have satellite TV, offering as many as 50 channels. This has caused a heated debate on the impact of television on children. Many parents are worried about the negative effects of too much television on their kids. There are several factors contributing to this concern.

First of all, with so many programs to choose from, children can easily become absorbed in television and spend excessive amounts of time watching it. This can lead to a lack of physical activity and social interaction, which can negatively impact their overall well-being. Moreover, some programs may contain inappropriate content that is not suitable for children, such as violence or sexual themes.

Additionally, there is evidence to suggest that excessive television viewing can have an impact on children's cognitive development. Studies have found a correlation between higher levels of television consumption and lower academic performance among children. Furthermore, excessive screen time can interfere with sleep patterns, which can further undermine a child's ability to learn and concentrate.

Despite these concerns, it is important to note that not all television programming is harmful. There are many educational and enriching programs available that can benefit children by teaching them new skills and providing insights into different cultures and perspectives. Therefore, parents should be selective in what programs their children watch and ensure that they engage in other activities that promote physical activity, social interaction, and intellectual stimulation.

In conclusion, while the impact of television on children is a topic of ongoing debate, it is clear that excessive screen time can have negative consequences. Parents should be vigilant in monitoring their children's television consumption and encourage them to engage in a variety of activities that promote their overall development. With careful consideration and moderation, however, television can be a valuable tool for learning and entertainment when used appropriately.


19. From my perspective, one of the major concerns for children nowadays is the lack of physical exercise they get. As a result, there has been a recent study that suggests (some studies have shown that excessive watching of television by millions of children has lowered their ability to achieve in school). Furthermore, this issue is more serious than just affecting children's bodies, as it also has a profound impact on their minds. This is particularly concerning when children are too young to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate programs. Therefore, parents should be aware of their responsibilities in monitoring their children's TV viewing habits. By doing so, children can avoid being overly influenced by these programs, which can negatively affect their overall development.

20. In light of these unique concerns, it becomes clear that (most of us today) should pay close attention to (the reasons why children may be affected by excessive TV watching). From the information mentioned above, we can identify several key reasons for this concern. Firstly, I believe that one of the primary reasons is (the primary reason, such as lack of physical exercise). Second, (second reason, such as exposure to inappropriate content). Thirdly, (third reason, such as negative impact on cognitive development). These factors highlight the significance of this issue for both children and society as a whole. Therefore, it is essential for parents and educators to take proactive measures to mitigate the negative effects of excessive TV watching and promote healthy lifestyles and educational opportunities for children.


For most of us today, (1). From the above discussion, we can see that the reasons behind this phenomenon are as follows:

(2). The primary reason, in my opinion, is (3). For instance, (give an example or explanation).

Second, (4). Another contributing factor is (5). For example, (another example or explanation).

The third reason, actually, is (6). In fact, (provide another example or explanation).

The significance for (7) cannot be overstated. By understanding these underlying causes, we can develop effective strategies to address this issue and ensure that children receive the support they need to thrive.

Nowadays, it is widely recognized that environmental pollution has become an increasingly serious problem. Many plants, trees, and oceans are being destroyed by bad air quality, while thousands of people suffer from diseases caused by polluted water or toxic fish. Moreover, the destruction of natural habitats has led to a decline in wildlife populations. In this essay, I will discuss some of the main reasons why environmental pollution is so harmful and what can be done to address this issue.

One of the primary reasons why the environment is being polluted more and more seriously is due to human activities that release harmful substances into the environment. For example, to prevent crops from being damaged by insects, farmers often use large amounts of insecticides, which can pollute the air, water, and soil. Additionally, the emissions from cars and factories contribute significantly to air pollution and climate change. These actions have a significant impact on the health and well-being of both humans and animals.

Another reason why environmental pollution is problematic is the loss of biodiversity. The destruction of natural habitats has led to the extinction of many plant and animal species, disrupting ecosystems and reducing their resilience to environmental changes. This loss of biodiversity can have negative consequences for human societies as well, as we rely on these ecosystems for food, medicine, and other resources.

To conclude, it is clear that environmental pollution is a major cause for concern. It not only affects human health and well-being but also leads to the loss of biodiversity and contributes to climate change. To address this issue, it is essential that we take action to reduce our impact on the environment. This may involve changes in our daily lives such as using public transportation or reducing energy consumption at home. It is also crucial that we support policies and regulations aimed at reducing pollution levels and protecting our natural resources. By working together, we can create a sustainable future for ourselves and for generations to come.

Nowadays, we often come across news reports about the increasing amount of litter and waste being dumped in our environment. This problem has three main reasons that need to be addressed urgently. The first reason is the growing population in the world, which leads to an increased demand for resources such as water and land. Consequently, there is more pressure on our natural resources to meet the needs of the growing population, which can lead to environmental degradation. The second reason is the lack of awareness among people towards the impact of their actions on the environment. Many people tend to ignore the fact that their daily activities like throwing garbage outside or using plastic bags contribute significantly to environmental pollution. Finally, the third reason is the result of a growing population in the world, which leads to an increase in litter and waste from households, also polluting the environment.

In order to control pollution, we must recognize the significance of taking effective measures. Therefore, it is high time that new laws should be passed to limit the amount of pollutants污染物 from factories. Moreover, in households, there is an obvious need to reduce litter and waste. Let us make our good efforts, and the world will be a safer place to live for us.

These days we often hear that air pollution is common. It is common because of various reasons why such circumstance occurs in spite of social protects? For one thing, industrialization leads to increased emissions of pollutants into the air. For another, urbanization results in a higher concentration of vehicles on the roads, leading to more traffic and thus more air pollution. What is more, since technology advances rapidly, it is natural that industries are using more advanced methods of production that release more pollutants into the air. To solve the problem is not easy at all, but it is worth trying. We should do something such as promoting public transportation systems or using renewable energy sources to improve the present situation. In conclusion, while air pollution may seem like a daunting challenge, by taking proactive steps and working together, we can make positive changes for a healthier planet.





It is clear from the table that the rate/number/amount of Y has experienced significant changes. Over recent years, as X varies, the rate of Y has increased, decreased, or fallen significantly. At the point of X1, Y reaches its peak value of (insert specific number). What is the reason for this change? There are several reasons reflected in the graphic/table. Firstly, (insert first reason). More importantly, (insert second reason). Most importantly of all, (insert third reason). From our analysis above, we have sufficient reason to predict what will happen in the near future. The trend described in the graphic/table is likely to continue for a considerable period of time, if necessary (insert appropriate timeframe).




1. a. 有人认为保护环境是好事,赞成环保措施,为什么?

2. b. 有人认为环保措施会带来许多问题,反对环保,为什么?

3. c. 我的看法。


a. 一个错误观点。

b. 我不同意。

c. 许多人口中的错误观点。

d. 举例他们所提出的错误观点。(根据一项由X在Y群体中进行的调查,近80%的人赞成或受到这个错误观点的影响)。虽然这些观点可能在某种程度上有一定的道理,但如果我们仔细考虑......


a. 支持环保的原因。

b. 对环保措施的具体看法。

c. 对未来环保策略的建议。













人们对于某一主题持有不同的观点。有些人认为, 观点1,然而也有人指出,观点2。就我而言,我更倾向于前/后一种观点,原因如下:首先,论据1;更重要的是,论据2;最重要的是,论据3。总的来说,观点1更有说服力。作为大学生,我应该坚定地支持这种观点。从以上的观点,我们可以预测...。





The issue of employment for college graduates remains a pressing concern. The reasons for this are quite clear. Firstly, the number of job opportunities available is not enough to meet the demands of recent graduates. Furthermore, many graduates have difficulty finding jobs due to a lack of experience and specialized skills. This situation is further exacerbated by the prevalence of unemployment among recent graduates in certain industries or regions.

Among all of the supporting evidences, one stands out as particularly strong. That is, the high level of underemployment among recent graduates. According to recent statistics, almost half of all recent graduates are either unemployed or engaged in part-time work that does not provide sufficient income. This trend suggests that there is a significant gap between the number of graduates entering the labor market and the number of jobs available.

A natural conclusion from the above discussion is that colleges and universities need to take action to address the problem of employment for recent graduates. As a college student, I am supposed to make it my personal mission to do everything I can to help alleviate this issue. From above, we can predict that this problem will continue to worsen if nothing is done about it. Therefore, it is crucial for colleges and universities to take steps to improve their job placement rates and provide better guidance and support for their students.

In order to tackle this problem, colleges and universities should focus on several key areas. First, they should work to increase the number of job opportunities available by expanding partnerships with businesses and industry leaders, offering more internships, and encouraging students to pursue careers in fields that are in high demand. Second, they should provide more support and resources to help students prepare themselves for the job market. This could include career counseling services, job search training, and networking events. Finally, they should work to improve the quality of education offered at their institutions. By doing so, they can ensure that their students are well-prepared for the challenges of the modern job market.

In conclusion, the issue of employment for recent college graduates is a complex and multifaceted problem that requires immediate attention. If we do not act now, we risk leaving many talented young people without meaningful employment opportunities. It is up to all of us—colleges and universities, government agencies, and businesses—to work together to create a brighter future for our graduates and for society as a whole.

Changes in People's Diet over the Past Five Years

Over the past five years, there have been significant changes in people's diets. In 1986, the proportion of grains was 49%, followed by milk at 10% and meat at 17%. Fruits and vegetables accounted for 24% of the total diet. However, by 1990, the proportion of grains had decreased to 45%, while milk increased to 13% and meat declined to 21%. Fruits and vegetables remained stable at 21%.

There are several possible reasons for these changes. One reason could be the growing awareness of health and nutrition among consumers, leading them to choose more balanced and nutritious diets. Another reason could be the increasing availability and affordability of fruits and vegetables, making them a popular choice among consumers. Additionally, the shift towards a more plant-based diet could also contribute to the decline in meat consumption.

In conclusion, it is clear that people's diets have undergone significant changes over the past five years. These changes are likely driven by factors such as consumer awareness, availability, and affordability. As our understanding of nutrition and health continues to evolve, it will be interesting to see how people's diets continue to adapt and change in the future.

As can be seen from the table, great changes have been taking place in people's diet over the past five years. Grain, as the main food of most Chinese, is now playing a less important role, while the proportion of some high-energy foods such as milk and meat has increased. What has caused these changes? I think there are two reasons. First, people now have more money. The price of meat and milk is much higher than that of grain, so in the old days, people couldn't afford them. Now they have enough money to buy both meat and milk. Second, people nowadays pay more attention to the elements of their diet. They look for a well-balanced diet that will be good for their health. In short, the changes in people's diet over the past five years are due to financial and health reasons, and there will be further changes in the future.

2) 20051: Speech Today I am very glad to run for the chair.

am a candidate for the person of the student union. Currently, I am a junior majoring in Chinese language and literature. I believe that my qualifications make me an ideal fit for this position. To begin with, I possess strong communication and organizational skills. Additionally, I have been elected president of our department on multiple occasions due to my outstanding leadership abilities.

Furthermore, I am known for being warm-hearted and easygoing. My cheerful personality is well suited for the position, as it allows me to connect with people easily and create a positive environment. Moreover, my hobbies include sports and music, which will enable me to organize suitable activities for students.

If elected, I promise to exert all my efforts towards fulfilling my duties. Firstly, I will organize various events and activities that cater to the needs of the students. Secondly, I will do my best to address any concerns or requests made by students. Therefore, I strongly recommend myself as an ideal candidate for the position. I am confident that you will make a wise decision by voting for me.

In conclusion, I hope that the above information provides you with a clear understanding of who I am as a candidate. If you have any questions or require further advice regarding my candidacy, please do not hesitate to contact me. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Nowadays, with the development of science and technology, more and more people want to study abroad. The choice between studying abroad or staying at home has been a topic of heated debate. In this essay, we will explore the advantages and disadvantages of both options and provide recommendations based on individual circumstances.

Firstly, let us examine the trend of studying abroad. As mentioned earlier, an increasing number of individuals are opting to go overseas for their education. This can be attributed to several factors, such as access to better academic resources, opportunities to learn in a diverse environment, and exposure to various cultures. Studying abroad can also enhance one's language skills and build international networks, which can be beneficial in the future.

On the other hand, there are those who prefer to study domestically. They believe that studying in their own country allows them to stay close to family and friends, save money on tuition fees, and have a better understanding of the local job market. Additionally, they argue that learning in their native language can be more convenient and effective.

Now, let us delve into the comparison between studying abroad and studying at home. When it comes to academics, both options offer similar quality of education. However, studying abroad can provide a broader range of subjects and opportunities for hands-on experience. Moreover, being part of an international community can foster personal growth and develop cross-cultural communication skills. On the contrary, studying locally allows for a deeper understanding of the country's history and culture, which may be beneficial for certain professions.

Moving on to our recommendation based on individual circumstances. If one is looking for a more immersive educational experience and is willing to adapt to new environments, studying abroad may be a great option. However, if one values familiarity and wants to gain a strong local understanding of the industry they are interested in, then studying at home may be a better choice. It is important to note that both options have their pros and cons, so it's crucial to weigh them carefully before making a decision.

In conclusion, whether to study abroad or at home depends on personal preferences and goals. Each option offers its own unique benefits and challenges. Therefore, we suggest that one should not hesitate to ask for further information and seek advice from professionals when making this important decision. Thank you for listening/attention.